
Latest version: v13.4.0

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Not secure
These are the release notes for v5.0.0rc1. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.


- Many routines, esp. for sampling from various distributions, are added.
- We now support SciPy 1.0+.

New Features

- New sampling routines for various distributions
- Multivariate normal distribution (1320)
- Chi-square distribution (1414)
- Gamma distribution (1416, 1616)
- Student’s t distribution (1417)
- Poisson distribution (1418)
- Cauchy distribution (1419)
- Exponential distribution (1420, 1624)
- F distribution (1421)
- Geometric distribution (1422)
- Pareto distribution (1423)
- von Mises distribution (1623)
- Zipf distribution (1634)
- New routines
- Add sparse cholesky decomposition (1075, thanks chengts95!)
- Implement round function (1499)
- Add `cbrt` (1559)
- Add `nan_to_num` (1562)
- Add `erf`, `erfc`, and `erfcx` to `cupyx` (1570)
- Add `ndtr` (1571)
- Add `erfinv` and `erfcinv` (1590)
- Add new APIs for RNN (1572)
- Support complex in `eigh` and `svd` (1518, thanks infrub!)
- Add `cupy.cublas.dgetrfBatched` (1608)
- General support for external memory pointer (1610)
- Add `cupy.cublas.dgetriBatched` (1617)


- Improve exception handling performance in Cython (919)
- Improve `cudnn.pyx` to up speed (1378)
- Improve `take` function (1505)
- Improve view method performance (1543)
- Split `core.pyx` to improve maintainability (1550)
- Improve memory pool performance (1544)
- Make `ElementwiseKernel` emit immutable `in_params` (1554)
- Use bit operation when the divisor is a power of 2 on GPU (1555)
- Use cuBLAS 9.1+ algorithm names (1561)
- Improve error messages for complex arguments of bessel functions (1569)
- Support SciPy 1.0+ (1573)
- Fix result dtypes of special functions (1577)
- Improve usability of special functions (1578)
- Improve readability of reduction kernel (only python) (1580)
- Fallback to synchronous transfer if pinned memory could not be allocated (1593)
- Unify fusion (1599)
- Add `strides` option in `cupy.ndarray` (1611)
- Fix laplace distribution (1645)

Bug Fixes

- Fix invalid exception propagation in `getDropoutReserveSpaceSize` (919, 1344)
- Fix CuPy not working in thread other than one imported CuPy (1581)
- Reset cuda runtime error (1592)
- Fix `cupy.random.standard_exponential` bug (1642)
- Support non-tuple size in random distribution generators (1648)
- Fix `random.exponential` (1649)


- Add documentation to sqrt (1560)
- Add interoperability docs (1565)
- Fix docstring of modified bessel function (1567)
- Add comparison table generator (1582)
- Support cuDNN v7.2 (1584)
- Update contribution guide to align with Chainer's one (1604)
- Rename `my_sum` to `my_add` in docs (1612)


- Import `scipy.special` to use it in test (1568)
- Use `assertIsNone` in `` (1587)
- Add test for thread use case of fusion (1589)
- Test reproducibility for any seed (1613)
- Fix invalid escape sequence warnings in Python 3.6 (1619)
- Improve boundary tests of `erfinv` (1646)


- Fix around style checking (1605)


Not secure
This is the release note of v5.0.0b4. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.


- CuPy starts supporting `__cuda_array_interface__`, which is the CUDA array interchange interface compatible with Numba>=0.39.0. It means you can now pass CuPy arrays to kernels JITed with Numba. The folowing is a simple example code borrowed from numba/numba2860:
import cupy
from numba import cuda

def add(x, y, out):
start = cuda.grid(1)
stride = cuda.gridsize(1)
for i in range(start, x.shape[0], stride):
out[i] = x[i] + y[i]

a = cupy.arange(10)
b = a * 2
out = cupy.zeros_like(a)

print(out) => [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]

add[1, 32](a, b, out)

print(out) => [ 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27]

- Improved performance.
- Implemented `cumsum` and `cumprod` to `ndarray`.
- Implemented `cupy.allclose`
- Enhanced cuDNN RNN functionality including FP16 support.

New Features

- Implement `__cuda_array_interface__` (1144, thanks seibert!)
- Support FP16 and FP64 in cuDNN RNN related functions (1471)
- Implement `<t>tpttr` and `<t>trttp` of cuBLAS (1492)
- Add `cumsum` and `cumprod` to `ndarray` (1500)
- Add `cupyx.scipy.get_array_module` (1513)
- Implement `cupy.allclose` (1522, thanks tsurumeso!)
- Add `mem_info` to `Device` (1538, thanks larsoner!)


