
Latest version: v2.6.1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Allow patching of stream retry wait arg

**Bug Fixes**

- Incorrect handling of potential exposure in control




- Current and total transactions available from client
- `blotter.strategy_selection_orders` func added (speed improvement on exposure calc)

**Bug Fixes**

- Refactor of client transaction control to correctly apply the 5000 limit




- Major refactor to order placement using Transaction class to allow user control over order placement
- Trading controls executed on place rather than OrderPackage level (Breaking change to controls)
- strategy order placement to be depreciated (Breaking change from version 1.18.0)
- OrderPackage no longer processed through the queue (quicker tick to trade)
- Error correctly raised on duplicate place calls
- Execution worker count bumped



**Bug Fixes**

- Minor fix when combining data and market stream strategies




- Blotter strategy orders added for faster lookup
- Strategy name hash cached
- Minor selection_exposure optimisations
- Simulated optimisations




- Various optimisations on pending_packages and low level listener updates
- Cache stream_id when backtesting
- Always run integrations tests (now possible with faster backtesting from bflw 2.12.0)

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