
Latest version: v1.32.4

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* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** command failed on invalid file types.


* Fixed a regression where **upload** command failed on test playbooks.
* Added new *githubUser* field in pack metadata init command.
* Support beta integration in the commands **split-yml, extract-code, generate-test-playbook and generate-docs.**
* Fixed an issue where **find-dependencies** ignored *toversion* field in content items.
* Added support for *layoutscontainer*, *classifier_5_9_9*, *mapper*, *report*, and *widget* in the **Format** command.
* Fixed an issue where **Format** will set the `ID` field to be equal to the `name` field in modified playbooks.
* Fixed an issue where **Format** did not work for test playbooks.
* Improved **update-release-notes** command:
* Write content description to release notes for new items.
* Update format for file types without description: Connections, Incident Types, Indicator Types, Layouts, Incident Fields.
* Added a validation for feedTags param in feeds in **validate** command.
* Fixed readme validation issue in community support packs.
* Added the **openapi-codegen** command to generate integrations from OpenAPI specification files.
* Fixed an issue were release notes validations returned wrong results for *CommonScripts* pack.
* Added validation for image links in README files in **validate** command.
* Added a validation for default value of fetch param in feeds in **validate** command.
* Fixed an issue where the **Init** command failed on scripts.


* Fixed an issue where running the **format** command on feed integrations removed the `defaultvalue` fields.
* Playbook branch marked with *skipunavailable* is now set as an optional dependency in the **find-dependencies** command.
* The **feedReputation** parameter can now be hidden in a feed integration.
* Fixed an issue where running the **unify** command on JS package failed.
* Added the *--no-update* flag to the **find-dependencies** command.
* Added the following validations in **validate** command:
* Validating that a pack does not depend on NonSupported / Deprecated packs.


* Added the *--description* option to the **init** command.
* Added the *--contribution* option to the **init** command which converts a contribution zip to proper pack format.
* Improved **validate** command performance time and outputs.
* Added the flag *--no-docker-checks* to **validate** command to skip docker checks.
* Added the flag *--print-ignored-files* to **validate** command to print ignored files report when the command is done.
* Added the following validations in **validate** command:
* Validating that existing release notes are not modified.
* Validating release notes are not added to new packs.
* Validating that the "currentVersion" field was raised in the pack_metadata for modified packs.
* Validating that the timestamp in the "created" field in the pack_metadata is in ISO format.
* Running `demisto-sdk validate` will run the **validate** command using git and only on committed files (same as using *-g --post-commit*).
* Fixed an issue where release notes were not checked correctly in **validate** command.
* Fixed an issue in the **create-id-set** command where optional playbook tasks were not taken into consideration.
* Added a prompt to the `demisto-sdk update-release-notes` command to prompt users to commit changes before running the release notes command.
* Added support to `layoutscontainer` in **validate** command.


* Fixed an issue in **find-dependencies** command.
* **lint** command now verifies flake8 on CommonServerPython script.


* Fixed an issue with the default output file name of the **unify** command when using "." as an output path.
* **Unify** command now adds contributor details to the display name and description.
* **Format** command now adds *isFetch* and *incidenttype* fields to integration yml.
* Removed the *feedIncremental* field from the integration schema.
* **Format** command now adds *feedBypassExclusionList*, *Fetch indicators*, *feedReputation*, *feedReliability*,
*feedExpirationPolicy*, *feedExpirationInterval* and *feedFetchInterval* fields to integration yml.
* Fixed an issue in the playbooks schema.
* Fixed an issue where generated release notes were out of order.
* Improved pack dependencies detection.
* Fixed an issue where test playbooks were mishandled in **validate** command.

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