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- Compute alignment shifts from the first integration of the science exposure only. [8643]

- Fixed a bug where the aligned PSF was being saved as a 4-D array with the first axis being
identical; now it is saved as a 3-D array. [8747]


- Fix error in step spec that prevents step creation. [8677]


- Step now uses `ModelLibrary` to handle accessing models consistently
whether they are in memory or on disk. [8683]


- Moved `update_s_region_imaging`, `update_s_region_keyword`, and `wcs_from_footprints`
into stcal. [8624]

- Add helper functions to copy only the necessary parts of the WCS so that
these parts can be used within loops, avoiding copying the full WCS within
a loop [8793]


- Restored slit name to level 3 product names for NIRSpec BOTS and background
fixed slit targets. [8699]

- Update warning message about use of paths in associations. [8752]

- Remove ``MultilineLogger`` and no longer set it as the default logger. [8781]

- Excluded nearby background candidates from NIRSpec fixed slit associations
for S1600A1 with 5 point dithers, to reduce overlap between background nods
and science exposure. [8744]

- Added association rule for level 3 image mosaic candidates. [8798]


- Subtract pedestal dark when constructing min array across selfcal exposures
for MIRI MRS data. [8771]


- Tighten tolerance of psf alignment. [8717]


- Added the optional ``clean_flicker_noise`` step between ``jump`` and
``ramp_fit``. [8669]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Implemented this new optional step to clean transient flicker noise (e.g. 1/f noise)
from group images in ramp data. [8669]


- Removed direct setting of the ``self.skip`` attribute from within the step
itself. [8600]

- Fixed a bug when ``cube_build`` was called from the ``mrs_imatch`` step. [8728]

- Ensure that NaNs and DO_NOT_USE flags match up in all input data before
building a cube. [8557]

- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops. [8793]

- Allow the user to provide ra and dec shifts to apply for each file to fine
tune the WCS. [8720]


- Added `ModelLibrary` class to allow passing on-disk models between steps in the
image3 pipeline. [8683]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Add changelog to documentation. [8716]

- Updated description of association keyword `expname`: including path information
in addition to the filename is discouraged, but allowed. [8789]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Fixed a bug where MIRI EMI correction step would return NaNs when it was unable
to compute a correction. [8675]

- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Updated NIRISS SOSS extraction to utilize ``pastasoss``
rotation solution. [8763]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Ensure that NaNs and DO_NOT_USE flags match up in all science, error,
variance, and DQ extensions for all modes. [8557]

- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops [8793]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Remove the unused ``stsci.image`` dependency. [8663]

- Update required stcal version to 1.8.0. [8706]

- Increase minimum required stpipe. [8713]

- Increase minimum required stdatamodels. [8797]

- bump dependency to use ``stcal 1.9.0`` [8808]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Allowed klip to ingest a single shifted 3-D PSF model instead of a 4-D structure
containing one shifted PSF per science integration. [8747]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Either of ``"background"`` or ``"bkg"`` in slit name now defines the slit
as a background slit, instead of ``"bkg"`` only. [8600]

- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops [8793]


- Allow incremental blending of models. [8759]


- Added a deprecation warning and set the default to skip=True for the step. [8728]


- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops. [8793]


- Changed subarray mode from operating on the entire array at once to
operating on sections of the array and smoothly combining these sections.
Due to the computational costs of matrix operations, this is a large
speedup that has little effect on the results. [8745]

- Merged implementation with the new ``clean_flicker_noise`` step. This step
can still be called from the ``calwebb_spec2`` pipeline on NIRSpec rate
data, but it is now deprecated. [8669]

- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops. [8793]


- Fixed failures due to a missing ``wcs.array_shape`` attribute when the
``outlier_detection`` step was run standalone using e.g. ``strun`` [8645]

- Refactored separate modes into submodules instead of inheriting from a base class.
Moved non-JWST-specific code to stcal. [8613]

- Fixed file names and output directory for intermediate resampled spectral
images. Intermediate files now have suffix ``outlier_s2d`` and are saved to
the output directory alongside final products. [8735]

- For imaging modes, step now uses `ModelLibrary` to handle accessing models consistently
whether they are in memory or on disk. [8683]

