
Latest version: v1.32.4

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* Added validation that the support URL in partner contribution pack metadata does not lead to a GitHub repo.
* Enhanced ***generate-docs*** with default `additionalinformation` (description) for common parameters.
* Added to **validate** command a validation that a content item's id and name will not end with spaces.
* The **format** command will now remove trailing whitespaces from content items' id and name fields.
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** could fail on files outside the user given pack.
* Fixed an issue where the **generate-test-playbook** command would not place the playbook in the proper folder.
* Added to **validate** command a validation that packs with `Iron Bank` uses the latest docker from Iron Bank.
* Added to **update-release-notes** command support for `Generic Object` entities.
* Fixed an issue where playbook `fromversion` mismatch validation failed even if `skipunavailable` was set to true.
* Added to the **create artifacts** command support for release notes configuration file.
* Added validation to **validate** for release notes config file.
* Added **isoversize** and **isautoswitchedtoquietmode** fields to the playbook schema.
* Added to the **update-release-notes** command `-bc` flag to generate template for breaking changes version.
* Fixed an issue where **validate** did not search description files correctly, leading to a wrong warning message.


* Fixed an issue where yml files with `!reference` failed to load properly.
* Fixed an issue when `View Integration Documentation` button was added twice during the download and re-upload.
* Fixed an issue when `(Partner Contribution)` was added twice to the display name during the download and re-upload.
* Added the following enhancements in the **generate-test-playbook** command:
* Added the *--commands* argument to generate tasks for specific commands.
* Added the *--examples* argument to get the command examples file path and generate tasks from the commands and arguments specified there.
* Added the *--upload* flag to specify whether to upload the test playbook after the generation.
* Fixed the output condition generation for outputs of type `Boolean`.


* Fixed an issue where an empty list for a command context didn't produce an indication other than an empty table.
* Fixed an issue where the **format** command has incorrectly recognized on which files to run when running using git.
* Fixed an issue where author image validations were not checked properly.
* Fixed an issue where new old-formatted scripts and integrations were not validated.
* Fixed an issue where the wording in the from version validation error for subplaybooks was incorrect.
* Fixed an issue where the **update-release-notes** command used the old docker image version instead of the new when detecting a docker change.
* Fixed an issue where the **generate-test-playbook** command used an incorrect argument name as default
* Fixed an issue where the **json-to-outputs** command used an incorrect argument name as default when using `-d`.
* Fixed an issue where validations failed while trying to validate non content files.
* Fixed an issue where README validations did not work post VS Code formatting.
* Fixed an issue where the description validations were inconsistent when running through an integration file or a description file.


* Fixed an issue where **validate** suggests, with no reason, running **format** on missing mandatory keys in yml file.
* Skipped existence of TestPlaybook check on community and contribution integrations.
* Fixed an issue where pre-commit didn't run on the demisto_sdk/commands folder.
* The **init** command will now change the script template name in the code to the given script name.
* Expanded the validations performed on beta integrations.
* Added support for PreProcessRules in the **format**, **validate**, **download**, and **create-content-artifacts** commands.
* Improved the error messages in **generate-docs**, if an example was not provided.
* Added to **validate** command a validation that a content entity or a pack name does not contain the words "partner" and "community".
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** ignores *--text* flag while using *-f*
* Fixed the outputs validations in **validate** so enrichment commands will not be checked to have DBotScore outputs.
* Added a new validation to require the dockerimage key to exist in an integration and script yml files.
* Enhanced the **generate-test-playbook** command to use only integration tested on commands, rather than (possibly) other integrations implementing them.
* Expanded unify command to support GenericModules - Unifies a GenericModule object with its Dashboards.
* Added validators for generic objects:
* Generic Field validator - verify that the 'fromVersion' field is above 6.5.0, 'group' field equals 4 and 'id' field starts with the prefix 'generic_'.
* Generic Type validator - verify that the 'fromVersion' field is above 6.5.0
* Generic Module validator - verify that the 'fromVersion' field is above 6.5.0
* Generic Definition validator - verify that the 'fromVersion' field is above 6.5.0
* Expanded Format command to support Generic Objects - Fixes generic objects according to their validations.
* Fixed an issue where the **update-release-notes** command did not handle ApiModules properly.
* Added option to enter a dictionary or json of format `[{field_name:description}]` in the **json-to-outputs** command,
with the `-d` flag.
* Improved the outputs for the **format** command.
* Fixed an issue where the validations performed after the **format** command were inconsistent with **validate**.
* Added to the **validate** command a validation for the author image.
* Updated the **create-content-artifacts** command to support generic modules, definitions, fields and types.
* Added an option to ignore errors for file paths and not only file name in .pack-ignore file.


* Enhanced the **postman-codegen** command to name all generated arguments with lower case.
* Fixed an issue where the **find-dependencies** command miscalculated the dependencies for playbooks that use generic commands.
* Fixed an issue where the **validate** command failed in external repositories in case the DEMISTO_SDK_GITHUB_TOKEN was not set.
* Fixed an issue where **openapi-codegen** corrupted the swagger file by overwriting configuration to swagger file.
* Updated the **upload** command to support uploading zipped packs to the marketplace.
* Added to the **postman-codegen** command support of path variables.
* Fixed an issue where **openapi-codegen** entered into an infinite loop on circular references in the swagger file.
* The **format** command will now set `fromVersion: 6.2.0` for widgets with 'metrics' data type.
* Updated the **find-dependencies** command to support generic modules, definitions, fields and types.
* Fixed an issue where **openapi-codegen** tried to extract reference example outputs, leading to an exception.
* Added an option to ignore secrets automatically when using the **init** command to create a pack.
* Added a tool that gives the ability to temporarily suppress console output.


* When formatting incident types with Auto-Extract rules and without mode field, the **format** command will now add the user selected mode.
* Added new validation that DBotRole is set for scripts that requires elevated permissions to the `XSOAR-linter` in the **lint** command.
* Added url escaping to markdown human readable section in generate docs to avoid autolinking.
* Added a validation that mapper's id and name are matching. Updated the format of mapper to include update_id too.
* Added a validation to ensure that image paths in the README files are valid.
* Fixed **find_type** function to correctly find test files, such as, test script and test playbook.
* Added scheme validations for the new Generic Object Types, Fields, and Modules.
* Renamed the flag *--input-old-version* to *--old-version* in the **generate-docs** command.
* Refactored the **update-release-notes** command:
* Replaced the *--all* flag with *--use-git* or *-g*.
* Added the *--force* flag to update the pack release notes without changes in the pack.
* The **update-release-notes** command will now update all dependent integrations on ApiModule change, even if not specified.
* If more than one pack has changed, the full list of updated packs will be printed at the end of **update-release-notes** command execution.
* Fixed an issue where the **update-release-notes** command did not add docker image release notes entry for release notes file if a script was changed.
* Fixed an issue where the **update-release-notes** command did not detect changed files that had the same name.
* Fixed an issue in the **update-release-notes** command where the version support of JSON files was mishandled.
* Fixed an issue where **format** did not skip files in test and documentation directories.
* Updated the **create-id-set** command to support generic modules, definitions, fields and types.
* Changed the **convert** command to generate old layout fromversion to 5.0.0 instead of 4.1.0
* Enhanced the command **postman-codegen** with type hints for templates.

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