
Latest version: v0.0.1

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* dials.detect_blanks is now less conservative
* dials.scale fixes
* Updates to support Eiger stream data
* Updates to support Fast DP v1.1
* xia2: Added command line options dials.integrate.d_max and .d_min to set resolution limits for integration
* xia2: Fixes for dials-full pipeline
* xia2: Reduce size of xia2.report HTML output
* xia2: Improve the experimental remove_blanks mechanism


* `dials.compute_delta_cchalf`: new utility to implement a delta-cc12 analysis for removing scaled data sets with poor agreement.
* `dials.export` can now export MTZs of single-image data sets.
* `dials.frame_orientations`: new utility to output a table and plot of crystal orientations for each image expressed as a zone axis direction.
* `dials.reindex`: allow reindexing against a reference file to give a common indexing between data sets.
* `dials.scale`: Addition of weak B-restraint for physical model to improve refinement stability. General bug fixes and stability improvements. Addition of cross validation options for scaling.
* `dials.search_beam_position` now works for multiple-sweep data sets.
* `dials.symmetry`: add a round of outlier rejection before symmetry analysis.


* Improves support for Eiger2
* dials.cosym: fix math error
* dials.index: if indexing from known orientation then use provided space group setting unless specified
* Fix dials.background crash when run without parameters
* Fix dials.symmetry crash (619)


* Remove debug output from image viewer
* Fix rare dials.index crash (620)


* cosym/dials.symmetry: fix profile errors
* xia2.strategy: Fix crash at dials.export step
* xia2.strategy: Do not require profiles on export
* make merging statistics generation code more fault tolerant


* dials.export: Rename prf to profile for export and scaling options
* dials.analyse_output: Fix grid_size parameter handling (611)

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