- Ensure that NaNs and DO_NOT_USE flags match up in all output science, error,
variance, and DQ extensions. [8557]


- Ensure that NaNs and DO_NOT_USE flags match up in all output science, error,
variance, and DQ extensions. [8557]

- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops [8793]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Ensure that NaNs and DO_NOT_USE flags match up in all output science, error,
variance, and DQ extensions. [8557]

- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops. [8793]


- Updated `calwebb_image3` to use `ModelLibrary` instead of `ModelContainer`, added
optional `on_disk` parameter to govern whether models in the library should be stored
in memory or on disk. [8683]

- Updated ``calwebb_spec2`` to run ``nsclean`` on NIRSpec imprint and background
association members. [8786, 8809]

- Updated `calwebb_spec3` to not save the `pixel_replacement` output by default.[8765]

- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops. [8793]


- Replaced deep copies of NIRSpec WCS objects within most loops. [8793]


- Moved the read noise variance recalculation for CHARGELOSS flagging to the C
implementation, when the algorithm is ``OLS_C``. [8697, spacetelescope/stcal278]

- Updated the flow of the detector 1 pipeline when selecting the ``LIKELY`` algorithm
for ramp fitting. The ramps must contain a minimum number of groups (4).[8631]

- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Added memory usage test for Detector1 pipeline. [8676]


- Fixed a typo in ``load_custom_wcs`` from ``array_shape`` to ``pixel_shape`` and
changed to use values in the top-level ASDF structure if the values in the WCS
are ``None``. [8698]

- Step now uses `ModelLibrary` to handle accessing models consistently
whether they are in memory or on disk. [8683]

- Ensure that NaNs and DO_NOT_USE flags match up in all input data before
resampling. [8557]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Modified the output NIRSpec spectral WCS to sample the input data linearly in sky
coordinates, rather than slit coordinates, in order to conserve spectral
flux in default reductions. [8596]

- Updated handling for the ``pixel_scale_ratio`` parameter to apply only to the
spatial dimension, to match the sense of the parameter application to the
documented intent, and to conserve spectral flux when applied. [8596, 8727]

- Implemented handling for the ``pixel_scale`` parameter, which was previously
ignored for spectral resampling. [8596]

- Fixed a bug resulting in incorrect output slit coordinates for NIRSpec moving
targets in the ``calwebb_spec3`` pipeline. [8596]

- Separate ``resample_spec`` step parameters from ``resample`` step parameters
so that the spectral resampling step only exposes parameters that are appropriate
for spectral data. [8622]

- Ensure that NaNs and DO_NOT_USE flags match up in all input data before
resampling. [8557]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Add option for using the readout pattern information to improve saturation flagging
in grouped data. [8731]

- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Removed many non-working and out-dated scripts. Including
many scripts that were replaced by ``strun``. [8619]


- Replace usage of ``copy_arrays=True`` with ``memmap=False`` [8660]


- Step now uses `ModelLibrary` to handle accessing models consistently
whether they are in memory or on disk. [8683]


- Removed setting of the `self.skip` attribute in the `record_step_status()` function;
added a `query_step_status()` function to use as an alternative to checking
`self.skip`. [8600]

- Log jwst version at end of `Step.run`. [8769]


- Removed unnecessary copies, and created a single copy at step.py level. [8676]


- Replaced photutils.aperture do_photometry with photutils.ApertureStats to remove NaNs
when performing TSO photometry for non SUB64 WLP8 pupil data. For SUB64 WLP8 changed
summing data in the aperture to use np.nansum to ignore NaNs. [8672]


- Updated requirement for ``tweakwcs`` to version ``0.8.8`` which fixes a crash
in the ``tweakreg`` step due to a ``MalformedPolygonError`` exception being
raised by the ``spherical_geometry`` package for some data
sets. [8657, spacetelescope/tweakwcs205]

- Moved all realignment methods to stcal. [8624]

- Removed direct setting of the ``self.skip`` attribute from within the step
itself. [8600]

- Step now uses `ModelLibrary` to handle accessing models consistently
whether they are in memory or on disk. [8683]




- Fix bugs in the C algorithm Poisson variance calculation when provided with an average dark current. [stcal269]

- Use the C extension with multiprocessing. [stcal268]