- Avoid keeping `Device` object in `Memory` and `MemoryPointer` (946)
- Speed up ElementwiseKernel launch (1318)
- Improve memory allocation performance (1343)
- Fix styles for latest autopep8 (1352)
- Use CScalar in elementwise and reduction (1447)
- Define `ndarray.__iter__` (1449)
- Move `cupy.sparse` to `cupyx.scipy.sparse` (1451)
- Support negative indices in `array_split` (1454)
- Avoid `collections.sequence` (1456)
- Avoid variable name `l` to follow pep8 (1460)
- Simplify `nonzero` function (1487)
- Use TensorCore for matmul with fp32 matrixes (1493)
- Support `nonzero` for complex types (1501)
- Change type checking rules of Fusion ufuncs (1507)
- Fix minor issues on coding style (1509)
- Fix errors in NumPy 1.15 (1514)
- Use `` to avoid DeprecationWarning in Python 3.7 (1515)
- Support `loop_prep` in ufunc (1537)
- Add `_has_memory_hooks` to avoid thread local dictionary operation (1540)
- Add specialized CUDA kernel for `fill` function (1541)
- Improve ndarray creation performance (1542)
- Use xorshift128 to reduce global memory access (1546)
- Add cdef and cpdef for better cythonize `core.pyx` (1548)

Bug Fixes

- Fix errors on 0-sized inputs (1459)
- Use `cython.no_gc` to avoid memory leak (1463)
- Fix `cupy.random.dirichlet` to behave same as `numpy.random.dirichlet` (1468)
- Fix indexing behavior when input is zero-sized array (1503)
- Fix `cupy.real` and `cupy.imag` (1504)
- Avoid compile error in old GCC (CentOS 6) (1506)
- Fix thrust memory allocation problem (1511)
- Fix dtype order of `create_comparison` (1551)
- Raise error when trying to broadcast `out_params` in ElementwiseKernel (1552)


- Add upgrade guide for `cupyx` namespaces (1467)
- Fix docstring about `free_all_free` (1519)
- Update agnostic code tutorial (1521, thanks w-m!)


- Fix sparse test (1452)
- Avoid hacking: Use the same test settings as Chainer (1477)


Not secure
This is the release note of v5.0.0b3. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.


- `cupyx.scipy` namespace has been introduced to provide SciPy-compatible APIs for CuPy ndarrays. `cupy.sparse` module has been renamed to `cupyx.scipy.sparse`; `cupy.sparse` is kept for backward compatibility.

- New user-defined kernel class called `cupy.RawKernel` has been added. By using raw kernels, you can define kernels from raw CUDA source. See the [documentation]( for details.

New Features

- Introduce SciPy namespace (1079)
- Logarithmic gamma and related functions (1232)
- Binomial distribution (1356)
- Implement `cupyx.scipy.linalg.solve_triangular` (1383)
- Implement `RawKernel` (1398)
- Beta distribution (1413)
- Dirichlet distribution (1415)


- Use fmin and fmax for HIP environment (1116)
- Improve `reduce_dims` for speed up (1324)
- Remove overhead in `creation/` (1342)
- Improve performance of host to device memory copy (1367)
- Fix `cupy.cov` for degrees of freedom <= 0 (1370, thanks tsurumeso!)
- Add compilation methods in `Fusion` class (1382)
- Make the method `cupy.random.RandomState.interval` private (1430)
- Use `get_cublas_handle` to reduce creation of `Device` object (1440)
- Remove overhead in generator and distribution (1442)
- Remove `stream` option from `RawKernel` and add missing docs of arguments in `ReductionKernel` (1444)
- Allow `cupy.get_array_module` to take fusion parameters (1446)
- Use `internal.clp2` in reduction (1448)

Bug Fixes

- Fix issue of cuDNN convolution math_type setting (1428)
- Fix `Module` and `LinkState` not freed (1439)
- Fix `fromDlpack` memory management (1445, thanks t-vi!)
- Fix error in `PooledMemory` in Python 3.7 (1457)


- Fix documentation of the `option` arg of `ElementwiseKernel` (1437)
- Convert `cupy.sparse` to `cupyx.scipy.sparse` in docstrings (1450)


- Change required Cython version to 0.28 or later (1407)


- Fix requirements of numpy in `` (1400)
- Refactor `TestOrder` (1405)


Not secure
This is the release note of v5.0.0b2. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.


