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- Increase margin at edges of NIRSpec MOS slits to reduce edge effects in resampling. [7976]


- Prevent group candidates from generating level 3 TSO associations. [7982]


- Added tests to see if the data array is changed after runnung the step and
set the default signal_threshold to 25000. [7895]


- Move MIRI MRS residual fringe correction later in the code after normalization by
pixel area of each wavelength plane, and apply residual fringe correction to surface
brightness and background vectors as well as flux. [7980]


- Update the ``combine_fast_slow`` function for NIRSpec spectroscopic flats
to use 1D error values provided by F-flat reference files. [7978]

- For NIRSpec modes, set all DO_NOT_USE pixels to NaN after flat
correction. [7979]


- Ensure that CRPIX1/2 are set to default values for Guiding modes that fail pointing determination [7983]


- Adjust MIRI MRS straylight routine to ensure cross-artifact correction does not
get applied to pedestal dark signal. [7980]




- For MIRS MRS IFU data allow the user to set the src_type and allow
the user to scale the extraction radius between 0.5 to 3.0 FWHM. [7883]

- Bug fix for 7883. The input model type is checked to see if the input is
a single model or a model container. [7965]


- Remove median file output from ``output_dir`` if ``save_intermediate_results``
is set to False. [7961]


- Extend engineering coverage time for guiding modes. [7966]




- Use isinstance instead of comparison with a type for lamp_mode inspection [7801]

- Save bounding box to imaging WCS matching the shape of the data, for datamodels
without a defined bounding box. [7809]

- Update the assignment of "source_id" values for NIRSpec fixed-slit exposures, so
that the slit containing the primary target always has source_id=1 and secondary
slits use a two-digit source_id value that reflects both the primary target in
use and the secondary slit from which the data are extracted. [7879]

- Compute sky position of dithered slit center for MIRI LRS fixed slit data, and
store in dither metadata under ``dithered_ra`` and ``dithered_dec``. [7796]


- Update the Level 3 product name construction for NIRCam coronagraphic data that
get processed through both coron3 and image3, to add the suffix "-image3" to the
product name for the data processed as imaging, in order to prevent duplicate
Level 3 file names from each pipeline. [7826]

- Update the Level 2 spectroscopic ASN rules to exclude any NIRSpec IFU exposures that
use filter/grating combinations known to produce no data on the NRS2 detector.

- Remove order dependency on association diffing. [7853]

- Update the Level 3 association rules for NIRSpec fixed-slit so that observations
the put the primary target in both the S200A1 and S200A2 slits get the data from
those two slits combined into a single final product. [7879]

- Update the Level 3 product name construction for NIRSpec fixed-slit observations
so that both the "source_id" and "slit_name" are left as variables for the
"calwebb_spec3" to populate at execution time. This update required an update to
the handling of the "opt_elem" attribute, so that it now only contains filter
and pupil information, while slit information is contained in the separate
attribute "fxd_slit". [7879]


- Allow background accumulation for combinations of full and subarray observations [7827]


- Run ``pixel_replace`` before setting metadata and suffix of datamodel
that is returned by the pipeline to ensure a file is created with the
expected ``_cal`` suffix. [7772]


- Updated to create output product names for NIRSpec fixed-slit data based on
both the "source_id" and "slit_name" values for each set of slit data, so that
the product name properly reflects the slit from which the data were taken.


- Step was renamed from undersampling_migration. Changed default signal threshold,
added efficient routine to flag neighborhood pixels, added new unit test,
improved earlier unit tests, updated docs. [7825]


- Replace scale1 and scale2 arguments with scalexy, add debug option debug_spaxel,
and add more details to docs. [7783]

- Correct slicer scale and orientation in output WCS for IFU cubes built in internal_cal
coordinates, for NIRSpec calibration analysis. [7811]

- Fix a bug with memory allocation in C extensions when weighting=emsm. [7847]

- Add options to set ra,dec tangent projection center, position angle and size of cube
in tangent plane. [7882]


- Remove ``jwst.datamodels.schema`` in favor of ``stdatamodels.schema`` [7660]

- updated ``stdatamodels`` pin to ``>=1.8.0`` [7854]


- Fixed a reference to the ``ramp_fitting`` module in the user documentation. [7898]


- Check alternative host is alive before attempting to run test for
access to avoid waiting the full timeout during test runs [7780]


