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- Fix NIRISS WFSS FWPOS angle bugs [4653]

- Replaced FITS WCS transforms with GWCS transforms in computing bounding boxes of grisms slits. [4665]


- Update schema-editor to match documentation and clarify execution [4587]

- Remove the init file usage. Way too confusing [4645]


- If the background polynomial contains any Nan Values the mrs_imatch step is skipped [4642]


- Revert "JP-1090: Remove setLevel calls (4621)" [4667]




- A ``ValueError`` is now raised if input data is missing ``xref_sci`` or
``yref_sci`` keywords. [4561]


- Cull Association tests [4610]

- Correct PATTTYPE values in ASN level 3 rules [4570]

- Update act_id format to allow base 36 values in product name [4282]

- Refactor association logging configuration [4510]


- Check output pixel numbers for NaN [4409]


- Update schema-editor to match documentation and clarify execution [4578]

- Force data model type setting on save [4318]

- Deprecate ``MIRIRampModel`` [4328]

- Make ``memmap=False`` be the default in ``datamodels`` [4445]

- Update schemas to add the ``id`` field and switch relative references
from filesystem paths to URIs. Make ``schema_url`` absolute to facilitate
subclassing DataModel with schemas from other asdf extensions. [4435]

- Update core.schema.yaml to include new allowed values for PATTTYPE
[4475, 4517, 4564]

- DataModel.update() now has ``extra_fits=False`` kwarg that controls whether
an update happens from the ``extra_fits`` section of the datamodel. Default
is to stop doing this by default, i.e. ``False``. [4593]

- Add units to filteroffset schema. [4595]

- Updated ``slitdata.schema.yaml`` to include ``SRCRA`` and ``SRCDEC`` for
MOS slitlets to FITS SCI headers. These values are taken from the MOS
metadata file. [4613]

- Many keyword updates to bring us in-sync with KWD. [4602, 4627]

- Update schemas to use transform-1.2.0. [4604]

- Allow FileNotFoundError to be raised. [4605]


- Updated to work with the current output from photom [4369]

- Fixed bug regarding background for NIRSpec or NIRISS (SOSS) point source
spectra. [4459]


- For GRISM data, the variance arrays and INT_TIMES table are copied to output,
and keywords SLTSTRT1 and SLTSTRT2 are set to the pixel location of the
cutout in the input file. [4504]

- A ``ValueError`` is now raised if the input data is missing ``xref_sci`` or
``yref_sci`` keywords. [4561]

- Fix the WCS subarray offsets for NIRCam TSGRISM cutouts [4573]

- Added ``source_ra`` and ``source_dec`` to MSA ``Slit`` with values
from the MSA metadata file. [4613]


- Updated to fill the asn table and asn pool names. [4240]


- Do not overwrite rules with defaults. [4521]


- Check for a zero array before sigma clipping [4598]

- Fix bug and logic pertaining to detecting if the background has been
subtracted or not. [4523]


- Hardwire required pipeline outputs in the pipeline. [4578]

- Added FGS_IMAGE to the exposure types to apply resampling in
calwebb_image2.py [4421]

- Make the naming and writing out of the resampled results to an `i2d` file
in `Image2Pipeline` consistent between config and class invocations [4333]

- Don't try to save the ``cube_build`` result if the step is skipped in the
``calwebb_spec2`` pipeline. [4478]

- Use the `overwrite` option when saving the white-light photometry catalog in
the ``calwebb_tso3`` pipeline. [4493]

- Fixed error in formatting of example ASN file contents in the documents for
the ``calwebb_coron3`` and ``calwebb_ami3`` pipelines. [4496]

- Fixed the ``calwebb_tso3`` calculation of the number_of_integrations recorded
in the photometric table product to avoid ``astropy.table`` merge conflicts.


- Added ``spectral_order`` to the fields matching the ``photom`` reference files
for NIRCAM WFSS and TSGRISM modes. [4538, 4558]


- Interchanged alpha and beta reference arrays; use the DQ extension [4575]

- Fixed bugs in PR 4575; added unit tests [4596]

- Changed the data type of columns OUTPUT and ODD_EVEN in the section of the
schema for the DQ table in the NIRSpec IRS2 refpix reference file [4618]


- First implementation of step. Added third party package (BayesicFitting) to setup.cfg [6211]

- Fixed suffix defined in spec [6347]

- Fixed an error when a filename was give as the input to apply the residual fringe correction [6349]

- Updated residual fringe reference data model to support new delivery of reference files [6357]


- Round S_REGION values in ``set_telescope_pointing`` [4476]


- Remove directory path when populating SCATFILE keyword. [4597]


- Updated logic to populate SRCTYPE in all slit instances of slit-based
data models. [4541]


- Fix sub-step nesting in parameter reference files [4488]


- Removed ``TPCorr`` WCS correction model as it is now defined in ``tweakwcs``
as a compound model of elementary ``astropy`` and ``gwcs`` models. [4790]

- Refactored the WFSS transforms to improve performance. [4603]

- Added ``source_ra`` and ``source_dec`` to the ``Slit`` namedtuple
with default values of 0.0. These are populated from the MSA metadata
file. [4613]


- Improved code to be more resilient to the case when none of the
image groups has valid sources that can be used for image alignment.
Now the code will gracefully skip the ``tweakreg`` step altogether in such
situations. [4299]


- Use float64 data types internally in ``wfs_combine`` so as not to cause an
error in ``scipy.signal.convolve``. [4432]


- A ``ValueError`` is now raised if the input data for ``call`` is missing
``crpix1`` or ``crpix2`` keywords. [4561]




- Refactor target acquisition handling [4254]


- Removed the emission step, documentation, and tests from the jwst package.


