
Latest version: v2.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- added reraise()
- added unit and threshold params to *_durations() utils
- published and documented LazyObject
- fixed iffy() default argument when action is not present (Dmytro Kabakchei)


- make where() skip nonexistent keys (Aleksei Voronov)
- fixed r?curry() on funcy i?map(), i?mapcat() and merge_with()


- filled in docstrings and some names
- better currying:
- all *curry() now work with builtins and classes
- autocurry() is robust in deciding when to call
- deprecated autocurry() n arg
- memoize now exposes its memory and accepts key_func arg
- cache also accepts key_func and supports funcs with **kwargs
- added omit() (Petr Melnikov)
- fixed/hacked PyCharm import introspection
- optimized i?reductions() in Python 3
- backported accumulate() to Python 2


- added count_reps()
- published namespace class
- added LazyObject (simplistic, experimental and not documented)
- support class dicts in walk*(), select*(), compact(), project() and empty()
- support Python 3 dict.keys(), .values() and .items() in walk*() and friends
- fixed empty() on iterators
- optimized chunking range() in Python 3


- fixed defaults in double decorated function
- fixed decorator with more than one default


- better error message on call.missed_arg access
- optimized call.arg access in decorator

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