- CuPy now supports [DLPack]( to improve interoperability between frameworks. You can convert between `cupy.ndarray` and DLPack tensor using `array.toDlpack()` and `cupy.fromDlpack(tensor)`. See [the documentation]( for details.
- CuPy ndarray now implements [`__array_ufunc__` protocol]( to improve interoperability with NumPy. It makes NumPy ufuncs applicable to CuPy ndarrays directly (for example, `numpy.exp(cupy.ones(3))` will call `cupy.exp` to compute the exponential, and return CuPy ndarray).
- CuPy now supports CUDA 9.2 and NumPy 1.14.
- More NumPy/SciPy compatible methods have been implemented: `cupy.linalg.matrix_power`, `cupy.random.laplace`, `cupy.corrcoef`, `cupy.cov`, `cupy.i0`, `cupy.sinc`, `cupyx.scipy.special.*` and more.
- `cupy.einsum` has been rewritten to use cuBLAS. This significantly reduces the memory usage and also improves the performance.
- Allocation strategy of pinned memory has been improved to reduce host memory usage.
- Fixed bugs in multiple functions with arrays with complex dtypes.

New Features

- Support DLPack (1082)
- Implement `cupy.corrcoef` and `cupy.cov` (1110, thanks tsurumeso!)
- Allow more natural fusion notation (1167)
- Implement special functions (1233)
- Implement `__array_ufunc__` (1247, thanks martindurant!)
- Improve performance of batch normalization (1260)
- Add complex dtype to sparse matrix (1277, thanks chengts95!)
- Add cuDNN API for tensor operations and reduction (1319, thanks kashif!)
- Add distribution `laplace` (1321)
- Implement `cupy.linalg.matrix_power` (1374, thanks ericmjl!)


- Reduce Python function call in `ElementwiseKernel` (725)
- Check cuDNN convolution algorithm (890)
- Remove memory copy in `diag` function (1129)
- Fix `linalg.matrix_rank` casting for Windows (1217)
- Use cuBLAS in `cupy.einsum` (1218)
- Add `divmod` function to `cupy` namespace (1286)
- Improve ndarray initializing performance (1341)
- Fix type of return value of fused function (1349)
- Support composition of fused functions (1350)
- Support weak reference to CuPy array (1355)
- Remove `cupy_stdint.h` (1361)
- Round-up pooled memory allocation size with clp2 (1372)
- Reduce GPU memory usage in (de)convotion (1381)
- Support `'f'` and `'c'` in the `order` option of ndarray (1385)

Bug Fixes

- Fix `OutOfMemoryError` raised even when there are sufficient large freeable chunks (1256, thanks hyabe!)
- Fix `astype` for complex dtypes (1279)
- Fix `real` and `imag` for zero-dim arrays (1280)
- Support rounding for complex types (1282)
- Support `expm1`, `log1p`, `log2` for complex type (1283)
- Fix unary functions in misc for complex (1284)
- Fix binary functions in misc to support complex types (1285)
- Fix view of zerodim ndarray (1287)
- Catch C++ exceptions from Thrust (1289)
- Fix `real`, `imag` of non-contiguous complex arrays (1303)
- Fix `rint` syntax error (1311)
- Skip `einsum` test for NumPy versions with broken einsum (1334)
- Fix type of reduction (1354)
- Fix to accept longer order names (1393)


- Add NumPy 1.14 to supported versions (1139)
- Update README to encourage use of wheels (1208)
- Improve sparse docs to show conversion from/to SciPy (1213)
- Force displaying known methods which are mis-recognized as attributes by Sphinx (1250)
- Expand reference on differences in zero-dimensional arrays (1254)
- Fix typo in sparse matrix docs (1307)
- Split `LICENSE` file (1325)
- Fix typo in profiler docs (1327)
- Reorganize license file (1330)
- Fix typos in `zeros` and `zeros_like` (1357)
- Update requirements for v5.0.0b2 / v4.2 release (1369)


- Use define macro in `` (1121)
- Support bundling dependent DLLs for Windows wheel support (1253)
- Remove deprecated `imp.load_source` in `` (1329, thanks vilyaair!)
- Add license file to wheel (1333)


- Sparse complex ufunc (1312)
- Add scipy_name to testing helper functions (1339)


Not secure
This is the release notes of v5.0.0b1. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.


