- Implemented a context menu, replacing the action buttons on the right side of the editor and the inline action buttons. This gives a cleaner interface, more space for the actual contents, and more room for new controls (like insert and sort). - Implemented shortcut keys. The JSON Editor can be used with just a keyboard. - Implemented sort action, which sorts the childs of an array or object. - Implemented auto scrolling up and down when dragging a node and reaching the top or bottom of the editor. - Added support for CommonJS and RequireJS. - Added more examples. - Improved performance and memory usage. - Implemented a new mode 'form', in which only values are editable and the fields are fixed. - Minor improvements and bug fixes.
- Implemented two modes: 'editor' (default), and 'viewer'. In viewer mode, the data and datastructure is read-only. - Implemented methods set(json, name), setName(name), and getName(), which allows for setting and getting the field name of the root node. - Fixed an issue where the search bar does not work when there is no global window.editor object.
- Fixed a bug in the change callback handler, resulting in an infinite loop when requesting the contents of the editor inside the callback (issue 19).
- Added a request header "Accept: application/json" when loading files and urls.
Not secure
- Added feature to the web application to load and save files from disk and url. - Improved error messages in the web application using JSONLint. - Made the web application pass the W3C markup validation service. - Added option 'change' to both editor and formatter, which allows to set a callback which is triggered when the contents of the editor or formatter changes. - Changed the default indentation of the JSONFormatter to 4 spaces. - Renamed options 'enableSearch' and 'enableHistory' to 'search' and 'history' respectively. - Added parameter 'json' to the JSONFormatter constructor. - Added option 'indentation' to the JSONFormatter.
Not secure
- Replaced the paid Chrome App with a free, hosted Chrome App (with ads).