
Latest version: v0.24.1

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This release adds a major feature, which is to allow mutation effect sizes to differ across demes. See the change log in the manual for details + links to the new manual pages describing this feature.

A few bugs were squashed, too, and several important changes to the C++ back end also happened.

Milestone 0.7.0 contains all the relevant issue/PR links.


Fixes 437


Fixes the following issues:

* 420
* 421
* 422
* 432
* 428

Also makes an important back-end change to the C++ implementation of a Population. 427


This release changes the back-end code for migration. See 416 for details.


Closes a set of nagging issues: 246, 280, 339, 365, 386, 397


This is a major feature release. The changes include all those listed for the various
release candidates (0.6.0rc0, 0.6.0rc1, and 0.6.0rc2) plus the following:

* Several back-end issues are fixed:
[Issue 388](https://github.com/molpopgen/fwdpy11/issues/388)
[Issue 389](https://github.com/molpopgen/fwdpy11/issues/389)
[Issue 390](https://github.com/molpopgen/fwdpy11/issues/390)
[Issue 392](https://github.com/molpopgen/fwdpy11/issues/392)
* fwdpy11.TableCollection.fs added.
* Creating populations from msprime input improved.
* Added PendingDeprecationWarning to fwdpy11.evolve_genomes.

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