
Latest version: v1.32.4

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* Added the '--use-packs-known-words' argument to the **doc-review** command
* Added YAML_Loader to handle yaml files in a standard way across modules, replacing PYYAML.
* Fixed an issue when filtering items using the ID set in the **create-content-artifacts** command.
* Fixed an issue in the **generate-docs** command where tables were generated with an empty description column.
* Fixed an issue in the **split** command where splitting failed when using relative input/output paths.
* Added warning when inferred files are missing.
* Added to **validate** a validation for integration image dimensions, which should be 120x50px.
* Improved an error in the **validate** command to better differentiate between the case where a required fetch parameter is malformed or missing.


* Fixed an issue in the **create-id-set** command where similar items from different marketplaces were reported as duplicated.
* Fixed typo in demisto-sdk init
* Fixed an issue where the **lint** command did not handle all container exit codes.
* Add to **validate** a validation for pack name to make sure it is unchanged.
* Added a validation to the **validate** command that verifies that the version in the pack_metdata file is written in the correct format.
* Fixed an issue in the **format** command where missing *fromVersion* field in indicator fields caused an error.


* Added option to specify `External Playbook Configuration` to change inputs of Playbooks triggered as part of **test-content**
* Improved performance of the **lint** command.
* Improved performance of the **validate** command when checking README images.
* ***create-id-set*** command - the default value of the **marketplace** argument was changed from ‘xsoar’ to all packs existing in the content repository. When using the command, make sure to pass the relevant marketplace to use.


* Fixed an issue where the command **doc-review** along with the argument `--release-notes` failed on yml/json files with invalid schema.
* Fixed an issue where the **lint** command failed on packs using python 3.10


* Fixed an issue where reading remote yaml files failed.
* Fixed an issue in **validate** failed with no error message for lists (when no fromVersion field was found).
* Fixed an issue when running **validate** or **format** in a gitlab repository, and failing to determine its project id.
* Added an enhancement to **split**, handling an empty output argument.
* Added the ability to add classifiers and mappers to conf.json.
* Added the Alias field to the incident field schema.


* Added 'deprecated' release notes template.
* Fixed an issue where **run-test-playbook** command failed to get the task entries when the test playbook finished with errors.
* Fixed an issue in **validate** command when running with `no-conf-json` argument to ignore the `conf.json` file.
* Added error type text (`ERROR` or `WARNING`) to **validate** error prints.
* Fixed an issue where the **format** command on test playbook did not format the ID to be equal to the name of the test playbook.
* Enhanced the **update-release-notes** command to automatically commit release notes config file upon creation.
* The **validate** command will validate that an indicator field of type html has fromVersion of 6.1.0 and above.
* The **format** command will now add fromVersion 6.1.0 to indicator field of type html.
* Added support for beta integrations in the **format** command.
* Fixed an issue where the **postman-codegen** command failed when called with the `--config-out` flag.
* Removed the integration documentation from the detailed description while performing **split** command to the unified yml file.
* Removed the line which indicates the version of the product from the file for new contributions.

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