
Latest version: v2.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- decorators created with decorator are now able to pass additional args and kwargs
- collecting, joining() and limit_error_rate() now exported directly from funcy
- tap(), log_calls and log_errors() now exported directly from funcy
- added print_calls and print_errors
- better handling passing None to optional parameter
- docs for debugging utilities
Backward incompatible changes:
- log renamed to log_calls


- extended predicate/mapping semantics for seq and coll utils
- added str_join()
- added collecting and joining()
- added sums() and isums()
- better docs


- added with_prev()
- added iterable()
- support iterators in walk*(), select*(), empty() and project()
- reexport itertools.chain()
- faster curry
- more docs


- added compact(), i?reductions()
- added default argument to ignore()
- added tap() experimental debug utility
- make_lookuper() now works on functions with arguments
- exposed ilen() publicly
- added default argument to ignore()
- fix: join() and merge() now correctly fail when receive [None, ...]
- better docs
Backward incompatible changes:
- renamed memoize.lookup() to make_lookuper()


- added ilen()
- added some object helpers: namespace base class and cached_property
- more docs


- added memoize.lookup()
- more and better docs
Backward incompatible changes:
- removed generator based decorator version
- pluck() now accepts key as first parameter

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