
Latest version: v13.4.0

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This is the release note of v13.4.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

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✨ Highlights

NVIDIA CUDA 12.8 Support

CuPy now supports CUDA 12.8 and the latest NVIDIA Blackwell architecture.

AMD ROCm 6.x Support

CuPy can now be built with AMD ROCm 6.x.

Python 3.13 Support

Binary packages for Python 3.13 are now available.

🛠️ Changes without compatibility

Cython 3.0 as build requirement (8959)

To provide support for Python 3.13, CuPy codebase has been updated for Cython 3. To build CuPy from source, Cython 3.0 or later is now required instead of Cython 0.29.x.

📝 Changes

New Features

- Add `cupyx.signal.mvdr` (8872)


- Support ROCm 6 (8608)
- Support setuptools 74.0.0 or later (8649)
- Use custom less instead of specializing thrust (8653)
- Add `NCCL_ERROR_REMOTE_ERROR` to the set of errors from NCCL (8667)
- Replace `numpy.ComplexWarning` with `cupy.exceptions.ComplexWarning` (8678)
- Use weakref.finalize instead of __del__ for RandomState._generator destruction (8680)
- Implement dlpack v1 (8722)
- Fix some NumPy 2.x CI failures (cont.) (8725)
- Bump CUDA version in cuda11x-cuda-python CI (8743)
- ROCm 6.2.2: Conditionally define CUDA_SUCCESS only if it's not (8799)
- Raise VisibleDeprecationWarning for wavelet functions (8868)
- Use a custom Min/Max instead of specializing CUB (8875)
- Updating pylibraft `pairwise_distance` to cuvs (8897)
- Support CUDA 12.8 + Blackwell GPUs (sm_100, sm_120) (8915)
- Interpolate: update RBF to scipy 1.13 (8939)
- Use C++17 in JIT compile (8941)
- Bump library installers for CUDA 12.8 (8943)
- Use CCCL 2.8.x branch + Use `CUPY_CACHE_KEY` in hash keys (8946)
- Use NVIDIA CCCL 2.8 latest w/CUDA 12.3 fix (8948)
- Broaden usage of C++17 (8958)
- Port to Cython 3.0 (8959)
- `cupyx.scipy.distance`: initialize output array with empty instead of zeros (8981)
- `cupyx.scipy.spatial.distance.cdist` remove explicit zeroing of user-provided output array (8990)
- Skip `sparse.linalg.{cg, cgs, gmres}` tests for scipy>=1.14 (8551)
- `cupyx.scipy.sparse tests` for SciPy 1.14 (8552)
- Fix some NumPy 2.x CI failures (cupyx) (8738)
- Fix `cupy.percentile` for NumPy 2.x (8752)
- Skip some tests incompatible with NumPy 2.2 (8830)
- Disable contiguous_check for COO/dense matmul test (8888)
- Raise ValueError upon attempts to create 3-dim sparse array (8889)
- Skip a test for invalid scipy return value of invalid COO matmul (8890)
- Fix `fft.fht` following bug fix in SciPy 1.15 (8891)
- Support empty tuple indexing for sparse matrix (8892)
- Deprecate `cupyx.scipy.linalg.kron` (8902)
- Fix test for `special.sph_harm` to ignore DeprecationWarning (8906)

Bug Fixes

- Add nccl.broadcast 64-bit support (8566)
- Support building CuPy with setuptools 74 (8577)
- Fix order 'K' with shape given for `*_like` array creation (8605)
- `hipPointerGetAttributes` returns error when pointer is unregistered in ROCm 5.7 (8609)
- Guard for ROCm 6.x (8611)
- Fix `HIP_VERSION` unit (8619)
- Switch to using platform.machine() instead of platform.processor() (8656)
- Properly allocate in RNG when specified dtype is neither float32/float64 (8658)
- Use `platform.machine()` instead of `platform.processor()` (8673)
- Fix sosfilt state output shape when ndim < 2 (8679)
- Fix undefined inf/nan constant in CuPy JIT (8712)
- Fix bspline kernel to avoid out of bounds error (8763)
- Fix race during SoftLink initialization (8787)
- fix nanargmin and nanargmax's parameter order and pass optional parameters (8791)
- Fix crashes of quantile and percentile (8811)
- Fix handling of pinned memory (8852)
- Use `/bigobj` on Windows build (8967)
- Fix `cupyx.scipy.spatial.distance`'s `cdist` for RAPIDS 24.12 compatibility (8975)

