
Latest version: v1.4.7

Safety actively analyzes 707299 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Added features and functionality
+ Added additional HTTP status codes
+ Added parameter input validation handling
- Additional validations are planned for all service classes. Currently only enabled in ``.
+ Added body payload input validation handling
- Additional validations are planned for all service classes. Currently only enabled in ``.
+ Added allowed HTTP method restrictions
+ Added ID list handling to API operations that require ID lists
- Developers may now pass in a list of IDs or a comma-delimited string.
+ Added status code response checks to authentication events
+ Instantiate Service classes without having to manage tokens
- Pass in credentials (Now referred to as "credential authentication")
- Pass in the entire auth object (Now referred to as "object authentication")
> Please note: Passing a token into Service classes is still fully supported. This is now referred to as "legacy authentication".
+ Added automatic token refresh functionality to Service Class calls
- Developers must make use of either credential or object authentication in order to leverage this functionality.

Issues resolved
+ Added dynamic package metadata updates (Closes 14)
- Generalized version control
- New constant file: ``
+ Added user-agent string to HTTP headers. (Closes 57)
+ Resolved a bug with token deauthentication (Uber and Service classes)
+ Resolved a bug in Firewall_Management.update_rule_group

+ Abstracted calls to the requests library from all classes, reducing code segment size
- New library:
- New class:
- New class:
- All Service Classes refactored
+ Abstracted endpoint list from the Uber class to a standalone source file
- New constant file:
+ Linting / code cleanup
- Added function input parameter datatype specifications (where possible)
- Added function output datatype decorators
- In order to reduce confusion, references to the `json` requests attribute are now always referred to as "body".
- References to the `data` requests attribute are still referred to as "data".
+ 100% unit test coverage
+ Internal documentation updates


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