* Added support for multi-package **lint** both with parallel and without.
* Added all parameter in **lint** to run on all packages and packs in content repository.
* Added **format** for:
* Scripts
* Playbooks
* Integrations
* Improved user outputs for **secrets** command.
* Fixed an issue where **lint** would run pytest and pylint only on a single docker per integration.
* Added auto-complete functionality to demisto-sdk.
* Added git parameter in **lint** to run only on changed packages.
* Added the **run-playbook** command
* Added **run** command which runs a command in the Demisto playground.
* Added **upload** command which uploads an integration or a script to a Demisto instance.
* Fixed and issue where **validate** checked if release notes exist for new integrations and scripts.
* Added **generate-test-playbook** command which generates a basic test playbook for an integration or a script.
* **validate** now supports indicator fields.
* Fixed an issue with layouts scheme validation.
* Adding **init** command.
* Added **json-to-outputs** command which generates the yaml section for outputs from an API raw response.