
Latest version: v2.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- added wrap_with()
- added nullcontext


- added cached_readonly
- more introspection in decorator decorators
- documented cached_property inheritance limitations
- included tests in pypi sdist tarball (Tomáš Chvátal)


- switched docs and internals to Python 3
- improved docs: better texts and examples here and there
- support Python 3.7 officially
- added popups over functions everywhere in docs
- accept any iterables of errors in flow utils
- fixed walk_values() for defaultdicts with empty factory
- fixed xmap() signature introspection
- documented lzip()


- added repr_len param to various debug utils
- dropped testing in Python 3.3


- support extended function semantics in iffy (Eric Prykhodko)
- distribute as a universal wheel.


- use raise from in reraise()
- fix cache with mixed positional and keywords args (thx to adrian-dankiv)

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