
Latest version: v2.25.1

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- Add initial support for STPA in RAAML
- Add support for notes in property pages and attributes
- Allow for diagrams to be nested under all elements
- Fix delete and undo of a diagram
- Rename C4ContainerDatabaseItem to C4DatabaseItem
- Cleanup model loading
- Change diagram item management to the element factory
- Organize and simplify element events
- Cleanup toolbox and diagram action code


- Fix AttributeError when creating composite associations
- Add tooltips for A and S in attribute editor
- Improve drag and drop for TreeView
- Started to add support for GTK4
- Upload Linux assets during release automatically
- Sign only builds on the master branch


- Fix reordering attributes and operations with drag and drop


- Add support for DataType, ValueType, Primitive, and Enumeration
- Model state is stored per model, restores where you left off
- Add support for Containment Relationship
- Focus already opened model when opening a model file
- Remove the New From Template option
- Upgrade toolbox to be compatible with GTK 4
- Add regression tests
- Fix build fails when GitHub Actions secrets are not available
- Fix association direction arrow is not updated


- Fix issue where ornaments were not show on associations
after loading a model


- Fix scrollbars cause the diagram to disappear
- Update Italian translation
- Left align the toolbox header labels

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