
Latest version: v2.25.1

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- Fix Flatpak build failure by reverting to previous dependencies


- Fix about dialog logo
- Add translation of more elements
- Remove importlib_metadata dependency
- Simpler services for about dialog
- Up typing compliance to 3.9, and remove typing_extensions
- Finnish translation updates


- Fix localization of UI files
- Fix icons in dark mode
- Update Spanish, Finnish, Hugarian, and Portuguese (Br) translations


- Display guard conditions in square brackets
- Use flat buttons in the header bar
- Fix translation support
- Fix drag and drop of elements does not work on diagrams
- Fix parameter is incorrect error with ";;" in path
- Fix fork/join node incorrectly rotates
- Fix close button on about dialog doesn't work in Windows
- Fix wrong label is displayed when object node ordering is enabled
- Improve inline editor undo/redo behavior
- Fixed closing of about dialog
- Add VSCode debug instructions for Windows
- Rename usage of Partitions to Swimlanes
- Update Dutch and Hungarian Translations
- Croatian translation updates
- Simplify attribute and enumeration lookup


- Improve zoom and pan for mouse
- Add Finnish, Galician, Hungarian, and Korean, update Spanish translations
- Fix disappearing elements from tree view on Windows
- Convert CI from mingw to gvsbuild
- Upgrade Windows Build Script from Bash to Python
- Refactor GitHub Actions to use composite actions
- Add translations for UI files
- Add information flows to UML model
- Add extra rules to avoid cyclic references
- Fix typo in UML.gaphor
- Refactor class property pages in to multiple modules
- Fix Windows and other developer documentation updates
- Enable pyupgrade
- Update the README for Flatpak string translation
- Fix documentation build errors, update dependencies


- Fix app release signing in Windows and macOS

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