
Latest version: v13.3.0

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relu = cupy.vectorize(lambda x: (x > 0.0) * x)
print(relu(a)) [ 0.4 -0. 1.8 -0. ]


Drop support for CUDA 10.1 or earlier (5770)

As per the RFC in 5717 and [Twitter](, the minimum CUDA version that is supported by CuPy v10 is CUDA 10.2.

Drop support for NCCL 2.6 and 2.7 (5855)

The minimum supported version for CuPy v10 is NCCL 2.8 as it implements the required primitives for `cupyx.distributed` to work.

Drop support for Python 3.6 (5771)

Following the Python 3.6 sunset on December 2021, and the compatibility lines with NumPy, starting CuPy v10, Python 3.6 will no longer be supported.

Drop support for NumPy 1.17 (5857)

As per [NEP29](, NumPy 1.17 support has been dropped on July 26, 2021.


New Features

- Add `cupy.array_api.linalg` (6199)


- Add more aliases for compatibility with NumPy (6080)
- Raise better message when importing CPU array via DLPack (6097)
- Apply upstream patch to `cupy.array_api` (6105)
- Borrow more non-GPU APIs from NumPy (6109)
- Import more dtype aliases from NumPy (6110)
- Borrow indexing APIs from NumPy (6111)
- Compile cub/thrust with no unique symbol (6140)
- Support cuDNN 8.3.0 (6150)
- Support eigenvalue solver 64bit API (6192)
- Support all advanced indexing (6196)
- Support lambda functions in `cupy.vectorize` (6217)
- Deprecate MachAr (support NumPy 1.22) (6189)

Performance Improvements

- Avoid 64bit division to reduce register consumption (6102)

Bug Fixes

- Fix `__all__` in `cupyx.scipy.fft` (6083)
- Detect repeated axis in reduction (6103)
- Fix `__getitem__` on Ellipsis and advanced indexing dimension (6113)
- Allow leading unit dimensions in copy source (6153)
- Always test broadcast in `copyto` (6155)
- Handles infinities of the same sign in `logaddexp` and `logaddexp2` (6176)
- Fix empty `solve` (6183)
- Fix empty Cholesky (6184)
- Fix 4675 on resolving TODO in 4198 (6204)
- Eigenvalue solver 64bit API on CUDA 11.1 (6220)

Code Fixes

- Avoid `from os import path` (6165)


- Update stable branch (6065)
- Update labels of Docs column (6068)
- Add more footnotes to comparison table (6079)
- Exclude `kernel_version` from comparison table (6090)
- Remove `LLVM_PATH` note on document (6101)
- Add polynomial modules to comparison table (6122)
- Add link to compatibility matrix (6135)
- Update footnotes in comparison table (6143)
- Update conda-forge installation guide (6200)
- Update upgrade guide (6203)
- Update `linkcode` implementation (6206)
- Revise Overview for CuPy v10 (6215)


- Replace `distutils` with `setuptools` in Windows `cl.exe` detection (6138)
- Bump version to v10.0.0 (6224)


- Fix CI cannot override cuSPARSELt/cuTENSOR version preinstalled (6087)
- Workaround DeprecationWarning raised from pkg_resources (6095)
- Fix `testing.multi_gpu` to add pytest marker (6096)
- Fix missing `multi_gpu` annotation in tests (6100)
- Fix exception handling in cupyx.distributed (6116)
- Improve FlexCI test scripts (6119)
- Fix CI result notification message format (6124)
- CI: Add timeout to show_config (6132)
- CI: use separate project for multi-GPU tests (6145)
- CI: Need to update CUDA driver in cuda115.multi (6146)
- CI: Fix package override sometimes fails in CentOS (6147)
- CI: add link to ROCm projects in CI coverage matrix (6148)
- CI: Fix unquoted specifiers (6182)
- CI: Update limits to reduce cache size (6185)
- Trigger FlexCI from GitHub Actions (6191)
- Support pre-release NumPy version in tests (6193)


The CuPy Team would like to thank all those who contributed to this release!

asi1024 emcastillo eternalphane kmaehashi leofang okuta takagi toslunar twmht Yutaro-Sanada


Not secure
This release includes bug fixes and improvements to the documentation and tests. See the [list]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

Bug fixes
- Avoid decoding nvcc output with UTF-8 to remove `UnicodeDecodeError`. (378, 379)
- Bug in view with different itemsize. (403, thanks boeddeker!)
- Avoid to call python methods in `__dealloc__` and use `__del__` instead. (411)
- Fix `ndarray.view` when the `itemsize` of the `dtype` changes. (416)
- Fix inconsistency of `ndarray.diagonal` between NumPy and CuPy. (436)

