
Latest version: v0.0.1

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- _dials.align_crystal_ and _dials.stereographic_projection_ now write json files
- _dials.image_viewer_ fixes (262, 284)
- _dials.export_ bugfix for BEST output with rhombohedral space groups
- improved nearest-neighbour indexing logic


- Fix "Mark centers of mass" in _dials.image_viewer_ (278)


- Various small bug fixes (https://github.com/dials/dials/pull/268)
- New command _dials.two_theta_offset_ tells the offset of the two theta axis given two experiment .jsons


- _dials.refine_ now determines outlier rejection block width automatically (158)
- Correctly take into account the goniometer setting rotation
- New commands _dials.goniometer_calibration_, _dials.align_crystal_, _dials.geometry_viewer_ and _dials.shadow_plot_
- Support for dynamic goniometer shadow masking, requires beamline-specific modifications to detector Format class (_dynamic_shadowing=True_)
- _dials.image_viewer_: new parameter _show_mask=True_ (displays the pixels that are masked out on each image)
- _dials.image_viewer_ now stays on image when window loses focus (220)
- _dials.image_viewer_: improvements for multi-panel detectors (see also 55)
- _dials.index max_cell_ estimation improvements
- _dials.refine_bravais_settings_: recommend suitable settings


- fix image overlays when summing multiple images
- _xia2_ fix crash with xinfo files when only high resolution limit is defined
- _xia2_ fix command line in ISPyB xml output and set default xml filename


Installers for Linux, MacOS X and MacOS X 10.6 as well as a source file distribution are available below.

Alternatively you can compile DIALS 1.3 from scratch by running

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dials/cctbx/dials-1.3/libtbx/auto_build/bootstrap.py
$ python bootstrap.py --builder=dials hot update base build


- _xia2_ fixes to take space group reindexing operation into account when refining unit cells

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