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- Fixed the creation of the output product so that it no longer contains
an empty "SCI" extension. [6870]

- Updated the step docs to include information about all of the available
step arguments. [6884]


- Updated the step to handle inputs with different sizes for `fit_image` and
`resid_image`. Larger inputs are trimmed to match the size of the smallest
input. [6870]


- Create level 3 association for background images, and allow background
target observations into level 2 image associations for background
subtraction [6878]


- Fixed bug in selecting correct values to extract from the cube pars reference file. [6885]


- Updated many reference file schemas to include current
CRDS rmap selectors in schema structure [6866]


- Updated the docs for ``calwebb_detector1`` pipeline, as well as the
``linearity``, ``refpix``, ``ramp_fit``, ``saturation``, and ``superbias``
steps to include information on the handling of NIRCam "Frame 0" data.

- Update refpix docs to clarify roles of odd_even_rows and odd_even_columns
parameters [6872]


- Catch two more errors raised in the SOSS ATOCA algorithm; one, if an input
ImageModel uses the F277W filter (similar to 6840, which only dealt with
input CubeModels), and another for bad DataModel input type [6877]

- Fix variance propagation for IFU cube extraction in calculations of surface
brightness [6892]


- Set DO_NOT_USE DQ bit in flatfield if NO_FLAT_FIELD DQ bit is set in flat
reference file [6882]


- Add check to ensure SOSS ``extract_1d`` return is not None, to
avoid photom errors in ``Spec3Pipeline`` and ``Tso3Pipeline``. [6863]

- Updated the ``calwebb_image3`` pipeline to only science members from the
input ASN table. [6875]


- Properly handles the returning of ``None`` from ramp fitting for fully
saturated exposures. [6895]


- Add code to refpix step to specify which parameters are used and which are
ignored, depending on data type [6872]


- Speed up the algorithm for computing the sampling wavelengths for the output
WCS in ``resample_spec``. [6860]


- Fix SIAF default handling for missing SIAF values using pysiaf [6869]


- Reduced memory usage when input is an ASN. [6874]


- Fix bug in passing filename rather than datamodel [6889]


- Add a check that input data is IFUImageModel [6861]

- Update straylight algorithm to use cross-artifact model [6873]


- Explain about CRDS PUB. [6862]




- Change median filter warning message to debug level [6853]


- In SOSS ATOCA, catch negative infinite values in centroid finder;
catch spline-fit errors in first order flux estimate [6854]


- Correct bug when using ZEROFRAME data. [6851]


- Remove the logic that only copied the INT_TIMES table content when processing
TSO exposures, so that it shows up in all ``rateints`` products [6852]

- Updated the one good group ramp suppression handler. [spacetelescope/stcal92]




- Fix for residual spectral tearing in MIRI MRS multiband cubes [6786]


- Eliminated extra copying of input model when step gets skipped [6841]


- Update keyword comments/titles for V2_REF, V3_REF, FITXOFFS, FITYOFFS [6822]


- Fix bug in SOSS algorithm for bad data by replacing source of possible
infinite values with NaNs, caused by zero division [6836]

- Exit gracefully if data is with F277W filter; avoid masking entire wavemap
if subarray is SUBSTRIP96 [6840]


- Enable multiprocessing in jump detection [6845]


- Update ``test_siafdb`` unit test due to recent SIAF DB update [6842]


- Adding feature to process ZEROFRAME data with the linearity step. [6782]


- Adding feature to use ZEROFRAME for ramps that are fully saturated, but
the ZEROFRAME data for that ramp is good. [6782]


- Adding feature to process ZEROFRAME data with the refpix step. [6782]


- Adding feature to process ZEROFRAME data with the saturation step. [6782]


- Log the CRDS context for pipeline and standalone step processing [6835]


- Adding feature to process ZEROFRAME data with the superbias step. [6782]


- Changed default value of ``fitgeom`` from ``'general'`` to ``'rshift'``
at the request of CalWG. [6838]




- Implement PoolRow to avoid deep copy of the AssociationPool table [6787]

- Added valid optical paths for NRS_LAMP observations to generate
or exclude associations using lamp, disperser and detector [6695]

- Include filename extension for `asn_pool` entry, to maintain consistency
with `asntable` entry [6699]

- Add constraint on NIRCam TSGRISM exposures, preventing level 2 and 3
associations for detector NRCBLONG [6709]

- Add fgsid option to set_telescope_pointing [6717]

- Formalize the mkpool utility [6746]


- Fixed behavior generating many unnecessary and slow logging warnings on
MIRI coronagraphy data, due to large contiguous regions of NON_SCIENCE
pixels [6722]


- Allow AmiAverageStep to be run on list in command line interface [6797]


- Corrected computation of crpix by backward transform of fiducial, allow
for reference outside of detector frame [6789]

- Fixed parsing the ``filteroffset`` file which resulted in the offset
not being used by the WCS. [6831]

- Fixed assignment of ``wcs.bounding_box`` in MIRI, NIRISS and NIRCAM imaging mode. [6831]


- Added the step parameter ``wfss_mmag_extract`` to allow for setting the
minimum magnitude of source catalog objects to be used in the WFSS
background subtraction process [6788]

- Added a check to make sure that a sufficient number of background
(source-free) pixels are available in a WFSS image before attempting
to compute statistics and scale the WFSS background reference image


- Fixed a bug in how the DQ plane of NIRSpec data is set [6718]

- Use drizzle weight function by default instead of EMSM. [6820]

- Fix bug for internal_cal cubes produces by move to drizzle default. [6826]

- Fix bug for Single type cubes called by mrs_imatch using drizzle. [6827]


- Enabled support for mnemonic DQ codes in the ``cube_skymatch`` step.
[6733, 6736]


- Added the new keyword "BKGMETH" for use in the ``skymatch`` step.

