
Latest version: v13.4.0

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This is a hot-fix release for [v12.1.0]( to address an issue reported in #7593 that `pip install cupy-wheel` raises an error with Pip v23.1 or later. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

This fix only applies to the [`cupy-wheel`]( meta package. As there are no differences in CuPy functionalities with v12.1.0, no releases are made for CuPy's source/binary packages.

We are also considering removing `cupy-wheel` meta package in CuPy v13. Join the discussion in 7628 if you have any suggestions or comments.


Not secure
This is the release note of v12.1.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

We are running a [Gitter chat]( for general discussions and quick questions. Feel free to join the channel to talk with developers and users!


New Features
- Add `array_api.take` function (7513)

- Support SciPy 1.10 (7586)

Bug Fixes
- Fixup array/asarray call to prefer C order on plain NumPy arrays (7493)
- Fix cudart errors raised by texture APIs swallowed by Cython (7566)
- Dispatch ufunc methods (7583)

Code Fixes
- Fix cythonize warnings (7502)

- Update aarch64 install insturctions (7503)
- Fix RTD build failure (7554)

- Use `-Xfatbin=-compress-all` (7505)
- Fix `_depends.json` not included in wheel (7584)

- Bump platform versions used in actions (7501)
- Fix TestBSpline::test_design_matrix_same_as_BSpline_call (7525)
- Remove unused test decorators (7535)
- Restore GitHub Actions cache with prefix match (7571)
- Fix CUDA Python CI failure (7582)


The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

andfoy arogozhnikov asi1024 kmaehashi leofang seberg takagi


This release fixes a critical performance regression in CUDA 12.0 that the on-disk kernel cache is ineffective, causing kernels to be recompiled for each python process. Users with CUDA 12.0 are strongly suggested to upgrade to this release.



- Use warp size from `runtime.getDeviceProperties` (7353)
- Update DLPack to v0.8 to support bool arrays (7376)
- Mark `cupy.cuda.profiler.initialize` deprecated as it is removed in CUDA 12 (7379)
- Work around a potential OOM error raised by CUB histogram (7388)
- Use NumPy 1.24 in CI and bump baseline API (7423)
- Fix `arange()` to raise `TypeError` in boolean case (7407)

Bug Fixes

- Fix kernel cache not working in CUDA 12.0 (7348)
- Imporves stability of orthogonization step in cupyx.scipy.sparse.eigsh (7361)
- Do not test NumPy version for private APIs (7370)


- Downgrade pydata-sphinx-theme to v0.11.0 (7380)


- Bump version to v11.6.0 (7435)


- CI: tentatively use SciPy 1.9 in Windows (7336)
- CI: Add optuna 3.0 (7337)
- Remove invalid pytest markers and turn on strict mode (7354)
- Avoid int8 overflow warning in `TestRoundHalfway` (7362)
- Filter SQLAlchemy 2.0 warnings raised from Optuna v2 (7365)
- Add CI for CUDA 12.0 on Windows (7371)
- Fix pre-commit configuration error (7373)
- Avoid casting nan value to integer type in `nanargmin/max` tests (7381)
- Avoid int8 overflow in some tests (7382)
- Fix int8 overflow in vectorize tests (7384)
- Fix sumprod test to avoid uint overflow (7398)
- Avoid `fillvalue` overflow in `cupyx.scipy.signal` test (7401)
- Fix ndarray.fill to raise ComplexWarning (7408)


The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

asi1024 emcastillo kmaehashi leofang RisaKirisu


Not secure
This is the release note of v12.0.0. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

This release note only covers changes made since the v12.0.0rc1 release. Check out our [blog]( for highlights of the v12 release!

We are running a [Gitter chat]( for general discussions and quick questions. Feel free to join the channel to talk with developers and users!


Support for CUDA 12.1 & cuDNN 8.8 (7484 & 7475)

CuPy now supports CUDA 12.1 and cuDNN 8.8. Binary packages are available for Linux (x86_64/aarch64) and Windows as `cupy-cuda12x`.

$ pip install cupy-cuda12x


Arm packages available in PyPI

Binary packages for aarch64 (Jetson and Arm servers) can now be installed from PyPI.

$ pip install cupy-cuda102
$ pip install cupy-cuda11x
$ pip install cupy-cuda12x

~Note: At the time of the release, Arm wheel of `cupy-cuda11x` for Python 3.8 (`cupy_cuda11x-12.0.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl`) is not available on PyPI. We are working on resolving this issue. Meanwhile, this wheel can be installed from the CuPy index. `$ pip install cupy-cuda11x -f`~ This issue was resolved on 2023-04-03.