- Replaced deprecated ``np.mat()`` with ``np.asmatrix()``. [8415]

- Allow ``ami_analyze`` to run on ``cal`` files. [8451]


- Change MIRI LRS WCS code to handle the tilted trace via a centroid shift as a function
of pixel row rather than a rotation of the pixel coordinates. The practical impact is
to ensure that iso-lambda is along pixel rows after this change. [8411]

- Fixed test for NIRCam TSGRISM mode. [8449]

- Move the assigned source position for dedicated NIRSpec MOS background slits from the
lower left corner of the slit to the middle of the slit. [8461]

- Updated the routines that load NIRSpec MOS slit and source data from the MSA meta
data file to properly handle background and virtual slits, and assign appropriate
meta data to them for use downstream. [8442, 8533]

- Update default parameters to increase the accuracy of the SIP approximation
in the output FITS WCS. [8529]

- Update MIRI LRS WCS code to introduce an intermediate alpha-beta slit reference frame
between pixel coordinates and the v2/v3 frame. [8475]

- Added handling for fixed slit sources defined in a MSA metadata file, for combined
NIRSpec MOS and fixed slit observations. Slits are now appended to the data
product in the order they appear in the MSA file. [8467]


- Ensure NRS IFU exposures don't make a spec2 association for grating/filter combinations
where the nrs2 detector isn't illuminated. Remove dupes in mkpool. [8395]

- Match NIRSpec imprint observations to science exposures on mosaic tile location
and dither pointing, ``MOSTILNO`` and ``DITHPTIN``. [8410]

- Updated Level3 rules for new handling of NIRSpec MOS source_id formatting when
constructing output file names. [8442]

- Added default values for new non-header keywords (``MOSTILNO`` and ``DITHPTIN``)
to the default values in the ``asn_make_pool`` script. [8508]

- Create WFSS Pure-Parallel associations. [8528]

- Add NIRSpec optical path constraints for TSO associations. [8537]

- Exclude NIRISS SOSS data taken with uncalibrated filter F277W from spec2 and
tso3 associations. [8549]


- Clarified MIRI MRS default/optional background subtraction steps in the
documentation pages. [8582]


- Added new optional step ``badpix_selfcal`` to the spec2 pipeline to self-calibrate
bad pixels in IFU data. [8500]


- Fix weights for combining errors from 1D spectra. [8520]


- Add log info message when specifying an average_dark_current for noise calculations.


- Added docs for the NIRSpec MSA metadata file to the data products area of RTD.

- Added documentation for multiprocessing. [8408]

- Added documentation for NIRCam GRISM time series pointing offsets. [8449]


- Improved running time by introducing a new parameter, use_n_cycles, that can
be modified by the user and has a default of 3. Now the user can either provide
the number of integrations to phase or the number of cycles to calculate the
number of integrations necessary to phase. Additionally fix a bug in applying
emicorr to data with nints > 1, and improve runtime in the phase amplitude
loop. [8589]


- Modified slit sorting to use `source_name` as the key, rather than `source_id`,
in order to support changes in `source_id` handling for NIRSpec MOS exposures
that contain background and virtual slits. [8442]

- Update the top-level model exposure type from the slit exposure type,
to support processing for combined NIRSpec MOS and fixed slit
observations. [8467]


- Added a hook to bypass the ``extract_1d`` step for NIRISS SOSS data in
the F277W filter with warning. [8275]

- Replaced deprecated ``np.trapz`` with ``np.trapezoid()``. [8415]

- Fix a crash in ``extract_1d`` encountered when multiple background or source
regions are specified and the lower and upper limits for one of them are
outside the valid area for some data range. [8433]

- Correct the output slit name for non-primary slit extractions in the
spec3 pipeline, for NIRSpec fixed slit mode. [8470]

- Add ``ifu_covar_scale`` parameter to help correct for IFU cube covariance. [8457]

- Add propagation of uncertainty when annular backgrounds are subtracted
from source spectra during IFU spectral extraction. [8515]

- Add propagation of background uncertainty when background is subtracted from
source spectra during non-IFU spectral extraction. [8532]

- Fix error in application of aperture correction to variance arrays. [8530]

