
Latest version: v13.4.0

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This is the release note of v13.0.0b1. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

We are running a [Gitter chat]( for general discussions and quick questions. Feel free to join the channel to talk with developers and users!

✨ Highlights

Improved Coverage of `cupyx.scipy.signal` and `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` APIs (7507, 7537, 7543 and others)

More than 20 new APIs are now included in `cupyx.scipy.signal`.

*Acknowledgments: This work was done by Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay (andfoy) and Evgeni Burovski (ev-br) under the support of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's Essential Open Source Software for Science program.*


This is the release note of v13.0.0a1. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

We are running a [Gitter chat]( for general discussions and quick questions. Feel free to join the channel to talk with developers and users!


CuPy v13 Roadmap and Revised Release Schedule

* We have published a list of feature roadmaps for CuPy v13 planned to be released in October 2023. See 7555 for the details.
* Starting in the CuPy v13 development cycle, we have adjusted our release frequency to once every two months. Mid-term or hot-fix releases may be provided depending on necessity, such as for new CUDA/Python version support or critical bug fixes. This new policy also applies to v12 releases.
* RFC: We plan to drop CUDA 10.2/11.0/11.1 support in CuPy v13. Please leave a comment on 7557 if you have any suggestions.
* RFC: We are thinking of improving PyTorch interoperability features in CuPy. If you are interested, please join the discussion in 7556.

Improved Coverage of `cupyx.scipy.signal` and `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` APIs (7442, 7496 and others)

`lfilter`, `lfilter_zi`, `filtfilt`, `sosfilt` APIs are now included in `cupyx.scipy.signal`, and `NdPPoly` in `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` modules.

_Acknowledgements: This work was done by Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay ([andfoy]( and Evgeni Burovski ([ev-br]( under the support of the [Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's Essential Open Source Software for Science program](

Random number generator performance improved (7517)

Sampling using `cupy.random.Generator.*` methods were slower than the `cupy.random.*` function calls using the old random API. Now the regression is solved, and performance has increased more than 4X when using the `cupy.random.Generator` API.

Changes without compatibility

Drop support for Python 3.8

Getting aligned with NumPy [NEP29](, Python 3.8 is no longer supported since CuPy v13.


New Features
- Add `NdPPoly` to `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` (7357)
- Implement `delete function`, add documentation (7359)
- add array_api.take function (7432)
- Add lfilter/IIR utilities to cupyx.scipy.signal (7442)
- Added `scipy.special.binom` functionality to CuPy (7463)
- `cupyx/scipy/signal`: add savgol_coeffs and savgol_filter (7469)
- Add `scipy.special.zetac` to cupyx (7470)
- add `cupyx.scipy.special.exprel` (7474)
- Add `lfiltic and lfilter_zi` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7477)
- Add `filtfilt` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7496)
- Add `deconvolve` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7509)
- Add `symiirorder1` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7511)
- Add `symiirorder2` to `cupyx.scipy.signal` (7518)
- Add `scipy.special.spherical_yn` (7520)
- Add `sosfilt` to cupyx.scipy.signal (7528)
- ENH: `scipy.signal`: add detrend (7536)
- `cupyx.scipy.signal`: add `bilinear` & `bilinear_zpk` (7541)

- Support SciPy 1.10 (7367)
- ROCm5.3.0+ rocPrim C++14 extension requirement. (7412)
- Support cuDNN 8.8 (7472)
- Support CUDA 12.1 (7473)
- Support NumPy 1.24: `dtype` and `casting` keyword arguments for `hstack`, `vstack`, `stack` (7490)
- Replace `concatenate` by slice manipulation in `lfilter` (7522)
- Support NumPy 1.24: Adding `strict` option to `testing.assert_array_equal` (7481)

Performance Improvements
- Fix random module performance regression (7517)
- Improve `symiirorder2` performance (7526)

Bug Fixes
- Fix new strides when array is both C and F-contiguous (7438)
- Fixup array/asarray call to prefer C order on plain NumPy arrays (7457)
- Fix cudart errors raised by texture APIs swallowed by Cython (7540)
- Dispatch ufunc methods (7572)

Code Fixes
- Rename `type_test` to `type_testing` (7456)
- Fix cythonize warnings (7480)

- Add comparison table for `scipy.interpolate` module (7433)
- Update list of supported libraries (7478)
- Update aarch64 install insturctions (7500)
- Fix RTD build failure (7547)

- Bump version to v13.0.0a1 (7494)
- Use `-Xfatbin=-compress-all` (7497)
- Fix `_depends.json` not included in wheel (7578)

- Remove unused test decorators (7453)
- Remove xfail for invh (7476)
- Bump platform versions used in actions (7488)
- Fix TestBSpline::test_design_matrix_same_as_BSpline_call (7521)
- Mark scipy required in a test (7523)
- Require newer SciPy in a test (7524)
- Import SciPy in tests (7531)
- Restore GitHub Actions cache with prefix match (7546)
- Try to fix nan value mismatches in filtfilt tests (7567)
- Fix CUDA Python CI failure (7574)

- Bump stable branch to v12 (7447)
- Update branch name from `master` to `main` (7448)


The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

AdrianAbeyta Anas20001 andfoy arogozhnikov asi1024 chettub emcastillo ev-br kmaehashi KyanCheung leofang pri1311 Raghav323 seberg takagi tysonwu


CuPy is now tested with CUDA 12.5 and 12.6.

