
Latest version: v2.6.3

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- 356 Jupyter logging control added (POC) with info improvements
- 344 lookup cache added and info optimisations
- 327 correctly return orderStatus
- Middleware optimisation by only processing updated runners
- Minor test improvements


- betfairlightweight upgraded to 2.11.1




- Updates for bflw 2.11.0
- logging improved on orphan orders

**Bug Fixes**

- 347 incorrect adjustment factor (sub 1.01)


- betfairlightweight upgraded to 2.11.0




- Backtest market catalogue middleware example (lunswor)
- 344 Initial work on improving calls when subscribed to 5k+ markets

**Bug Fixes**

- 342 market/limit on close order size remaining bug




- 'on_process' function optimised


- betfairlightweight upgraded to 2.10.2




- Flaky flaky integration tests

**Bug Fixes**

- Missing 'on_process' function (now subclassed)



**Bug Fixes**

- Revert removal of `add_stream` (removed by accident)

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