For all changes in v12, please refer to the release notes of the pre-releases ([alpha1](, [alpha2](, [beta1](, [beta2](, [beta3](, [rc1](


- ROCm5.3.0+ rocPrim C++14 extension requirement (7454)
- Support cuDNN 8.8 (7475)
- Support CUDA 12.1 (7484)

Bug Fixes

- Fix new strides when array is both C and F-contiguous (7451)

Code Fixes

- Rename `type_test` to `type_testing` (7461)


- Add comparison table for `scipy.interpolate` module (7450)
- Update list of supported libraries (7486)


- Remove `xfail` for `invh` (7485)


- Bump version to v12.0.0 (7492)
- Bump branch version to v12 (7446)


The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

AdrianAbeyta asi1024 emcastillo kmaehashi seberg


Not secure
This is the release note of v12.0.0rc1. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

**This is a release candidate of the CuPy v12 series. Please start testing your workload with this release to prepare for the final v12 release. To install: `pip install -U --pre cupy-cuda11x -f`. See the [Upgrade Guide]( for the list of possible breaking changes in v12.**

We are running a [Gitter chat]( for general discussions and quick questions. Feel free to join the channel to talk with developers and users!


Improved Coverage of `cupyx.scipy.interpolate`

The following interpolators have been implemented: `BPoly`, `Akima1DInterpolator`, `PchipInterpolator`.

*Acknowledgements: This work was done by Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay (andfoy) and Evgeni Burovski (ev-br) under the support of the [Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's Essential Open Source Software for Science program](*

DLPack v0.8 Support

CuPy is now compatible with DLPack v0.8 to allow importing/exporting `bool` arrays.


Not secure
This is the release note of v12.0.0b3. See [here]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

We are running a [Gitter chat]( for general discussions and quick questions. Feel free to join the channel to talk with developers and users!


CUDA 12 & H100 Support

CuPy now supports CUDA 12.0 and NVIDIA's latest H100 GPU. Binary packages are available for Linux (x86_64/aarch64) and Windows.

$ pip install cupy-cuda12x --pre -f

Note that cuDNN support is unavailable at this time as cuDNN for CUDA 12 has not yet been released.


NVTX support in CuPy is now backed by NVTX3 instead of the legacy NVTX1.


New Features

- Add `cupyx.scipy.interpolate.make_interp_spline` (7195)
- Implementing `RegularGridInterpolator` and `interpn` from `scipy.interpolate` (7197)
- Add `PPoly` to `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` (7204)
- Add `uniform()` to random generator (7205)
- Implement `make_interp_spline(..., bc_type="periodic")` (7206)
- JIT: Enhance thrust functions coverage (7233)
- Add `CubicHermiteSpline` to `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` (7242)


- Conditionally change identifiers for ROCm (7079)
- `cupyx.scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve` : allow two-dimensional right-hand sides in `A X = B` (7219)
- Support CUDA 12.0 (7235)
- Extra fixes for CUDA 12.0 (7236)
- Adding smaller eigenvalues option in `cupyx.scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh` (7269)
- Performance optimization of `RegularGridInterpolator` (7275)
- Add function to diagnose Windows DLL load issue (7279)
- Support NCCL 2.16 (7283)
- Bump to cuTENSOR 1.6.2 (7284)
- Support cuDNN 8.7 (7285)
- Add `cupy-cuda12x` to `cupy-wheel` (7300)
- Migrate to NVTX3 (7304)
- Update for deprecations in NumPy 1.24 (7245)
- Check if the slice does not have inhomogeneous shape before converting it to array (7286)
- Update `array_api` (7313)

Bug Fixes

- Fix interpreting Sparse init arguments (7222)
- Fix race condition in Jitify (7259)
- Support passing int as shape to `broadcast_to` (7271)
- Update cuTENSOR installer for CUDA 12.x (7298)


- Bump docs requirements (7247)
- Add explanation for JIT kernel. (7252)
- Doc: Add interop example using raw pointers (7278)
- Doc: Bump supported environments (CUDA 12 / cuDNN 8.7 / NCCL 2.16) (7310)


- Bump version to v12.0.0b3 (7323)


- CI: Support cuTENSOR 1.6.2 which defaults to CUDA 12 (7237)
- Skip tests if SciPy is unavailable (7239)
- Fix CI failures related to `cupyx.scipy.interpolate` (7262)
- Filter SQLAlchemy's warning on which optuna depends in test (7276)
- Add CI for CUDA 12.0 (7299)
- CI: Use NVTX1 in FlexCI image (7311)


The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

anaruse andfoy asi1024 ev-br hubertlu-tw ideasrule kmaehashi leofang mandal-saswata oishigyunyu takagi

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