
Latest version: v2.25.1

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- Flatpak: Fix app preferences aren't saved
- Fix TypeError when changing to dark mode and refactor settings
- Fix grouping: allow to group to "root"
- Add support for dropping SysML diagrams on diagrams
- Catch errors when a clipboard is empty
- Fix DnD file opening on macOS
- Fix libadwaita 1.4.0 missing for hypothesis tests
- Make ActivityParameterNode droppable


- Proxy port improvements
- Add preferences for overriding dark mode and language to English
- Add allocations toolbox with allocate relationship item
- Add members in model browser
- Make line selection easier by increasing tolerance
- Make model loading more lenient
- Remove duplicated elements in Component.provided property
- Replace Black, check toml, isort, and refurb with Ruff
- macOS: fix About dialog links
- macOS: upgrade notarization from altool to notarytool
- Upgrade to libadwaita 1.4.0
- Update Sphinx to version 6.0
- Update PyInstaller to version 6.1
- Clean up transactional event handling
- Use defusedxml to avoid loading potentially dangerous xml
- Update Portuguese (Brazilian), Italian, Tamil,


- Add picture as core element
- Move diagram elements with the arrow keys
- Add interface block to element creation menu
- Support state entry, exit, and do behavior selection via dropdown
- Add feature to align diagram elements
- Display type of element in the properties panel
- Removed unnecessary operations and attributes for requirements
- Enable macOS keybindings again
- Fix missing derive relationship icon in the model browser
- Fix block not showing parts and references
- Fixed Profile is created instead of Stereotype in model browser
- Add ownership rules to DirectedRelationshipPropertyPath.targetContext
- Add tests and fix `Component.required`
- Present the Greeter, instead of only making it visible
- Fix derive-reqt model browser icon
- Improve coverage reporting
- Add system style sheet to the documentation


- Add ValueSpecificationAction
- New element creation through model browser
- Interface block support on diagram
- Constrain SysML diagram creation in the model explorer to conform with SysML 1.6 specification
- Add type selection for Lifelines
- Support SysMLDiagram type and diagram type specific header formatting
- Pin type multiplicity
- Deep copy for packages and diagrams
- Add Direct association to toolbar menu
- Add CallBehaviorAction to Activity profile
- Add operations compartment to Blocks
- Toggle visibility of ProxyPort type
- Provide value for 'Show value' in properties page
- Format pins by their name
- Do not remove unused Packages with children
- Fix: tree view should not collapse when an element is deleted
- Fix: only open model browser elements with a model element
- Upgrade Gvsbuild to 2023.7.1
- Update minimal Python version to 3.10
- Fix: ensure a newly placed item is no longer a dropzone item
- Fix: incorrect filling between shapes
- Fix: weird pin rendering
- Fix: diagram background shouldn't be shared between open models
- Fix: activity parameter node is always stuck to the activity when moving
- Fix: notes should be applied to model elements and will be named "Note"
- Fix: error when inverting association
- Update Croatian translations


- Windows: Fix missing toolbar icons
- Fix loading of ProxyPorts with informationFlow attached
- Fix to resolve CSS style variables before using the values


- Add SysML Requirements trace derived unions
- Fix Parameter Node and Execution Specification with Dark mode
- Scale parameter nodes to contain long names
- Lenient derived unions
- Fix segfault by reverting Gtk.ListVew for Parameters
- Fix connect interaction fragments
- chore: clean up deprecated properties from UIComponent
- Add Python 3.12 Support, Update Poetry to version 1.5.1
- Apply security best practices to GitHub Actions
- Create a Security Policy and Run Scorecard Checks
- Only use mature translations for released versions of Gaphor
- Update Spanish, Hungarian, and Finnish translations
- Fix scaling of Activity Parameter nodes

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