This is the release note of v13.0.0a1. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.
We are running a [Gitter chat]( for general discussions and quick questions. Feel free to join the channel to talk with developers and users!
CuPy v13 Roadmap and Revised Release Schedule
* We have published a list of feature roadmaps for CuPy v13 planned to be released in October 2023. See 7555 for the details.
* Starting in the CuPy v13 development cycle, we have adjusted our release frequency to once every two months. Mid-term or hot-fix releases may be provided depending on necessity, such as for new CUDA/Python version support or critical bug fixes. This new policy also applies to v12 releases.
* RFC: We plan to drop CUDA 10.2/11.0/11.1 support in CuPy v13. Please leave a comment on 7557 if you have any suggestions.
* RFC: We are thinking of improving PyTorch interoperability features in CuPy. If you are interested, please join the discussion in 7556.
Improved Coverage of `cupyx.scipy.signal` and `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` APIs (7442, 7496 and others)
`lfilter`, `lfilter_zi`, `filtfilt`, `sosfilt` APIs are now included in `cupyx.scipy.signal`, and `NdPPoly` in `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` modules.
_Acknowledgements: This work was done by Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay ([andfoy]( and Evgeni Burovski ([ev-br]( under the support of the [Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's Essential Open Source Software for Science program](
Random number generator performance improved (7517)
Sampling using `cupy.random.Generator.*` methods were slower than the `cupy.random.*` function calls using the old random API. Now the regression is solved, and performance has increased more than 4X when using the `cupy.random.Generator` API.
Changes without compatibility
Drop support for Python 3.8
Getting aligned with NumPy [NEP29](, Python 3.8 is no longer supported since CuPy v13.
New Features
- Add `NdPPoly` to `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` (7357)
- Implement `delete function`, add documentation (7359)
- add array_api.take function (7432)
- Add lfilter/IIR utilities to cupyx.scipy.signal (7442)
- Added `scipy.special.binom` functionality to CuPy (7463)
- `cupyx/scipy/signal`: add savgol_coeffs and savgol_filter (7469)
- Add `scipy.special.zetac` to cupyx (7470)
- add `cupyx.scipy.special.exprel` (7474)
- Add `lfiltic and lfilter_zi` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7477)
- Add `filtfilt` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7496)
- Add `deconvolve` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7509)
- Add `symiirorder1` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7511)
- Add `symiirorder2` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7518)
- Add `scipy.special.spherical_yn` (7520)
- Add `sosfilt` to cupyx.scipy.signal (7528)
- ENH: `scipy.signal`: add detrend (7536)
- `cupyx.scipy.signal`: add `bilinear` & `bilinear_zpk` (7541)
- Support SciPy 1.10 (7367)
- ROCm5.3.0+ rocPrim C++14 extension requirement. (7412)
- Support cuDNN 8.8 (7472)
- Support CUDA 12.1 (7473)
- Support NumPy 1.24: `dtype` and `casting` keyword arguments for `hstack`, `vstack`, `stack` (7490)
- Replace `concatenate` by slice manipulation in `lfilter` (7522)
- Support NumPy 1.24: Adding `strict` option to `testing.assert_array_equal` (7481)
Performance Improvements
- Fix random module performance regression (7517)
- Improve `symiirorder2` performance (7526)
Bug Fixes
- Fix new strides when array is both C and F-contiguous (7438)
- Fixup array/asarray call to prefer C order on plain NumPy arrays (7457)
- Fix cudart errors raised by texture APIs swallowed by Cython (7540)
- Dispatch ufunc methods (7572)
Code Fixes
- Rename `type_test` to `type_testing` (7456)
- Fix cythonize warnings (7480)
- Add comparison table for `scipy.interpolate` module (7433)
- Update list of supported libraries (7478)
- Update aarch64 install insturctions (7500)
- Fix RTD build failure (7547)
- Bump version to v13.0.0a1 (7494)
- Use `-Xfatbin=-compress-all` (7497)
- Fix `_depends.json` not included in wheel (7578)
- Remove unused test decorators (7453)
- Remove xfail for invh (7476)
- Bump platform versions used in actions (7488)
- Fix TestBSpline::test_design_matrix_same_as_BSpline_call (7521)
- Mark scipy required in a test (7523)
- Require newer SciPy in a test (7524)
- Import SciPy in tests (7531)
- Restore GitHub Actions cache with prefix match (7546)
- Try to fix nan value mismatches in filtfilt tests (7567)
- Fix CUDA Python CI failure (7574)
- Bump stable branch to v12 (7447)
- Update branch name from `master` to `main` (7448)
The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!
AdrianAbeyta Anas20001 andfoy arogozhnikov asi1024 chettub emcastillo ev-br kmaehashi KyanCheung leofang pri1311 Raghav323 seberg takagi tysonwu