- Fixed 697: JSON Schema enum dropdown not working inside an array. - Fixed 698: When using `onCreateMenu`, `node.path` is null when clicking on an append node or when multiple nodes are selected. - Upgraded dependencies to `mobius1-selectr2.4.10`, `vanilla-picker2.8.0`. - Remove :hover style on disabled buttons. Thanks Gcaufy.
- Fixed a bug in the JMESPath query wizard which didn't correctly handle selecting multiple fields. - Fixed context menu not working when multiple nodes are selected.
- Fixed 682 and 687: JSONEditor not being able to handle JSON schema validation errors when the root of the document is an Array. Thanks DusuWen.
- Fixed 684: `const` used in bundled library.
- Fixed 416: Clipped action menu for append nodes. - Improve detection of value type in transform modal. - Styling improvements in the transform modal. - Fix CSS class for default/non-default schema values not applied to enums, see (666). - Fixed 671: Improved handling of duplicate property names, which could cause values to be cleared when used as a controlled component in for example React.
- Fixed a regression in parsing JSON paths: numbers where parsed as strings instead of a numeric value. See 679. Thanks AdamVig. - Fixed using hyphens in the path of custom validation errors (see 665). Thanks tobiasfriden.