
Latest version: v1.1.7

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Bump verision

- add more control for dotplot x,y axis order

**Full Changelog**:


Minor improvement

* Add `enrichment_map` function to export GSEApy results to `cytoscape`, `networkx` etc. 147
* Refactor `DotPlot` class to unify `dotplot`, `barplot`, `enrichment_map`.
* Fix dimension when only one significant enriched pathway is left for `dotplot`, ` barplot` 175
* `ringplot` has been deprecated. Just use `dotplot` instead.
* Minor improvements for `heatmap`.

**Full Changelog**:


GSEApy is published in [*Bioinformatics*]( !

New Features:

- Use `Github Actions` to build binaries automatically
- Add [scRNA-seq tutorial](
- Add warnings for duplicated values in the ranking list
- Add Scientific Palettes
- Fix missing ax in barplot ax 171
- Fix other minor issues

**Full Changelog**:


&128640; This version further improves the speed of calculation.

New features:
- GSEA, ssGSEA speed up 10x than NumPy implementation (<=0.10.8)
- add `read_gmt` function to parse gmt file.
- add `get_library` function to download enrichr library and return a dict
- add `enrich` function to make over-representation analysis less confusing when using `enrichr`
- biomart API speedup: bioservices dependency is no longer needed.

Bug fixed
- dotplot, ringplot now supports GSEA results

**Full Changelog**:


Fixed a critical bug in NES null distribution calculation in the Rust code. 162

And FDR values is affected in when NES < 0 for gseapy version (0.12.0, 0.12.1).

Please update at least to v0.13.0 to get the correct FDR values.


- improve output files (sort by abs(NES) in descending order)
- generate output gene signature file (gmt) used in the calculation

**Full Changelog**:


This is the first Rust binding of GSEApy

This version have bugs in NES calculation
**Please update to at lease v0.13.0 to get the correct FDR values!!!**

- This version is re-written in Rust, which solve major problems such a memory cost and speed.
- Rust Binding of GSEApy is at lease 3-fold faster than Numpy implementation and 4 times less memory cost (Prerank module). 134, 142
- New output format are used in this version and will be adpoted in the future releases.
- All API remain the same to the older version of GSEApy(< v0.10.8).

New features:

- Rust binding of GSEApy is much faster than the Numpy version (<=v0.10.8)
- The `gene_sets` argument in `gsea`, `ssgsea`, `prerank`, now support multiple library inputs, e.g:
- list: ['KEGG_2016,'KEGG_2021_Human']
- dict: {'term_1': ['gene1', 'gene2,' ...], ...}
- multiple libraries seperated by comma: "KEGG_2016,KEGG_2021_Human"
- single libraries: KEGG_2016
- or gmt file: "KEGG_2016.gmt"
- Note: it will save you a lot of time if you put multi-values at once, instead of run each seprately.

- dotplot, heatmap, ringplot improvement quite a lot !


- argument `processes` are now renamed to `threads`

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