Code Fixes

- Upgrade pre-commit hooks to silence warnings (8666)
- Resolve import loop (8714)
- Resolve uncaught type warning (8798)
- Switch from `.A` attribute to `.toarray()` method (8814)
- Fix typo in `_cretate_frame_tree` (8944)
- Drop unneeded `bytes` copy of `CUPY_CACHE_KEY` (8947)


- Add docs about CUDA headers (8595)
- Update `fft.rst` (8617)
- Update documentation to use `pre-commit` (8650)
- Add tips on Windows development in Contribution Guide (8704)
- Add notice about `cupy.array_api` removal (8751)
- Add CUDA 12.8 to docs (8968)
- Update list of supported versions (8991)


- Update conda-build CUDA detection logic for Setuptools 72.2.0 (8652)
- Use relative path of header files to generate cache key (8930)
- Fix minimum CUDA version check and update comments (8938)
- Bump version to v13.4.0 (8993)


- Relax `test_firls` atol (8522)
- Skip test_homomorphic in scipy>=1.14 (8523)
- Skip betaincinv test with SciPy 1.14.1 (8553)
- Skip special tests for SciPy 1.14 dtype rule changes (8554)
- Skip `special.logsumexp` test for empty input (8555)
- Skip `cupy.scipy.stats.entropy` tessts for SciPy 1.14 dtype rule change (8556)
- Use `setuptools==73.0.1` (8569)
- Revert CI timeout bump (8571)
- Support SciPy 1.13 and 1.14 (8572)
- Missing backport for sparse_array.A removal (8573)
- Skip test_log_expit SciPy 1.7 (8576)
- Catch `ValueError` (8625)
- Use `testing.with_requires` to skip broken tests (8627)
- CI: Update micro versions of Python (8635)
- Skip tests if `scipy` is not installed (8637)
- Accept `OverflowError` in `TestCopytoFromScalar` for NumPy v2 (8643)
- Skip more tests if scipy is not installed (8645)
- Update precommit (8663)
- Backport the changes introduced in 8690 (8694)
- CI: Fix apt repository URL for Ubuntu 22.04 (8715)
- Remove ndarray.ptp from fallback tests (8744)
- Temporary skip for NumPy 2.0 tests (8745)
- Relax tolerance of `test_hilbert` for NumPy 2.0 (8746)
- Bump SciPy version to 1.14 in Windows CI (8764)
- Add NumPy 2.x CI for Linux (8768)
- CI: support "skip-ci" label (8841)
- CI: Fix FlexCI compatibility (8842)
- Add NumPy 2.2 to CI (8855)
- Replace `flake8` with `ruff` (8859)
- Support Optuna 4 (8863)
- Add `testing.shaped_linspace` (8900)
- Disable contiguous_check for some `signal.cont2discrete` tests (8901)
- Fix splines tests to remove unexpected skips (8921)
- Minor updates for sm120 (8922)
- Add CI for CUDA 12.8 (8951)
- Increase host memory in Windows CI, free GPU memory in example code (8969)
- Skip some signal tests for TypeError for inputs of `np.longlong` dtype (8972)
- Add CI for Python 3.13 and mpi4py v4 (8974)
- Pass `locals` dict to `exec` (8985)


- Add backport reminder (8684)
- Fix script name of backport reminder (8686)
- Update `pre-commit` hooks (8910)
- Fix pull request project board workflows (8929)
- Regenerate coverage matrix (8960)

👥 Contributors

The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

99991 andfoy <!-- AnonymousPlayer2000 --> asi1024 Azusachan bernhardmgruber Berrysoft chainer-ci cjnolet dagardner-nv EarlMilktea eltociear ev-br grlee77 HollowMan6 jakirkham jemiryguo kmaehashi leofang littlewu2508 mohitreddy1996 mroeschke seberg takagi


This is the release note of v13.3.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

💬 Join the [Matrix chat]( to talk with developers and users and ask quick questions!

