
Latest version: v2.6.1

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- Process end of flumine on exit
- Flumine added as var to `strategy.finish` (*breaking change)

**Bug Fixes**

- 548 handle execution complete during placement delay
- Correctly add order datetimes on restart




- 528 smart matching on passive orders
- 544 market exposure refactor (*breaking change)

**Bug Fixes**

- 528 simulation processing on in flight requests
- 541 handle betTargetSize
- Example typo (petercoles)


- black upgraded to 21.12b0




- 527 custom stream funcs / docs added
- 525 UML diagrams added to docs (shashikhaya)
- `get_order_from_bet_id` optimisation (very slow with high order count)

**Bug Fixes**

- File type regression


- betfairlightweight upgraded to 2.15.2
- black upgraded to 21.11b1




- Performance docs added




- 528 MarketOnCloseOrders not included in BacktestLoggingControl example
- 531 Include SP values in jupyterloggingcontrol
- MarketRecorder updates (mberk)



**Bug Fixes**

- Missing clk handling in order and race stream

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