
Latest version: v0.22.2

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Rewrote a vignette to focus only on what it is trying to document.

1119, issue 1104


Bug fix:

* When building a population from a tskit tree sequence, we now correctly handle the origin times of mutations generated from within fwdpy11.
* This fix allows evolve/export/import/evolve work flows

PR 1113


Added support for creating a population from a tskit tree sequence output from a previous fwdpy11 run.

PR 1110 / issue 1109


Fix 1105 via 1106


Bug fix

* Fix error in conditional models when sampling ancient
samples throughout the focal mutation sojourn.
PR 1094
Issue 1093


Bug fix in the new implementations of binomial crossover types released in 0.19.4

PR 1088

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