- Fix error in ``_coalesce_bounds`` that returned incorrect spectral or background
extraction region when one set of pixel limits is entirely contained within
another [8586]

- Removed a check for the primary slit for NIRSpec fixed slit mode:
all slits containing point sources are now handled consistently,
whether they are marked primary or not. [8467]

- Added functionality to the phase-based aperture correction object to support
reuse of aperture correction objects across multiple integrations. [8609]

- Changed extract.py to attempt to tabulate and reuse an aperture correction
object in integrations after the first one. This can save a very large
amount of time in BOTS reductions. [8609]


- Added handling for NIRCam GRISM time series pointing offsets. [8449]

- Added support for slit names that have string values instead of integer
values, necessary for processing combined NIRSpec MOS and fixed slit
data products. [8467]

- Assign slit ``source_xpos`` and ``source_ypos`` attributes here instead of
in ``wavecorr`` for NIRSpec FS data. [8569]


- Update the flatfield code for NIRSpec IFU data to ensure that SCI=ERR=NaN and
DQ has the DO_NOT_USE flag set outside the footprint of the IFU slices [8385]

- Update NIRSpec flatfield code for all modes to ensure SCI=ERR=NaN wherever the
DO_NOT_USE flag is set in the DQ array. [8463]

- Updated the NIRSpec flatfield code to use the new format of the ``wavecorr``
wavelength zero-point corrections for point sources. [8376]

- Removed a check for the primary slit for NIRSpec fixed slit mode:
all slits containing point sources are now handled consistently,
whether they are marked primary or not. [8467]


- Require numpy<2.0. [8565]

- Removed deprecated stdatamodels model types ``DrizProductModel``,
``MIRIRampModel``, and ``MultiProductModel``. [8388]

- Increase minimum required scipy. [8441]

- Increase minimum required stdatamodels and stpipe. [8592]

- build with Numpy 2.0 release candidate to address ABI changes [8527]


- Updated the ``wcs_utils.get_wavelength`` to use the new format
of the ``wavecorr`` wavelength zero-point corrections for point
sources in NIRSpec slit data. [8376]


- Removed a check for the primary slit for NIRSpec fixed slit mode:
all slits containing point sources are now handled consistently,
whether they are marked primary or not. [8467]

- Disabled support for master background correction for NIRSpec MOS
slits in the ``master_background``, called in ``calwebb_spec3``.
Master background correction for MOS mode should be performed
via ``master_background_mos``, called in ``calwebb_spec2``. [8467]

- Use zero values for master background outside the background
wavelength range instead of NaN to avoid NaN-ing out entire
sets of science data when backgrounds are missing. [8597]


- Updated check for NIRSpec MOS background slits to use new naming convention:
``slit.source_name`` now contains the string "BKG" instead of
"background". [8533]


- Improved run time of NSClean.fit() by using a vector rather than a large,
sparse matrix to perform linear algebra operations with a diagonal weight
matrix. [8547]

- Added a check for combined NIRSpec MOS and fixed slit products: if fixed
slits are defined in a MOS product, the central fixed slit quadrant
is not automatically masked. [8467]


- Add association id to ``outlier_i2d`` intermediate filenames. [8418]

- Pass the ``weight_type`` parameter to all resampling function calls so that
the default weighting can be overridden by the input step parameter. [8290]

- Remove unused ``OutlierDetectionScaledStep``,
``OutlierDetectionStackStep``, ``outlierpars`` reference file handling,
and ``scale_detection`` (an unused argument). [8438]

- Intermediate output files are now correctly removed after the step has
finished, unless save_intermediate_results is True. This PR also addressed
the _i2d files not being saved in the specified output directory. [8464]

- Removed the setting of `self.skip = True` when the step gets skipped (due to
inappropriate inputs), so that the step still executes when called again
while processing a list of multiple sources. [8442]

- Added tests for changes made in 8464. [8481]

- Added the option to use a rolling median instead of a simple median
to detect outliers in TSO data, with user-defined
rolling window width via the ``rolling_window_width`` parameter. [8473]

- Fixed a bug that led to small total flux offsets between input and blotted
images if the nominal and actual wcs-computed pixel areas were different. [8553]

- Deprecate ``nlow`` and ``nhigh`` parameters, which no longer have an effect. [8603]

