
Latest version: v0.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 663890 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- _xia2_ supports _-ispyb_xml_out_ command line option with deprecation warning


- Fix Rigaku Saturn SN457 image header parsing
- _xia2_ supports _-atom_ and _-failover_ command line options with deprecation warnings


- Fix _dials.find_spots shoebox=false_ (186)


- Improved support for processing compressed images (79)
- More efficient parallel processing in _dials.find_spots_ (150)
- _dials.image_viewer_ is now more responsive to parameter changes (166), and can display resolution ellipses when detector is at 2theta angle > 0 (66). Image annotations work for summed images (107).
- The distl spotfinding webserver has been updated to the most recent versions of apache and mod_python, and expanded to support the dials spotfinder, including native support for Eiger HDF5 data from Dectris. Some [documentation is available](http://dials.github.io/documentation/programs/dials_find_spots_apache_server.html).
- _dials.two_theta_refine_ provides a refinement of the unit cell parameters against the 2theta angles of indexed reflections.


- fix ice ring filtering for blank images


Installers for Linux, MacOS X and MacOS X 10.6 as well as a source file distribution are available below.

Alternatively you can compile DIALS 1.2 from scratch by running

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dials/cctbx/dials-1.2/libtbx/auto_build/bootstrap.py
$ python bootstrap.py --builder=dials hot update base build


- improve display for _dials.image_viewer_ with _sum_images_ (107)
- add cursor control, improved display for _dials.reciprocal_lattice_viewer_ (142, 145)
- reduce _dials.refine_ log verbosity
- xia2 warns on missing wavelength in xinfo file
- _xia2.get_unit_cell_errors_ erroneous constraint for unit cell error estimates relaxed

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