
Latest version: v2.25.1

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- Fix splitting of lines
- Update README to reflect new functionality
- Add additional strings to translations
- Update Hungarian, Spanish, and Finnish translations


- Fix Gaphor fails to load when launched in German
- Simplify the greeter dialogs
- Update Hungarian, Finnish, and Chinese (Simplified) translations


- Add diagram type support
- Improve the welcoming experience with a greeter window and starting templates
- Add a Magnet-tool
- Support SysML Item flow
- Stereotypes for ItemFlow properties
- Full Copy/Paste of model elements
- Allow for deleting elements in the tree view
- Allocation of structural types to swimlane partitions
- User notification when model elements are automatically removed
- Store toolbox settings per modeling language
- Grow item when an item is dropped on it
- Add "values" compartment to Block item and set a minimal height for compartments
- Support empty square bracket notation in an Operation
- New code generator
- Fix AppImage GLIBC Error on Older Distro Versions
- Fix Sequence diagram loading when message is close to lifeline body
- Support for loading .gaphor files directly from the macOS Finder
- Fix positions of nested items during undo
- Fix ownership of Connector, ProxyPort, and ItemFlow
- Improve GTK4 compatibility
- Improve clarity of syntax for attributes and operations using a popover
- Clean up Toolbox and remove some legacy code
- Invert association creation
- Ensure model consistency on save and fork node loading fixes
- Core as a separate ModelingLanguage
- Use symbolic close icon for notebook tabs
- Update to latest gvsbuild, switch to wingtk repo
- Spanish, Hungarian, Finnish, Dutch, Portuguese, Croation, Espanian, and Galician translations updates
- Add Chinese (Simplified) translation


- Fix lines don't disconnect when moved
- No GTK required anymore for generating docs
- Update Python to 3.10.0
- Spanish translation updates


- Add Reflexive Message item for Interactions
- Allow messages to move freely on Lifeline and ExecutionSpec
- Pop-up element name editor on creation of a new element
- Add option to show underlying DecisionNode type
- Add InformationFlow for Connectors
- Swap relationship direction for Generalization, Dependency, Import, Include, and Extend
- Use Jedi for autocomplete in the Python Console
- Sphinx directive for embedding Gaphor models into docs
- Fix lifeline ordering when not all items are linked in a diagram
- Allow generalizations to be reused
- Allow auto-generated elements (Activity, State Machine, Interaction, Region) to be removed
- Fix Windows build by updating to Python 3.9.9
- Emit events for Diagram.ownedPresentation and Presentation.diagram after element creation
- Show underlying DecisionNode type
- Add documentation dependencies to pyproject.toml
- Move enumeration layout to UML.classes
- Rename packaging to _packaging
- Remove names for initial/final nodes
- Update to latest gvsbuild
- Update to PyInstaller 4.6
- Add gtksourceview to Windows docs
- Fix Python 3.10 warnings
- Fix indentation in Style Sheet docs
- Expand the number of strings translated
- Hungarian, Spanish, Japanese, Finnish, and Croatian translation updates


- Update style sheet editor to be a code editor
- Update strings to improve ability to translate
- Ensure all relationships are brought to top
- Fix errors in Italian translation which prevented model saving
- Add association end properties to editor pane
- Restore rename right click option to diagrams in tree view
- Add Japanese translation
- Update Hungarian, Croatian, and Spanish translations

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