- Make a compilation error readable. (380)
- Add semicolons to the reduction kernel template. (396)

- Remove unsupported `strides` argument from docstring. (366)
- Hide source link for alien objects. (373)
- Fix the document of `matmul`. (412)
- Use double backslashes in `str` literals. (429)
- Clear doctest warnings. (457)
- Sort out navigation menu. (460)
- Fix a grammatical error in tutorial. (463)

- Use `randint` instead of `random_integer` that is deprecated. (430)
- Add `testing.assert_warns` and test deprecation warning of `Memory.free_all_free`. (431)
- Skip some tests for `RandomState` when NumPy < 1.11.0. (438)
- Loosen the torelance of tests for binary operators. (461)
- Fix typo in test names. (395)


Not secure
This release includes bug fixes and improvements to the documentation and tests. See the [list]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.


- Change `allocation_unit_size` from 256 to 512 (256)
- Avoid synchronize in array function (257)
- Deterministic test (217)
- Note that this change includes an additional public function; we prioritized stabilizing tests more than keeping the rule of not introducing new features in stable updates.

Bug fixes

- Fix out argument in fusion ufunc (242)
- Fix array method on multi GPU (258)
- Fix deepcopy with multiple devices (263)
- Fix multi-device copyto (275)
- Fix link args for cusolver (315)


- Add compile option to build on Windows (279)
- Do not create a.out on running python `` develop (293)
- Fix link args for cusolver (315)


- Fix spelling in tutorial (272)
- Fix difference of reduction functions (324)
- Fix GitHub link (333)


- Make tests deterministic when possible (217)
- Add unit tests for `cupy.array` (259)
- Fix Numpy `VisibleDeprecationWarning` in indexing tests (261)
- Add retry to unit tests of decomposition functions (262)
- Fix travis test to enable style check for normal Python code (290)
- Skip bool unary negative test (341)


- Add include option for covreage (286)
- Ignore generated reference (318)
- Add tags file to .gitignore (325)


Not secure
This release includes bug fixes and improvements on documents and tests. See the [list]( for the complete list of solved issues and merged PRs.

Release Notes

- Workaround to "No supported gcc/g++ host compiler found” error in Ubuntu 17.04 (243)

Bug fixes
- Make memory pool thread-safe (109, thanks kmaehashi!)
- Fix fusion to reject NumPy arrays (241)
- Fix thread safety of `cupy.random.get_random_state` (77, 99)

- Fix markdown in the tutorial (106, thanks hvy!)
- Write about advanced indexing support (126, thanks yuyu2172!)
- Remove description about discrepancy with NumPy regarding exponential of boolean arrays, which was resolved in NumPy 1.13.0 (146)
- Fix typo in the tutorial (153, thanks ignisan!)
- Other documentation improvements (125, 189, 173, 210)

- Fix color argument in the k-means example (107)

- Skip installing thrust support in case nvcc not found in PATH. (116)
- Other install improvement: (143)

- Improvement on tests (81, 124, 178, 179, 211, 212, 217, 230)
- Improvement on website (149, 194, 195)


This is the release of CuPy v1.

This release also contains updates of CuPy included in Chainer v1.23.0 and v1.24.0. See [the release note of Chainer v1.23.0]( and [the release note of Chainer v1.24.0]( for the details.

The set of supported versions of CUDA and cuDNN is changed from Chainer v1.x as follows.

- CUDA 7.0 and later
- cuDNN 4.0 and later

Release Notes

Note: We had originally planned to include NVRTC support for the just-in-time compilation of kernels via `pynvrtc`, but we found that there is no guarantee on `pynvrtc` being compatible with old versions of CUDA, so we decided to make our own wrapper instead. Unfortunately, it cannot be included in this version. We are planning to add NVRTC support in the next version.

New features

- Add `cupy.sort` function (55, 66, 68)
- 64bit address support on CUDA (31)
- Support `CUPY_SEED` enviroment variable (44)


- Refactor carray.cuh file (53, 56, 57)
- Support lock-free cache of compiled nvcc binary (37)
- Allow `cupy.copyto` from Python scalar (38)
- Improve setup process (65, 69, 70, 73, 76, 80)

Bug fixes

- Fix `cupy.random.choise` (84)


- Update tutorial (25)
- Update installation guide (60)
- Many fixes (20, 21, 22, 34, 47, )


- Add KMeans example (35)


- Improve test stability (48, 50)


Not secure
This is the beta release of CuPy v1.

This release only contains updates of Chainer v1.22.0 and minor updates of documentation and installation. See [the release note of Chainer v1.22.0]( for the details.

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