RFC: Removing NumPy Fallback Mode in CuPy v14

The CuPy team is discussing the possibility of removing NumPy fallback feature in CuPy v14. Feel free to join the discussion in if you have any comments or use-cases using this feature.

📝 Changes


- Support CUDA 12.5 (8423)
- Avoid using Jitify everywhere inside CuPy (8473)
- Disable jitify for cub & Bump CCCL (8487)
- Get rid of `pkg_resources` (8496)
- Unregister `cupyx.scipy.linalg.{tri,tril,triu}` from uarray (reverted in 8516) (8506)
- Use `.toarray()` instead of `.A` attribute (8517)
- Extend runtime header search logic to conda (8520)
- Support CUDA 12.6 (8524)
- Fallback to system headers for future CUDA 12.x versions (8529)

Bug Fixes

- Fix spline temp container size in `make_interp_spline` (8390)
- MAINT: Avoid using `np.compat.integer_types` (8413)
- Fix type dispatcher for arm64 (8414)
- Fix `ndarray.get()` not honoring current stream when layout is not contiguous (8418)
- Fix copyto for NumPy 2 compatibility (8435)
- Update `` to avoid the popup of the `nvcc.exe` console (8438)
- Fix `RandomState.seed()` for NumPy 2 compatibility (8439)
- Fix the size of temporary CUB output space to consider its alignment (8447)
- Address `KeyErrors` from `importlib_metadata` (8465)
- upfirdn: `mode=None` -> `mode="constant"` (8495)
- Search header files from CTK wheel (8504)
- Fix CUDA version condition to use headers from wheel (8507)
- Do not unregister `cupyx.scipy.linalg.{tri,tril,triu}` from uarray (8516)
- Fix ROCm 4.3 binary package build broken (8534)
- Fix cudart header detection for conda (8535)


- eigsh doc correction `` (8383)
- typo: `coping` -> `copying` (8427)
- Add CUDA 12.5 to list of supported platform (8428)
- Add comparison table for `(cupyx.)scipy.sparse.*_matrix classes` class methods (8458)


- Patch the build system to better support conda-build (8464)


- Bump NumPy/SciPy versions in cuda-example CI (8420)
- Support SciPy 1.12 (8422)
- Fix CUDA 11.2 CI failure on Linux (8437)
- Decrease number of threads to avoid "system error: excessive memory usage is detected" (8462)
- CI: skip CUDA 12.1/12.2/12.3/12.4 CI on "mini" trigger (8469)
- Resolve Ruff `NPY` errors - fix exception imports and `asfarray` usage in test code (8471)
- Skip some tests in aarch64 CI (8490)

👥 Contributors

The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

andfoy arkdong asi1024 bmerry EarlMilktea emcastillo hmaarrfk jakirkham johnnynunez kmaehashi leofang monzelr seberg swelborn takagi YanivDorGalron


This is the release note of v12.3.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

**This is the last planned release for the CuPy v12 series. Please start testing your workload with the v13 release candidate to get ready for the final v13 release. To install: `pip install -U --pre cupy-cuda11x -f`. See the [Upgrade Guide]( for the list of possible breaking changes in v13.**

💬 Join the [Matrix chat]( to talk with developers and users and ask quick questions!

🙌 Help us sustain the project by [sponsoring CuPy](!

✨ Highlights

Support for Python 3.12

Binary packages are now available for Python 3.12.

📝 Changes


- Add a property to get access to the nccl handle. (7824)
- Add Linux CI for Python 3.12 (7949)
- Bump supported NumPy & SciPy versions (8001)
- ENH: Remove `NINF`, `PINF`, `Inf`,... usages (7805)
- Avoid using `numpy.find_common_type` (7810)
- Remove conversions of array with ndim > 0 to a scalar (7895)
- `scipy.linalg.{tri/tril/triu}` are deprecated in SciPy 1.11.0 (7902)
- Fix `signal.medfilt` complex error type for SciPy>=1.11 (7909)
- Fix return type of division of csr_matrix and dense array for SciPy 1.11 (7912)
- Skip `TestSpmatrix` on SciPy 1.11 or later (7918)
- Fix test of `product`, `cumproduct`, `alltrue` and `sometrue` for deprecation (7936)
- Skip fusion `round_` tests (7937)

Bug Fixes

- Fix csr2dense to avoid race conditions (7808)
- Fix cuTENSOR contraction descriptor cache (7817)
- Provide .stop() method for cupyx.distributed._Backend (7960)

Code Fixes

- MNT: suppress compiler warning from `cupyx.cusolver` (7819)
- Fix coding style (7846)
- Remove deprecated ast expr in CuPy JIT (7944)
- Remove unnecessary CUB files from CuPy distribution (7975)


