New Features:
* Add new **Single Sample GSEA** function to gseapy. Either Use it in command line or interactive python console. Please see documentations for more details
* **Parallel Computing** support for GSEApy. Now, you could use ``-p`` parameter to specify cpu numbers you would like to use.
* The time cost for ``phenotype``permutation (in gsea procedure) is much decreased.
* The source code for GSEApy has been re-build and re-designed. It become more extendable and easier to maintain
**API changes:**
* ``call`` module have been renamed to ``gsea`` for better usage, previous ``call()`` is been deprecated, and you should use ``gsea()`` instead.
* The option ``-p`` for ``permutation_type`` has changed to ``-t``. ``-p`` is used to specify processor number now.
see details in documents.
Bugs fixes
* fixed some minor bugs when using ``Enrichr`` and ``Replot`` module
* fixed a potential bug in preprocessing step(in ``gsea`` mode, prerank or ssgsea is not affected). GSEApy filtered out genes when ``standard deviation`` of samples equal to zero.
* fixed column and row orders in ``gsea`` heatmap output.
* optimized the report output and naming rules.