🙌 Help us sustain the project by [sponsoring CuPy](!

✨ Highlights

Updated NVIDIA [CCCL](

The CCCL library bundled with CuPy has been updated to eliminate the Jitify preprocess phase. Users will no longer see the one-time performance warning (`Jitify is performing a one-time only warm-up to populate the persistent cache, this may take a few seconds and will be improved in a future release...`) unless explicitly requesting the use of Jitify (e.g., `cupy.RawModule(..., jitify=True)`).

Enhanced NumPy 2.0 Compatibility

This release provides better interoperability with NumPy 2.0.


This is the release note of v13.2.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

💬 Join the [Matrix chat]( to talk with developers and users and ask quick questions!

🙌 Help us sustain the project by [sponsoring CuPy](!

✨ Highlights

Support for NumPy 2.0 (8357)
CuPy can now be imported under NumPy 2.0.

Lazily preloading NCCL (8367)
CuPy now loads NCCL shared library at the time of `import cupy.cuda.nccl`, instead of `import cupy`. This improves NCCL compatibility on mixed-library environments.

📝 Changes

- cupyx: cleanup use of deprecated NumPy functionality (NumPy 2.0 compatibility) (8325)
- make CuPy import under NumPy 2.0 (8357)
- Lazy-preload NCCL (8367)

Bug Fixes
- Fix overflow indexing ndarray generated with as_strided (8349)
- Fix CUB build error on win-64 (8358)
- Re-enable NVTX range coloring for NVTX3. (8361)

- Update fft.rst (8310)
- Find and fix typos with codespell (8344)
- Add NumPy 2.0 on document (8371)

- [v13] Use the latest NumPy v1 for head CI (8355)


👥 Contributors

The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!
asi1024 cclauss ev-br grlee77 kmaehashi leofang macrocosme romerojosh takagi


This is the release note of v13.1.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

💬 Join the [Matrix chat]( to talk with developers and users and ask quick questions!

🙌 Help us sustain the project by [sponsoring CuPy](!

✨ Highlights

Support for CUDA 12.3 & 12.4 (8286)

CuPy now supports CUDA 12.3 and 12.4. Binary packages are available for Linux (x86_64/aarch64) and Windows as `cupy-cuda12x`.

Fixed Regression on pre-Volta platforms (8216)

This release fixes the regression in CuPy v13.0.0 that part of CuPy functions were not functioning under pre-Volta platforms (compute capability < 7.0) such as NVIDIA Tesla P100 or GeForce GTX 1080.

📝 Changes

New Features
- Add `cupyx.signal.{complex_cepstrum,real_cepstrum,inverse_complex_cepstrum,minimum_phase}` (8096)
- Add `cupyx.signal.{firfilter,firfilter_zi,firfilter2}` (8107)
- Add `cupyx.signal.freq_shift` (8131)
- Add `cupyx.signal.channelize_poly` (8148)
- Add `cupyx.signal.ca_cfar` (8167)

- Add incontiguous support for cutensor functions (8168)
- Remove usages of `numpy.float_` and `numpy.complex_` (8181)
- Fix `expm(complex matrix)` (8214)
- Various Jitify improvements (8237)
- Bump to cuTENSOR 2.0.1 (8291)

NumPy-compatibility Improvements
- Fix `scp.signal.{medfilt,medfilt2d}` to raise ValueError for complex64 inputs (8084)
- Fix `boxcox_llf` for SciPy 1.12 changes (8132)
- Deprecate `cupyx.scipy` wavelet functions (8139)