- Add `-U` to pre-release installation command (7806)
- Fix CUDA 12.2 for Windows notice (7926)


- Fix ROCm Dockerfile not working (7799)
- Avoid warning when uploading packages (7807)


- Add timeout to Windows CI (7859)
- CI: Remove path length limitation on Windows CI image (7860)
- Fix Windows CI failures (7865)
- Fix Windows + CUDA 12.2 CI (7910)
- Skip test_pos_boolarray if numpy>=1.25 (7913)
- Skip some LOBPCG tests failing with SciPy 1.11 (7931)
- Add NumPy 1.25/1.26 & SciPy 1.11 to CI (7932)
- Skip logspace test in NumPy 1.25 & 1.26 (7946) (7951)
- Support Python 3.12, add Windows CI (7958)
- Fix Windows test scripts (7961)
- Skip `test_parameterize_pytest_impl` test for pytest 7.4.3 (7968)
- Filter DeprecationWarning for distutils.dep_util used in Cython (7999)
- Fix `TestLOBPCG.test_maxit_None` CUDA 12.2 CI failure (8007)


- Fix backport workflow (7833)
- Bump version to v12.3.0 (8016)

👥 Contributors

The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

asi1024 emcastillo kmaehashi leofang mtsokol mvnvidia


CuPy now supports CUDA 12.2. Note that there is a known issue on CUDA 12.2 for Windows. See 7776 for details.

Support us via GitHub Sponsors!

As a part of our effort to make CuPy sustainable, we have enrolled in [GitHub Sponsors]( to accept donations. Help us to support CuPy’s development and contribute to ease the required infrastructure costs due to the need of GPU enabled CI platforms and resources to build binary packages.

As a [NumFOCUS Sponsored Project](, funds sponsored through the GitHub Sponsors are collected and disbursed via NumFOCUS, a 501(c)(3) public charity in the United States, which acts as the fiscal sponsor for the project.

🛠️ Changes without compatibility

Deprecation of `cupy-wheel` Package

Due to the recent specification change in Pip 23.1, it became difficult for `cupy-wheel` to ensure detecting the CUDA version installed correctly. As discussed in RFC 7628, we have decided to remove this package in CuPy v13. To allow existing projects using `cupy-wheel` to continue to work, the package remains available for v12 releases.

📝 Changes


- Minor updates for cuQuantum/cuTensorNet support (7730)
- Bump mypy version to 1.4.1 (7736)
- Support CUDA 12.2 (7752)

Performance Improvements

- Fix random module performance regression (7592)

Bug Fixes

- Fix returned CUDA statuses not being checked (7618)
- Fix cuSPARSE error message (7684)
- Fix memory pool to try resolve fragmentation when limit is set (7685)
- Fix type/exception annotations in cuSPARSE binding (7703)
- Update pylibcugraph weakly connected components call (7704)
- Improve detection for package installation source on Windows (7711)
- Temporarily disable CUB histogram (7716)
- Fix `aweights` type not checked in `cupy.cov` (7717)
- Revert FP16 headers from CUDA 12.2.0 to CUDA 12.1.1 (7773)

Code Fixes

- Introduce `cython-lint` (7612)


- Improve README and Installation Guide (7599)
- update badges (7600)
- Fix small typos in docstrings (7657)
- Fix docstring of `asarray` (7695)
- Add CUDA 12.2 to list of supported CUDA (7756)
- Remove incorrect `cupyx.distributed.NCCLBackend.all_gather` comment (7765)
- Fix Note highlight sections in README (7770)
- Add notes for CUDA 12.2 on Windows support (7778)


- Fix `cupy-wheel` package installation fails with pip 23.1+ (7624)


- Bump versions of static checkers (7598)
- Fix build-cuda test `restore-keys` not working (7614)
- [v12] Require numpy<1.25 for `round_` tests (7642)
- Ignore `pkg_resources` deprecation warning on import (7656)
- Skip `TestLOBPCG::test_maxit_None` in CUDA 12.1.1 & cuSOVLER 11.4.5 (7670)
- Bump CUDA minor versions used in CI (7683)
- [v12] Allow specifying Docker repository for CI images (7690)
- Use "/test" tag configuration from pull-request base branch (7706)
- XFAIL known test failures in cuSPARSE module (7725)
- Fix `test_fht` not to feed `cupy.ndarray` to `scipy.fft.fhtoffset` (7728)
- CI: remove explicit Cython installation (7731)
- Fix test_sum_duplicates_incompatibility for SciPy 1.11 (7768)


- Fix flake8-cython not working (7606)
- Add env var to disable RPATH (7718)
- Bump version to v12.2.0 (7755)

👥 Contributors

The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

12rambau asi1024 emcastillo jnke2016 kmaehashi leofang pelmers pri1311 RandomY-2 takagi


Not secure
This is the release note of v12.2.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

We are running a [Gitter chat]( for general discussions and quick questions. Feel free to join the channel to talk with developers and users!

✨ Highlights

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