
Latest version: v2.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- partial docs
- added where(), pluck() and invoke() inspired by underscore
- added split_by()
- second() made public
- reexport itertools.cycle()
- walk() and select() work with strings now
Backward incompatible changes:
- renamed groupby() to group_by()
- separated split_at() from split()
- automatically unpack one-element tuples returned from re_*()
- join() now returns None on empty input instead of TypeError
- made fallback() accept multiple arguments
- fixed join() swallowing first coll from iterator of colls


- one argument keep()
- fallback() flow


- added curry() to funcs
- added re_test(), re_tester() and re_finder() to strings
- added second() to seqs
- added one() and one_fn() to colls and funcolls
- support defaultdicts in walk*(), select*(), project(), empty()
- one argument and uncallable default in iffy()

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