
Latest version: v0.24.1

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Many new changes! See Changelog at the [manual](http://fwdpy11.readthedocs.io/en/latest)


This is a point release that fixes an issue where several of the C++ source files were not included in 0.2.0 on pypi.


This is the first release with support for tree sequence recording, data interchange with msprime, etc.. Major updates to many corners of the package.

There is a lot of cool stuff, and a ton of work went into this version.


Major new release. See change log in manual. Tree sequence recording is the "big deal" here, but lots of other cool stuff, too.


Too many changes to list here. See [change log](http://fwdpy11.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pages/changelog.html) in the manual.


Fixes 66, making fwdpy11 compatible with numpy 1.14

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