- Use ``source_{x/y}pos`` metadata to center extraction region for NIRSpec
(non-IFU) data; use dithered pointing info for MIRI LRS fixed slit data. [7796]


- Updated unit test truth values after NIRCam WFSS transform updates [7851]


- Modify the test_flatfield_step_interface unit test to prevent it from causing
other tests to fail. [7752]


- Require minimum asdf version 2.14.4 [7801]

- Require minimum asdf version 2.15.1 and numpy 1.22 [7861]

- fix various deprecated usages of Numpy 2.0 [7856]

- Add required jsonschema as a dependency [7880]


- Updated documentation for the step parameters [7778]

- Added argument description for three_group_rejection_threshold and
four_group_rejection_threshold [7839].

- Updated argument description and parameter definition to allow
integer number of cores to be passed to STCAL jump.py.
[7871, spacetelescope/stcal183]

- Enable the detection of snowballs that occur in frames that are
within a group. [spacetelescope/stcal207]


- Allow the user to write the 2D expanded version of the user-provided 1D background for each
file in the assocation. [7714]


- Fix naming and logging of intermediate blot files written to disk for imaging modes. [7784]

- Files outlier_i2d and blot files will only show up and remain on disk if
save_intermediary_results=True. [7845]


- Fix interpolation error for point source corrections. [7799]

- Update the MIRI LRS fixed-slit correction to default to the center of the slit
when the computed target location is outside the slit. Add the parameter
"user_slit_loc" to allow specifying the source location to use. [7806]


- Adapt MRS time dependent correction so that it can run successfully on
TSO mode data. [7869]

- Issue a warning when the PIXAR_SR or PIXAR_A2 keywords are not found in the
PHOTOM reference file. [7905]


- Add the minimum gradient method for the MIRI MRS. [7823]

- Corrected ``fit_profile`` algorithm behavior when estimating
flux of pixels centered in spectral trace, fitting normalization
scale independent of flux. [7886]


- Removed unnecessary ramp fitting testing that duplicated testing already done
in STCAL. [7888]

- Added more allowable selections for the number of cores to use for
multiprocessing. [spacetelescope/stcal183]

- Updated variance computation for invalid integrations, as well as
updating the median rate computation by excluding groups marked as
DO_NOT_USE. [spacetelescope/stcal208]


- Modified algorithm of intermittent bad pixels factor to be the number
of sigmas away from mean for the corresponding array (either differences,
means, or standard deviations arrays). [7745]


- Use the same logic for computing input range for resample step from input
image shape and the bounding box both for ``SCI`` image as well as for the
``ERR`` and ``VARIANCE_*`` images. [7774]

- Update the following exposure time keywords: XPOSURE (EFFEXPTM),


- Use scipy.interpolate.BSpline instead of astropy.modeling.Spline1D in
residual_fringe fitting utils [7764]


- Update the WCS calculations for GUIDING modes to match the actual operation
of the different FGS guiding modes. Previously, the algorithm used was the
same for all modes. [7889]


- Issue a warning when the pixelarea meta value is not available for converting
to and from flux density and surface brightness. [7905]


- Changed default signal threshold, added efficient routine to flag neighborhood
pixels, added new unit test, improved earlier unit tests, updated docs. [7740]

- Removed directories for undersampling_correction step, as the step has been
renamed charge_migration. [7850]




- Fixes to account for the fact that the commanded Guide Star position is always
relative to FGS1 even when guiding with FGS2. [7804]




- Fixed potential crash due to empty list for NIRSpec IRS2 mode, and
incorporated a factor to mitigate overcorrection. [7731]




- Update references to datamodels in docs to point to stdatamodels which
now provides datamodels for jwst. [7672]

- Update the ``extract_2d`` step docs to give better descriptions of how to create
and use object lists for WFSS grism image extractions. [7684]

- Remove direct mistune dependency (and approximate pin) and increase minimum
required sphinx-asdf version [7696]

- Fix minor formatting typos in associations docs. [7694]

- Add note to ``calwebb_spec2`` step table to clarify the swapped order of ``photom``
and ``extract_1d`` for NIRISS SOSS data. [7709]


- Added a test to prevent a divide by zero when the numger of usable
groups is less than one. [7723]


- Replace intermittently bad pixels with nearest good reference pixel
for NIRSpec IRS2 mode. [7685]


- Updated to enable proper motion corrections for GAIADR3 catalog positions, based on
the epoch of the observation. [7614]

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