
Latest version: v0.0.1

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* `xia2`: Disable multiprocessing on Windows (xia2/xia2191)
* `xia2`: Fix call to `dev.dials.assign_experiment_identifiers` on systems without `dev.*` commands


* HDF5: support for multiple datasets referenced from a single master file (627)
* Add support for Diamond Light Source VMXm beamline data
* `dials.reciprocal_lattice_viewer`: support for old format `.pickle` files
* `dials.export_mtz`: handle split sweeps
* `dials.report`: include additional plots after scaling
* `dials.scale`: Fix possibility for recursion error in outlier rejection, generate scaling.html output report.
* `xia2`: Provide more useful output when called programs fail (xia2/xia2300)


* xia2: fix 3dii pipeline when handling more than 10M reflections (xia2/xia2292)


* EIGER: Allow processing of files containing a single image
* Add a new command dials.plugins to list all installed plugins and self-check the DIALS installation.
* xia2: Fix file name wrangling for XDS with master files
* xia2: Report correct beam centre in XML/JSON output for multipanel detectors


* indexing: fix for max cell estimation in some cases when resolution limit of detector much greater than resolution limit of data (739)
* scaling refiner: fix calculation of free/work metrics
* space group determination: bug fix in calculation of confidence
* dials.split_experiments: add "chunk_sizes" option
* xia2 to SHELXC: bug fix for rhombohedral space groups (xia2/xia2285)
* `xia2.report`: tidy up output in some cases


* `dials.image_viewer` can stack images without having to restart the viewer.
* `dev.dials.generate_shadow_mask` is a new (unsupported) tool to create HDF5 shadow masks from the DIALS model of the goniometer shadow
* `dials.apply_mask` now works with experiments (673)
* `dials.scale` general improvements to algorithm stability, speed and memory performance improvements
* DIALS 1.14 is the final DIALS 1 release, and will be supported for a longer period than usual.

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