
Latest version: v1.32.4

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* Fixed an issue where running **validate** failed on playbook with task that adds tags to the evidence data.
* Added the *displaypassword* field to the integration schema.
* Added new code validations to `XSOAR-linter`.
* As warnings messages:
* `demisto.params()` should be used only inside main function.
* `demisto.args()` should be used only inside main function.
* Functions args should have type annotations.
* Added `fromversion` field validation to test playbooks and scripts in **validate** command.


* Add support for warning msgs in the report and summary to **lint** command.
* Fixed an issue where **json-to-outputs** determined bool values as int.
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** was crushing on `--all` flag.
* Fixed an issue where running **validate**, **update-release-notes** outside of content repo crushed without a meaningful error message.
* Added support for layoutscontainer in **init** contribution flow.
* Added a validation for tlp_color param in feeds in **validate** command.
* Added a validation for removal of integration parameters in **validate** command.
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** was failing with a wrong error message when no pack or input was given.
* Improved formatting output of the **generate-docs** command.
* Add support for env variable *DEMISTO_SDK_ID_SET_REFRESH_INTERVAL*. Set this env variable to the refresh interval in minutes. The id set will be regenerated only if the refresh interval has passed since the last generation. Useful when generating Script documentation, to avoid re-generating the id_set every run.
* Added new code validations to `XSOAR-linter`.
* As error messages:
* Longer than 10 seconds sleep statements for non long running integrations.
* exit() usage.
* quit() usage.
* As warnings messages:
* `demisto.log` should not be used.
* main function existence.
* `demito.results` should not be used.
* `return_output` should not be used.
* try-except statement in main function.
* `return_error` usage in main function.
* only once `return_error` usage.
* Fixed an issue where **lint** command printed logs twice.
* Fixed an issue where *suffix* did not work as expected in the **create-content-artifacts** command.
* Added support for *prev-ver* flag in **lint** and **secrets** commands.
* Added support for *text* flag to **update-release-notes** command to add the same text to all release notes.
* Fixed an issue where **validate** did not recognize added files if they were modified locally.
* Added a validation that checks the `fromversion` field exists and is set to 5.0.0 or above when working or comparing to a non-feature branch in **validate** command.
* Added a validation that checks the certification field in the pack_metadata file is valid in **validate** command.
* The **update-release-notes** command will now automatically add docker image update to the release notes.


* Added an additional linter `XSOAR-linter` to the **lint** command which custom validates py files. currently checks for:
* `Sys.exit` usages with non zero value.
* Any `Print` usages.
* Fixed an issue where renamed files were failing on *validate*.
* Fixed an issue where single changed files did not required release notes update.
* Fixed an issue where doc_images required release-notes and validations.
* Added handling of dependent packs when running **update-release-notes** on changed *APIModules*.
* Added new argument *--id-set-path* for id_set.json path.
* When changes to *APIModule* is detected and an id_set.json is available - the command will update the dependent pack as well.
* Added handling of dependent packs when running **validate** on changed *APIModules*.
* Added new argument *--id-set-path* for id_set.json path.
* When changes to *APIModule* is detected and an id_set.json is available - the command will validate that the dependent pack has release notes as well.
* Fixed an issue where the find_type function didn't recognize file types correctly.
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** command did not work properly on Windows.
* Added support for indicator fields in **update-release-notes** command.
* Fixed an issue where files in test dirs where being validated.


* Fixed an issue where **format** did not update the test playbook from its pack.
* Fixed an issue where **validate** validated non integration images.
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** did not identified old yml integrations and scripts.
* Added revision templates to the **update-release-notes** command.
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** crashed when a file was renamed.
* Fixed an issue where **validate** failed on deleted files.
* Fixed an issue where **validate** validated all images instead of packs only.
* Fixed an issue where a warning was not printed in the **format** in case a non-supported file type is inputted.
* Fixed an issue where **validate** did not fail if no release notes were added when adding files to existing packs.
* Added handling of incorrect layout paths via the **format** command.
* Refactor **create-content-artifacts** command - Efficient artifacts creation and better logging.
* Fixed an issue where image and description files were not handled correctly by **validate** and **update-release-notes** commands.
* Fixed an issue where the **format** command didn't remove all extra fields in a file.
* Added an error in case an invalid id_set.json file is found while running the **validate** command.
* Added fetch params checks to the **validate** command.


* Added line number to secrets' path in **secrets** command report.
* Fixed an issue where **init** a community pack did not present the valid support URL.
* Fixed an issue where **init** offered a non relevant pack support type.
* Fixed an issue where **lint** did not pull docker images for powershell.
* Fixed an issue where **find-dependencies** did not find all the script dependencies.
* Fixed an issue where **find-dependencies** did not collect indicator fields as dependencies for playbooks.
* Updated the **validate** and the **secrets** commands to be less dependent on regex.
* Fixed an issue where **lint** did not run on circle when docker did not return ping.
* Updated the missing release notes error message (RN106) in the **Validate** command.
* Fixed an issue where **Validate** would return missing release notes when two packs with the same substring existed in the modified files.
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** would add duplicate release notes when two packs with the same substring existed in the modified files.
* Fixed an issue where **update-release-notes** would fail to bump new versions if the feature branch was out of sync with the master branch.
* Fixed an issue where a non-descriptive error would be returned when giving the **update-release-notes** command a pack which can not be found.
* Added dependencies check for *widgets* in **find-dependencies** command.
* Added a `update-docker` flag to **format** command.
* Added a `json-to-outputs` flag to the **run** command.
* Added a verbose (`-v`) flag to **format** command.
* Fixed an issue where **download** added the prefix "playbook-" to the name of playbooks.


* Updated the **init** command. Relevant only when passing the *--contribution* argument.
* Added the *--author* option.
* The *support* field of the pack's metadata is set to *community*.
* Added a proper error message in the **Validate** command upon a missing description in the root of the yml.
* **Format** now works with a relative path.
* **Validate** now fails when all release notes have been excluded.
* Fixed issue where correct error message would not propagate for invalid images.
* Added the *--skip-pack-dependencies* flag to **validate** command to skip pack dependencies validation. Relevant when using the *-g* flag.
* Fixed an issue where **Validate** and **Format** commands failed integrations with `defaultvalue` field in fetch incidents related parameters.
* Fixed an issue in the **Validate** command in which unified YAML files were not ignored.
* Fixed an issue in **generate-docs** where scripts and playbooks inputs and outputs were not parsed correctly.
* Fixed an issue in the **openapi-codegen** command where missing reference fields in the swagger JSON caused errors.
* Fixed an issue in the **openapi-codegen** command where empty objects in the swagger JSON paths caused errors.
* **update-release-notes** command now accept path of the pack instead of pack name.
* Fixed an issue where **generate-docs** was inserting unnecessary escape characters.
* Fixed an issue in the **update-release-notes** command where changes to the pack_metadata were not detected.
* Fixed an issue where **validate** did not check for missing release notes in old format files.

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