- Fix errors in documentation describing arguments. [8603]

- Re-enabled saving of blot models when `save_intermediate_results` is True. [8758]

- Fixed a bug that caused different results from the median calculation when the
`in_memory` parameter was set to `True` vs `False`. [8777]


- Updated pathloss calculations for NIRSpec fixed slit mode to use the appropriate
wavelengths for point and uniform sources if the ``wavecorr`` wavelength
zero-point corrections for point sources have been applied. [8376]


- Ensure that NaNs in MRS photom files are not replaced with ones by
pipeline code for consistency with other modes [8453]

- Removed a check for the primary slit for NIRSpec fixed slit mode:
all slits containing point sources are now handled consistently,
whether they are marked primary or not. [8467]

- Added a hook to bypass the ``photom`` step when the ``extract_1d`` step
was bypassed for non-TSO NIRISS SOSS exposures. [8575]


- Fixed a bug in the ``calwebb_spec2`` and ``calwebb_image2`` pipelines
that was causing them not to respect the ``output_file`` parameter. [8368]

- Removed unused ``scale_detection`` argument from ``calwebb_tso3``
pipeline. [8438]

- Updated the ``calwebb_spec3`` pipeline handling of NIRSpec MOS inputs, to
comply with the new scheme for source ("s"), background ("b"), and
virtual ("v") slits and the construction of output file names for each
type. [8442]

- Added new optional step ``badpix_selfcal`` to the ``calwebb_spec2`` to self-calibrate
bad pixels in IFU data. [8500]

- Added ``calwebb_spec2`` pipeline handling for combined NIRSpec MOS and
fixed slit observations. Steps that require different reference files
for MOS and FS are run twice, first for all MOS slits, then for all
FS slits. Final output products (``cal``, ``s2d``, ``x1d``) contain the
combined products. [8467]

- Added a hook to skip ``photom`` step when the ``extract_1d`` step was skipped
for NIRISS SOSS data [8575].

- Added hook to the ``calwebb_tso3`` pipeline to skip all subsequent steps
if the ``extract_1d`` step is skipped. [8583]


- Moved pixel_replace in the calwebb_spec2 pipeline and added it to the calwebb_spec3
pipeline. In both pipelines it is now executed immediately before resample_spec/cube_build. [8409]

- Added estimated errors and variances for replaced pixels, following the
interpolation scheme used for the data. [8504]


- Changed the data type for several variables in ramp_fitting
to use uint16 instead of uint8, in order to avoid potential
overflow/wraparound problems. [8377]

- Changed the spec for ramp fitting that allows for selecting
the algorithm "OLS" to use the python implementation of ramp
fitting or "OLS_C" to use the C extension implementation of
ramp fitting. [8503]

- Made "OLS_C" the default algorithm for ramp fitting. [8607]


- Use ``double`` for fft filter coefficients to improve compatibility
across system. [8512]


- Remove sleep in median combination added in 8305 as it did not address
the issue in operation [8419]

- Update variance handling to propagate resampled variance components with
weights that match the science `weight_type`. [8437]

- Change `fillval` parameter default from INDEF to NaN [8488]

- Removed the use of the `drizpars` reference file [8546]


- Populate the wavelength array in resampled `Slit` and `MultiSlit` models. [8374]

- Change `fillval` parameter default from INDEF to NaN [8488]

- Fix a bug resulting in large WCS errors in the resampled image's WCS
when the slit was closely aligned with the RA direction
sky. [8511]

- Removed the use of the `drizpars` reference file [8546]

- Fix a bug resulting in incorrect output spectral WCS for NIRSpec data when
the first input data set is filled with zero or NaN. [8562]


- Use DQ plane to exclude pixels marked as DO_NOT_USE in correction. [8381]


- Reset ``source_xpos`` and ``source_ypos`` values to zero for extended sources
in NIRSpec FS data to enable assigning those attributes in ``extract_2d``. [8569]


- Adds a check for saturation bias in group 2 for IRS2 mode nframes > 1. [8593]


- Output source catalog file now respects ``output_dir`` parameter. [8386]

- Improved how a image group name is determined. [8426]

- Refactor step to work towards performance improvements. [8424]