Bug Fixes
- Fix 7981, Update `` (8112)
- Fix Flags not to allow setters (8138)
- Prevent angular brackets from appearing in Jitify's cache filename (8160)
- Set `-arch` in the compiler options unconditionally (8161)
- Allow `cupy.show_config()` without CUDA (8192)
- Fix jitify warmup kernel (8216)
- Fix: remove unnecessary include that causes deployment issue (8217)
- Fix build system for Thrust detection (8230)
- Fix: always switch to the submodule dir before checking git tag/commit (8240)
- Fix overflow of index calculation in random generator API (8246)
- Fix Generator API parallelism (8247)
- Fix CUB `min`/`max` initial values (8266)
- Fix jitify warmup kernel - Cont'd (8270)

- Update conda installation guide (8135)
- Fix pdist docstring in order to specify that the returned matrix is condensed (8187)
- Replace license notice in cupyx.scipy.signal._spectral (8271)
- Update document for CUDA 12.3 and 12.4 (8284)

- Do not search for static libs (8143)

- Fix `cupyx.scipy.special.betainc` for invalid inputs (8098)
- Revert CI timeout changes (8137)
- Fix invalid `vectorstength` tests (8145)
- Fix actions versions used in workflows to avoid node 16 deprecation warning (8194)
- Add CI to test `cupy.show_config()` pass without CUDA installed (8195)
- Add import test without CUDA Toolkit (8231)
- BUG: cupyx/scipy/signal: fix mpmath test (8262)
- Tentatively pin SciPy to v1.12 in CI (8275)
- Add support for CUDA 12.3 & 12.4 (8286)

👥 Contributors
The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

andfoy asi1024 emcastillo ev-br jemiryguo kmaehashi leofang takagi


This is the release note of v13.0.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

This release note only covers changes made since the v13.0.0rc1 release. Check out our [blog]( for highlights of the v13 release!

**See the [Upgrade Guide]( for the list of possible breaking changes in v13.**

💬 Join the [Matrix chat]( to talk with developers and users and ask quick questions!

🙌 Help us sustain the project by [sponsoring CuPy](!

📝 Changes

For all changes in v13, please refer to the release notes of the pre-releases ([alpha1](, [beta1](, [rc1](

New Features

- Add `cupyx.signal.pulse_compression` from cuSignal's non SciPy-compat API (8039)
- Add `cupyx.signal.convolve1d3o` from cuSignal's non SciPy-compat API (8067)
- add `cupyx.signal.{pulse_doppler, cfar_alpha}` (8069)
- Add `cupyx.signal.convolve1d2o` (8113)


- Make `cupyx.signal.radartools` private (8053)
- Fix `csrmatrix.__pow__` to raise ValueError for non-int other (8085)

Performance Improvements

- Speed up cupy environment duplicate detection (8042)

Bug Fixes

- Fix `lfilter_zi` and `sosfilt_zi` when any IIR coefficient is zero (8036)
- Fix `argmax/argmin` for large reduction axis (8041)
- Fix `cupyx.scipy.fft.{dst,dstn}` in type 2/3 (8082)
- Do not use `from-import` (8114)

Code Fixes

- Refactor `convolve1d3o` (8100)
- Refactor `radartools` (8106)


- Generate signature for ufunc documentation (8044)
- Use modern dlpack interface in torch interoperability document (8048)


- Skip `CUDA_PATH` warning in Conda installation (8076)
- Bump version to v13.0.0 (8119)


- Bump stable branch to v13 (8026)
- Remove some `signal.vectorstrength` xfail tests (8083)
- Fix `scipy.linalg` not to raise DeprecationWarning for zero-size inputs (8086)
- `scipy.special.{btdtr,btdtri}` are deprecated since SciPy (8094)
- Refactor radartools tests (8099)
- Fix slow test (8117)

👥 Contributors

andfoy asi1024 emcastillo hauntsaninja kmaehashi takagi

The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!


This is the release note of v13.0.0rc1. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

**This is a release candidate of the CuPy v13 series. Please start testing your workload with this release to prepare for the final v13 release. To install: `pip install -U --pre cupy-cuda11x -f`. See the [Upgrade Guide]( for the list of possible breaking changes in v13.**

💬 Join the [Matrix chat]( to talk with developers and users and ask quick questions!

🙌 Help us sustain the project by [sponsoring CuPy](!

✨ Highlights

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