
Latest version: v2.26.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix scrollbars cause the diagram to disappear
- Update Italian translation
- Left align the toolbox header labels


- Add support for C4 model
- Add support for Fault Tree Analysis with RAAML
- Update the UML data model to align closer to version 2.5.1
- Enable arrow keys to expand and collapse namespace tree
- Allow Gaphor profiles to be copy and pasted between models
- Improve diagram drawing and scrolling speed
- Add Croatian translation
- Remove gray borders around editable text
- Complete converting all tests to pytest
- Fix guides are misaligned when top-left handle is moved
- Update development environment instructions
- Fix undo and redo does not set attributes
- Fix selection lasso is in the wrong place after scrolling


- Fix undo of deleted elements
- Fix requirements are missing ID and text
- Add CSS styling to dropzone and grayed out elements
- Start to remove use of inline styles


- Fix drawing of composite association


- Guide users to create valid relationships
- macOS builds are signed and notarized
- New app icon
- Improvements to copy and paste, and undo robustness
- Fix RuntimeError caused by style sheet creation
- Use EventControllers from GTK 3.24


- Fix copy and paste in Linux with Wayland

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