- Changed default settings for ``abs_separation`` parameter for the ``tweakreg``
step to have a value compatible with the ``abs_tolerance`` parameter. [8445]

- Improve error handling in the absolute alignment. [8450, 8477]

- Change code default to use IRAF StarFinder instead of
DAO StarFinder. [8487]

- Add new step parameters to control SIP approximation in the output FITS WCS,
matching the default values used in the ``assign_wcs`` step. [8529]

- Added a check for ``(abs_)separation`` and ``(abs_)tolerance`` parameters
that ``separation`` > ``sqrt(2) * tolerance`` that will now log an error
message and skip ``tweakreg`` step when this condition is not satisfied and
source confusion is possible during catalog matching. [8476]


- Changed the NIRSpec wavelength correction algorithm to include it in slit WCS
models and resampling. Fixed the sign of the wavelength corrections. [8376]

- Added a check for fixed slits that already have source position information,
assigned via a MSA metafile, for combined NIRSpec MOS and fixed slit processing.
Point source position is calculated from dither offsets only for standard
fixed slit processing. [8467]

- Assign slit ``source_xpos`` and ``source_ypos`` attributes in ``extract_2d``
instead of in ``wavecorr`` for NIRSpec FS data. [8569]


- Fixed flux scaling issue in model contamination image by adding background
subtraction and re-scaling fluxes to respect wavelength oversampling. [8416]




- Replaced use of deprecated ``scipy.integrate.simps``
with ``scipy.integrate.simpson``. [8320]

- Overhaul of AMI processing. See documentation for full details. [7862]

- Additional optional input arguments for greater user processing flexibility.
See documentation for details. [7862]

- Bad pixel correction applied to data using new NRM reference file to calculate
complex visibility support (M. Ireland method implemented by J. Kammerer). [7862]

- Make ``AmiAnalyze`` and ``AmiNormalize`` output conform to the OIFITS standard. [7862]

- Disable ``AmiAverage`` step. [7862]


- Updated the level-2 rules for handling NIRSpec MOS nods that include
sub-pixel dithers, so that only exposures from other nod positions
are used as background members in "spec2" associations. [8184]

- Isolate candidate processing into their own pools [8227]

- Update the level-3 rules for "tso3" associations so that NIRISS SOSS
exposures with NINTS=1 are excluded. [8359]

- Removed blanket warning ignore for duplicate level 2 associations. [8320]


- Updated to allow multi-integration (rateints) background exposures to have
a different value of NINTS than the science exposure. [8326]


- Updated the CHARGELOSS flagging. In an integration ramp, the first group in
the SCI data is found that is above the CHARGELOSS threshold and not flagged
as DO_NOT_USE. This group, and all subsequent groups, are then flagged as
CHARGELOSS and DO_NOT_USE. The four nearest pixel neighbor are then flagged
in the same group. [8336]

- Added warning handler for expected NaN and inf clipping in the
``sigma_clip`` function. [8320]


- Add a warning message to log if no valid data is found on the detector. [8220]


- Adds new parameter ``average_dark_current``, either from step params or
pulled from dark reference file, and stores in RampModel for use downstream
in ``RampFitStep``. [8302]


- Fixed a bug in the ``ModelContainer`` data model, due to which the ``models_grouped``
property would return opened data models instead of file names. [8191]

- Removed ``test_all_datamodels_init`` test, which is a duplicate of a test in
``stdatamodels``. [8320]


- Remove ``sphinx-asdf`` fix issue where menu does not scroll. [8196]

- Fixed small typo in ``user_documentation`` docs. [8178]

- Added additional information for the ``scale`` and ``snr`` parameters
in the ``outlier_detection`` step docs. [8177]

- Updated installation instructions to include a warning that Python<=3.11
must be used. [8200]

- Change docs theme to ``sphinx-rtd-theme`` [8224]

- Reorganized ``jump`` and ``ramp_fitting`` step docs content that's split between
the jwst and stcal repos. [8253]

- Correct the names of parameter options ``usigma`` and ``lsigma`` for ``sky_match``. [8356]

- Updated ``outlier_detection`` for IFU data to explain the method more clearly. [8360]

- Adds documentation on the 1-D residual fringe correction for MIRI MRS data that is done in ``extract_1d``. [8371]


