Fixes 787 and 792. Details in the change log via the manual.
Both bugs would not affect previously-obtained results because the issue resulted in exceptions preventing simulations from being run.
Fixes 759 via 760
`demes` version updated in requirements files via 761
This release contains several improvements relating to exporting simulations to tskit and then dealing with the exported objects.
The details of this release are collected under the 0.15.0 milestone and are detailed in the change log, which is found in the docs.
Small release to push new docs re: demes.
This release includes support for defining demographic models using [demes]( apragsdale contributed the code to convert from the `demes.Graph` objects to fwdpy11 objects.
Other changes are collected in the 0.14.0 milestone or the change log in the manual.
Fix for wheel building action. c31420aede4180becfe2a28936469ed471c6ea41