- Added Russian translation. Thanks PunKHS. - Changed shortcut keys for Format and Compact in code mode from `Ctrl+\` and `Ctrl+Shift+\` to `Ctrl+I` and `Ctrl+Shift+I` respectively, because not all browsers and operating systems support this key combination.
- Fixed resolving a JSON schema reference linking to an other schema, see 1239. Thanks Hagartinger. - Upgraded to latest dependencies (`vanilla-picker2.11.2`).
- Fix `jsoneditor-minimalist` bundle being too large. Regression since `v9.1.5` (caused by a recent upgrade to Webpack 5). Thanks cbmgit.
- Replaced `simple-json-repair` with `jsonrepair` (library was renamed).
- Fix 1206: library bundle broken on IE 11, regression introduced in v9.1.6.
- Fix 1192: enum dropdown from a JSON schema not rendered when using `additionalProperties`. Thanks maufl. - Fix 1191: clarify docs about configuration option `ajv`. - Fix 1193: simplify and fix example 20_custom_css_style_for_nodes.html.