- Set skip=True by default in the code, to be turned on later by a parameter
reference file. [8171]

- Step is skipped when no reference file is found and to add a parameter to
allow the user to run the step for given frequencies with an on-the-fly
generated reference file. [8270]

- Fixed bug for finding correction data for subarray FULL. [8375]


- Fixed a bug for multislit data that bunit values, model_type and wcsinfo was
was being overwritten with the top multispec model values. [8294]


- Fixed a bug in the calling of optional MIRI MRS 1d residual fringe
correction that could cause defringing to fail in some cases. [8180]

- Added a hook to bypass the ``extract_1d`` step for NIRISS SOSS data in
the FULL subarray with warning. [8225]

- Fixed a bug in the ATOCA matrix solve for NIRISS SOSS that would cause failures on
good input data in some cases. [8273]

- Added a trap in the NIRISS SOSS ATOCA algorithm for cases where nearly all
pixels in the 2nd-order spectrum are flagged and would cause the step
to fail. [8265]

- Fixed ifu auto-centroiding to only use wavelengths shortward of 26 microns
to avoid failures for moderate-brightness sources due to extremely low
throughput at the long wavelength end of MRS band 4C. [8199]

- Replaced instances of deprecated interp2d with
RectBivariateSpline in ``apply_apcorr``. [8291]

- Added saving the extraction aperture x/y limits for slit-like modes to
keywords in the output header. [8278]

- Fixed deprecated conversions of single-element numpy arrays to scalar
in ``apply_apcorr``. [8320]

- Increased specificity of warning filters in ``atoca`` and ``soss_centroids``. [8320]


- Fixed crash when user provides an integer value for the `slit_name` argument,
by converting to a string. This change had been done in 8108, but it got undone
by another PR. [8272]


- Update minimum required photutils version to 1.5.0 [8211]

- Update minimum required stdatamodels version to include 1.10.0 [8322]

- Update minimum required gwcs version to include 0.21.0 [8337]

- Remove unused asdf-transform-schemas dependency [8337]

- Replaced all instances of pytest ``tmpdir`` and ``tmpdir_factory``
fixtures with ``tmp_path`` and ``tmp_path_factory``. [8327]

- Replaced the ``_jail`` fixture from ``ci_watson`` with custom
``tmp_cwd`` to enforce ``no:legacypath`` in the CI tests. [8327]

- Renamed the ``jail`` fixture with ``tmp_cwd_module``. [8327]

- Replaced deprecated ``tool.ruff.ignore`` and ``tool.ruff.per-file-ignores``
with ``tool.ruff.lint.ignore`` and ``tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores``. [8320]


- Add parameters that control the flagging of saturated cores of snowballs in
the next integration. [8303]

- Removed a unit test in ``jump`` that was moved to STCAL to decrease
the coupling of the two repos. [8319]

- To improve performance an additional parameter to the jump step was added
that sets the threshold number of differences above which iterative flagging
of one CR at a time is turned off. [8304]


- Updated ``set_velocity_aberration`` to use datamodels instead of `astropy.io.fits` for opening
and manipulating input files. [8285]

- Added new function set_nans_to_donotuse in ``lib.basic_utils`` to
check the science data array for NaN values and check if they have
a DQ flag of DO_NOT_USE, or set it if not. [8292]


- Removed ``grow`` from the ``outlier_detection`` step parameters,
because it's no longer used in the algorithms. [8190]

- Fixed bug in removing intermediate files, so that the search for intermediate
files does not rely on the input files having a "cal" suffix, which was causing
original input files to accidentally get deleted instead of just the intermediate
files. [8263]

- Removed any reference to the "tophat" kernel for ``outlier_detection``
step. [8364]


- Added a check to find all NaN values in the data with a corresponding
even value flag in the DQ array, and convert them to DO_NOT_USE. [8292]


- Set bunit_data and bunit_error to None in the top level meta data for
``MultiSlitModel`` data models, forcing information on units to only come
from individual slit meta data. [8189]

- Updated photom step to include spectral dispersion when applying NIRCam WFSS and TSGRISM
flux calibration, because the dispersion varies with location in the field and wavelength.
The PHOTOM reference files have the dispersion factored out, requiring that
the pipeline put the (variable, calculated per pixel) dispersion back in. Assumes that
the dispersion needs to be in Angstroms/pixel to match the required factor of ~10. [8207]

