
Latest version: v2.6.1

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**Bug Fixes**

- 275 Laying Limit Orders, Persistence Type MARKET_ON_CLOSE (jsphon)
- PR added to actions




- 269 latency warning added

**Bug Fixes**

- 248 addition of weakref to try and break circular reference (synapticarbors) + deletion of each event


- betfairlightweight upgraded to 2.8.0 (orjson)
- black updated to 20.8b1




- Minor refactor and test improvements on FlumineBacktest
- Tennis/inplayservice worker example added

**Bug Fixes**

- Validates runner is active on placeOrder when simulating (lunswor)
- Complete.trade moved to when order or trade status updates rather than process.py, previously it was missing any orders that violated when no other orders active




- 187 strategy and trade runner context additions

**Bug Fixes**

- Handling for SP orders on startup
- Bug fix on client control max orders when backtesting




- invested migrated to executable_orders on RunnerContext *breaking change
- Use MarketCatalogue where available for market descriptions
- Create session added, sessions closed and deleted if stale for 200s or more

**Bug Fixes**

- Limit process to limit orders to prevent SP orders from being completed when not + test bug fix



**Bug Fixes**

- Prevent closed markets being removed when paper trading
- Fix missing MarketBook from market (closes FLUMINE-PROD-EE)

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