- Drop references to transform-1.2.0 from datamodel schemas to prevent
issues with schema features not supported by stdatamodels. [6752]

- Remove FILETYPE keyword from core schema, and all assignments to it [6772]

- Update rscd model to increase the size of group_skip_table to allow FASTR1, SLOWR1, FASTR100 [6776]

- Correcting the default ZEROFRAME allocation. [6791]

- Add the new MIRI MRS point source correction reference file data model
MirMrsPtCorrModel. [6762]

- Add new datamodel and schema for MIRI MRS cross-artifact reference file
MirMrsXArtCorrModel [6800]

- Create MSA_TARG_ACQ table extension schema [6757]

- Added selector keywords ``readpatt`` and ``preadpatt`` to MIRI flat schema. [6825]


- Added documentation for processing NIRSpec lamp mode data in Spec2Pipeline
description [6812]

- Document parameter reference files in the same manor as other references [6806]


- Clean the logging statements made by `extract_1d` to make the log
more useful [6696]

- Check for non-zero array size before computing sigma-clipped
statistics in IFU mode [6728]

- Propagate non-differentiated errors for IFU mode observations [6732]

- Remove temporary `soss_atoca` parameter and make ATOCA the default
algorithm for SOSS data [6734]

- Add separate behavior for 2D vs (3D data with only one image)
by passing appropriate integ value [6745]

- Allow reference files to specify extraction region for extended
sources, modify `bkg_fit` default to None while retaining `poly`
as default mode [6793]


- Change DQ flags for NIRSpec flatfield where one or more component flats
(fflat, dflat, sflat) is bad (6794)


- Added aliases to all steps, following step_defs naming conventions [6740]

- Require scikit-image as a dependency (for source catalog deblending).


- Updated default suffix names for RampFit and GuiderCDS steps to
'ramp_fit' and 'guider_cds' to match alias convention [6740]


- Use drizzle weight function by default instead of EMSM. [6820]


- Allow SOSS input as MultiSpecModel, and do correction on extracted 1d
spectra [6734]


- Improve memory performance of `calwebb_detector1` pipeline [6758]

- Update the `calwebb_spec2` pipeline to allow for the creation of an
optional WFSS product that's in units of e-/sec [6783]

- Updated `calwebb_spec2`, `calwebb_spec3`, and `calwebb_tso3` to reorder
step processing for SOSS data - `photom` now comes after `extract_1d` [6734]

- Added ResetStep back into `calwebb_dark` for MIRI exposures [6798]


- Updated step docs to clarify exactly what calculations are used for
the various flavors of variance and ERR stored in the output
products [6715]

- Adding feature to turn off calculations of ramps with good 0th group,
but all other groups are saturated. [6737]

- Fix for handling jumps in the first good group following dropped groups.


- Added a residual fringe correction test [6771]


- Fixed ``resample_spec`` output spectrum centering issue for MIRI LRS
fixed-slit. [6777]

- Re-designed algorithm for computation of the output WCS for the
``resemple_spec`` step for ``NIRSpec`` data. [6747, 6780]

- Fixed handling of user-supplied ``weight_type`` parameter value for
``resample_spec``. [6796]

- Fixed an issue with axis number for the spectral axis in ``resample_spec``. [6802]


- Fix bug in how segemented data is corrected [6784]


- Replaced fitting the background with an astropy fitting package [6739]


- Updated to allow the step to flag neighbors of saturated pixels, which is
controlled by the new step param ``n_pix_grow_sat``, to account for charge
migration. [spacetelescope/stcal83] [6818] [6830]


- Updated the step docs to clarify the details of the various global,
match, and global+match methods. [6726]

- Enabled support for mnemonic DQ codes in the ``skymatch`` step. Also
changed default value for ``dqbits`` from 0 (exclude ALL flagged in DQ
pixels) to ``'~DO_NOT_USE+NON_SCIENCE'``. [6733, 6736]

- Updated to populate the "BKGMETH" keyword in output files. [6736]

- Increased tolerance value for considering two sky polygons identical. [6805]


- Fixed the KDTree calculation to use only finite source positions to
prevent memory issues on Linux systems. [6765]

- Updated the roundness and sharpness properties to use the source
centroid position instead of the peak position. [6766]

- Updated the catalog metadata. [6813]


- Add command line option to override source type [6720]


- Make ``fit_quality_is_good()`` member private and rename it to
``_is_wcs_correction_small()``. [6781]

- Change default settings for ``searchrad``, ``tolerance``, and ``separation``
parameters for the ``tweakreg`` step. [6809]

- Change default value of ``brightest`` parameter in the ``tweakreg`` step. [6810]




- Add option --force-level1bmodel. [6778]




- Updated reset model to include NINTS, NGROUPS keywords and the subarray.schema [6749]

- Update reset model to include keyword_preadpatt.schema [6769]

- Update rscd model to increase the size of group_skip_table to allow FASTR1, SLOWR1, FASTR100 [6776]


- Read NINTS and NGROUPS from model.meta for reset reference file and data instead of using the
shape of the data to define these values [6749]

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