- Fix 1090: autocomplete firing on dragging or clicking a node. - Fix 1096: editor crashing when passing an empty string as `name`. - Updated dependencies to `ajv6.12.4`.
- Updated dependencies to `ace-builds1.4.12`, `ajv6.12.3`. - Fix 1077: change the `main` field in `package.json` to point to the actual bundled and minified file instead of a node.js index file.
- Fix regression introduced in `v9.0.2` in the select boxes in the Transform model not lighlighting the matches correctly.
- Fix 1029: XSS vulnerabilities. Thanks onemoreflag for reporting. - Fix 1017: unable to style the color of a value containing a color. Thanks p3x-robot.
- Fixed broken link to the Ace editor website (https://ace.c9.io/). Thanks p3x-robot. - Fix 1027: create IE11 Array polyfills `find` and `findIndex` in such a way that they are not iterable.
- Implemented option `limitDragging`, see 962. This is a breaking change when using a JSON schema: dragging is more restrictive by default in that case. Set `limitDragging: false` to keep the old, non-restricted behavior.