- Fixed 755: JSONEditor throwing an exception in mode `code`, `text`, and `preview` when `statusBar: false`. - When duplicating an object property, move focus to the field and do not immediately add the ` (copy)` suffix. See 766. - Fixed 769: option `name` not working anymore. Regression since `v6.1.0`. - Fixed 763: `autocomplete.trigger: 'focus'` throws an error when opening the context menu. Thanks Thaina. - Updated dependencies `json-source-map0.6.1`
- Updated Chinese translation. Thanks SargerasWang.
- Implemented new mode `preview`, capable of working with large JSON documents up to 500 MiB. - Repair button is now capable of turning MongoDB documents into valid JSON. - Fixed 730: in `code` mode, there was an initial undo action which clears the content. - Upgraded dependencies `vanilla-picker2.9.2`, `mobius1-selectr2.4.13`, `ajv6.10.2`.
- Implemented menu options `sort` and `transform` for modes `code` and `text`. - Implemented new context menu item `extract`. - Minor tweaks in the way paths are displayed in the sort and transform modals.
- Breaking change: upgraded dependency `ajv6.10.0`, supporting JSON schema draft-07 alongside draft-06 and draft-04. - Upgraded dependency `vanilla-picker2.8.1`. - Use JSON schema title as name for the root object if defined (see 635).
- Extended the autocomplete feature with new options `filter` and `trigger`. Thanks Gcaufy. - Removed :hover style on disabled buttons. Thanks Gcaufy. - Upgraded dependency `mobius1-selectr2.4.12`.