
Latest version: v0.0.1

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* Add support for dials.scale


* `pipeline=2d` has been marked as deprecated and will be removed at some point in the future


* make some processing error messages more informative


* respect the number of allocated CPUs on SGE clusters.
* sensible trusted range for Rayonix CCD images with XDS processing
* basic support for Eiger data sets from BioMAX, requires correct goniometer axis to be specified on command line
* can now "see" data with template prefix.nnnn.bz2 etc.
* xia2 / dials / cctbx: correct interpretation of geometry for Rigaku lab source CCD detectors
* xia2 / DIALS: support for Eiger data sets with >1000 sub-files via ulimit
* xia2 / XDS: support for use of "neggia" plugin if in XDS binary directory & processing HDF5 / Eiger data


* xia2: dynamic_shadowing now turned on by default where a goniometer shadow model is available
* xia2.html: ensure merging statistics consistent with those reported in text output


* xia2: new xia2.html
* xia2 fixed for I23 data with distance != 0; xia2/xia2124 & friends

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