
Latest version: v2.6.1

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- 297 add violation msg to order on violation
- Graceful worker shutdown
- Terminate worker example added


- betfairlightweight upgraded to 2.9.2
- python-json-logger upgraded to 2.0.1




- Prevent MarketBook latency logging when update is from a snap

**Bug Fixes**

- 291 Bug in calculated_unmatched_exposure func


- betfairlightweight upgraded to 2.9.0 (248 memory leak)




- Updates the pricerecorder example method parameters (lunswor)
- 248 Remove runner_context from strategy on market remove
- 287 order separator (jsphon)




- 270 strategy exposure improvements on trading control

**Bug Fixes**

- Handle unhandled exceptions in execution
- Replace now fixed (regression on removal of `order_package.market`
- Backtest process orders now called before strategy calls *impacts backtesting profit*


- python-json-logger upgraded to 2.0.0



**Bug Fixes**

- Missing book / bet_delay in live fix



**Bug Fixes**

- 248 completely remove circular reference to market->blotter
- Correct market closure when recording data (raw)

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