
Latest version: v2.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- added rpartial() and rcurry()
- support arguments in print_(calls|exits)
- made print_(errors|durations) work both with and without arguments
- made (log|print)_errors() work as context manager
- made (log|print)_durations() work as context managers
- pass func docstring to cached_property


- added with_next()
- added timeout argument to retry() (rocco66)
- support kwargs in memoize'd functions (Lukasz Dobrzanski)
- do not cut result repr in (log|print)_calls() and (log|print)_exits


- support pypy3
- added contextmanager, ContextDecorator
- added (log|print)_(enters|exits)
- print stack trace in (log|print)_(calls|errors)
- added label argument for tap()
- better formatted call signatures in debug utilities
- added itervalues()
- exposed empty(), iteritems()
- exposed wraps and unwrap()
- slightly optimized last() and nth()
- fixed signatures of functions wrapped with wrap_(mapper|selector)


- added merge_with() and join_with()
- added once, once_per_args and once_per()
- added suppress() context manager
- added is_set()
- added name argument to monkey
- decorators created with decorator now set __original__ attribute
- optimized decorator
- optimized nth() and last()
- lzip() is now exported by default from/for py3
Backward incompatible fixes:
- made pluck(), where() and invoke() return interators in python 3
- __wrapped__ attribute added by decorators now correctly refers to immediate wrapped not innermost


- silent, ignore() and decorators created with decorator will now work
with method_descriptors and other non-wrappable callables.
- chained decorators now have access to arguments by name
- exposed cut_prefix() and cut_suffix()
- optimized re_tester()
- fixed retry in python 3
Backward incompatible changes:
- function made from dict will now use __getitem__ instead of get.
Means possible KeyErrors for dicts and factory function calls for defaultdict.
Use `a_dict.get` instead of just `a_dict` for old behaviour.
- reverted imap(None, seq) to default strange behaviour.


- optimized decorator

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