We started to provide wheels for Python 3.6 on Windows. Currently this is considered as experimental, and we'd love to hear your feedback. See [Installation Guide]( for details.

New Features

- Fix incompatibility between `cupy.random.permutation` and `numpy.random.permutation`. (1138)
- Implement `unique` (1140)
- Add `cupy.average` (1180)
- Implement triangular array creation routines (1195, thanks tsurumeso!)


- Fix to preserve dtype of input array in `cupy.linalg.norm` (875)
- Support complex constants and functions in `fuse` (1090)
- Fix `cupy.diag()` fails for array-likes other than CuPy arrays (1124, thanks hyabe!)
- Add NumPy-compatibility constants (1163, thanks keisuke-umezawa!)
- Free pooled memory when `cufftMakePlan1d` cannot allocate memory (1219)
- Rename `CuFftError` to `CuFFTError` (1234)

Bug Fixes

- Fix memory leak: mempool tried to find out-of-bounds bin when freeing chunk (1165)
- Fix scalar casting rule to support Windows (1169)
- Fix regex in `einsum` to match empty input subscript (1181)
- Fix default dtype of full (1209)
- Fix `matmul` when inputs contain zero-sized array (1231)
- Fix `dtype` option of `sum` and `prod` (1239)
- Fix conversion from float16 to complex (1241)
- Fix file permissions (1249)


- Fix missing documents (1148)


- Separate NVTX module for better Windows support (1211)



- Skip `int8.max` test on Windows due to NumPy bug (1171)
- Fix example test to pass on Windows (1172)
- Fix `real` and `imag` test for `bool` to pass on Windows (1173)
- Separate tests for `cupy.power` against complex dtypes (1174)
- Fix `.coveragerc` (1210)
- Fix 32-bit boundary test to support Windows (1216)
- Remove `_multiprocess_can_split_` (1220)
- Fix `hacking` version (1228)


- Fix `.gitignore` to exclude `.pyd` files (1215)


Not secure
This is the release note of v5.0.0a1. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

New Features
- Expose context management API in driver (977)
- Add 'edge' and 'reflect' mode to `cupy.pad` (1040, thanks wkentaro!)
- Implement `histogram` (1049, thanks IshitaTakeshi!)
- Implement multi-dimensional image processing (1066)
- Implement `cupy.show_config` and `cupyx.get_runtime_info` (1067)

- Expose all supported dtypes from numpy (1070)
- Support double precision `atomicAdd` on Maxwell or older GPUs (1071, thanks anaruse!)
- Use cuDNN v7 APIs to get convolution algorithms for TensorCore (1095, thanks anaruse!)
- Handle errors in `cupy.show_config()` (1132)
- Fix to capture CuDNNError in `cupyx.runtime` (1136)

Bug Fixes
- Fix `moveaxis` bug (1023, thanks fukatani!)
- Fix `diagflat` to fail if argument is not `cupy.ndarray` (1036)
- Limit arch to the maximum value allowed in each NVRTC version (1055)
- Fix `ndarray.real` and `ndarray.imag` to return view (1089)
- Fix `cupy.concatenate` to support arrays with >= 2**31 elements (1101)
- Use streams when calling libraries (1107)
- Fix duplicate declaration of EigMode in cuSPARSE (1108)
- Fix duplicate delcaration of `cudaError_t` (1112)
- Fix `cupy.linalg.inv()` breaks its argument (1123, thanks hyabe!)
- Use `cusolverSpSetStream` for `cuSolverSP` library calls (1152)
- Do not use platform-specific CC (1157)

- Fix typos: (1046, 1077)
- Update documentation for `chainer.backends.cuda` (1047)
- Rewrite installation guide (1064)
- Remove invalid argument description in `cupy.tensordot` (1069)
- Fix document of `for_unsigned_dtypes` (1076)
- Fix wrong references of document (1078)
- Fix document of `ndimage` (1131)
- Enable flake8 in cupy/indexing/ (1141)
- Fix document of `r_` and `c_` (1142)
- Fix document of `MemoryHook` (1143)

- Use `--no-cache-dir` in Dockerfile (1060)
- Avoid embedding `CUDA_PATH` to `RPATH` in wheels (1065)

- Avoid to `import matplotlib` to set its backend Agg (976)

- Remove platform-dependent dtype (1091)
- Remove nose dependency (1125)

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