- Get the values of PIXAR_A2 and PIXAR_SR from AREA reference file
instead of PHOTOM reference file to avoid missmatching values. [8187]

- Added a hook to bypass the ``photom`` step when the ``extract_1d`` step
was bypassed and came before the ``photom`` step, e.g. for NIRISS SOSS
data in the FULL subarray. [8225]

- Removed blanket warning ignore for ``find_row``. [8320]


- Updated the ``calwebb_spec2`` pipeline to include NRS_BRIGHTOBJ in
the list of modes for running the ``nsclean`` step. [8256]


- Fixed a bug that caused array size mismatches when the ``mingrad`` algorithm
was applied to NIRSpec data. [8312]


- Modified one runtime warning filter. [8320]

- Updated tests to properly handle the C extension (forcing arrays to be
of an expected type. Modified the CHARGELESS portion of the ramp fit
step code to update read noise ramps only affected by CHARGELOSS. [8355]


- Modify NIRSpec IRS2 bad reference pixel flagging to consider values from
all groups in each integration and robustly replace bad values from their
nearest neighbors. [8197, 8214]

- Add option for NIRSpec IRS2 to preserve interleaved reference pixels in the
output file, for calibration and diagnostic purposes. [8255]

- Add option to correct for mean reference pixel offsets by amplifier and detector
column in NIRSpec IRS2 mode. [8143]


- Updated exposure time weighting to use the measurement time
(TMEASURE) when available. [8212]

- Removed product exposure time (``TEXPTIME``) from all computations
in the resample step. [8212]

- Use the same ``iscale`` value for resampling science data and variance arrays. [8159]

- Changed to use the high-level APE 14 API (``pixel_to_world_values`` and
``world_to_pixel_values``) for reproject, which also fixed a bug, and
removed support for astropy model [8172]

- Added sleep + check of output files that are median combined to fix intermittent
corruption of these files in operations [8305]

- Replace use of ``check_memory_allocation``. [8324]

- Removed any reference to the "tophat" kernel for resample step. [8364]

- Removing unnecessary warning. Errors are propagated identically for
the 'exptime' and 'ivm' weight options. [8258]

- Increased specificity of several warning filters. [8320]

- Changed deprecated ``stpipe.extern.configobj`` to ``astropy.extern.configobj``. [8320]


- Fix a bug with 1d residual fringe zeroing out negative fluxes instead of
ignoring them. [8261]


- Updated ``set_velocity_aberration`` to have an optional ``--force-level1bmodel``
flag. [8285]

- Remove ``migrate_data`` and ``move_wcs`` scripts. [8321]


- Changed deprecated ``stpipe.extern.configobj`` to ``astropy.extern.configobj``. [8320]


- Suppress warnings from ``photutils.background.Background2D`` regarding
NaNs in the input data. [8308]


- Update ``sregion`` after WCS corrections are applied. [8158]

- Add option to choose IRAFStarFinder and segmentation.SourceFinder
instead of DAOStarFinder and exposed star finder parameters. [8203]

- Suppress warnings from ``photutils.background.Background2D`` regarding
NaNs in the input data. [8308]

- Fixed a bug that caused failures instead of warnings when no GAIA sources
were found within the bounding box of the input image. [8334]

- Suppress AstropyUserWarnings regarding NaNs in the input data. [8320]


- Fixed deprecated conversions of single-element numpy arrays to scalar. [8320]




- Set skip=True by default in the code, to be turned on later by a parameter
reference file. [8171]




- Updated many docs to change the use of unordered/bullet lists to
numbered lists, to avoid formatting issues in html pages. [8156]

- Added arguments docs for the ``assign_wcs`` step. [8156]

- Added ``in_memory`` to the arguments lists in the ``outlier_detection``
and ``resample`` steps. [8156]

- Added instructions to the README for setting CRDS_CONTEXT to a specific
value. [8156]

- Removed unused ``grow`` parameter from ``outlier_detection`` docs. [8156]


- Updated the argument description and parameter definition for `maximum_cores`
to accept integer values to be passed to STCAL ramp_fit.py. [8123]

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