- Fixed a bug so that the reference table column "PHOTMJ" is used for NIRSpec IFU
exposures. [4263]

- The pixel area is now gotten from the photom reference file. [4270]


- Fixed bug which produces NaN results when only some input has NaN [4256]




- Updated level 3 rules so that target acquisitions in the pool files are listed as
exp_type = 'target_acquisition', not as science exposures. [4223]


- Updated the list of allowed NIRCam CORONMSK values in model schemas. [4234]

- Updated handling of error arrays for FGS Guider data, which has not been run
through ramp fitting [4309]


- Updated the EngDB web service url in ``engdb_tools``. [4187]


- Updated unit tests to use proper names for the MIRI LRS fixedslit
subarray. [4205]


- Updated ``calwebb_spec3`` to allow for processing of non-TSO
NIRISS SOSS exposures. [4194]


- Updated unit tests for new name of MIRI LRS slitless subarray


- Updated to handle science data and reference files that use the old
'SUBPRISM' name for the MIRI LRS slitless subarray and update the values
to 'SLITLESSPRISM'. [4205]


- Only allow science members in step parameter reference call [4236]

- get_pars returns all available parameters for a step and all sub-steps [4215]


- Added a ``set_telescope_pointing`` test for a NIRCam TSGRISM exposure.


- Updated all transforms to be consistent with astropy v 4.0.
Transform classes define now two class variables - ``n_inputs``
and `n_outputs``. The variables ``inputs`` and ``outputs`` are
now instance variables (previously they were class variables). [4216]



- Remove references to deprecated collections.* ABCs that will be removed in
Python 3.8. [3732]

- Remove ``jwpsf`` module. [3791]

- Update dependencies ``python>=3.6`` and ``numpy>=1.16``. [4134]


- Unit tests were added for the ami_analyze pipeline. [4176]


- This step populates keyword DISPAXIS. [3799]

- For NIRISS WFSS data, the wavelengths were incorrect because the function
for horizontally oriented spectra was called for GR150R, and the function
for vertically oriented spectra was called for GR150C. [3891]

- Update level 3 rules to create image3 associations for FGS_IMAGE exposures [3920]

- Add mir_taconfirm to the target acquisition exp_types [4135]

- Exclude mir_lrs-slitless calibration data from level 3 processing [3990]

- Fix in load_as_asn for UTF-8 errors [3942]

- Update association rules so that MIMF exposures are processed as WFS observations [4034]

- asn_from_list fills the level2 member exptype correctly if the input is a tuple [2942]

- Update rules to make level 3 associations for slitless LRS mode [3940]

- Update rules so that nOPS5 observations with "ALONG-SLIT-NOD" dither
pattern generates level 3 associations [3912]

- Update rules to have NRS_IFU backgrounds in science associations [3824]

- Return filename with extensions based on file type [2671]

- Ensured that all target acqs are processed by Level 2 [3765]

- Add a check that backgrounds are included in level 3 associations [3678]

- Will not constrain on uniqueness of the MSACONFIG keyword [3770]

- Process non-science exposures taken during WFS&C observations [3947]


- Update barshadow position [3897]

- Unit tests were added. [3930]


- Fixed the number of inputs to the spectral WCS - one expected, two were passed. [3827]


- Update to exclude target_acquisitions from processing in the calwebb_tso3 pipeline [3759]


- Schema for the ``WAVE-TAB`` WCS no longer requires fixed-length arrays for
the wavelength "coordinates". The ``'nelem'`` field therefore is no longer
necessary and has been removed. [3976]

- To support outlier detection the blotting from the sky back to the detector was
improved [4301]


- Update to prevent target_acquisitions from processing in the spec3 pipeline [3777]

- Use public API of jsonschema to ease upgrade to 3.x. [3705]

- Fixed corruption of FITS tables with unsigned int columns. [3736]

- Fixed missing TUNITn keywords caused by changes for unsigned int columns. [3753]

- Write ``siaf_xref_sci`` and ``siaf_yref_sci`` to FITS keywords ``XREF_SCI``
and ``YREF_SCI`` for ``NRC_TSGRISM`` exposures. [3766]

- Updated multiexposure.schema to just import slitdata.schema instead of explicitly
specifying all of its attributes. [3809]

- Improved ``properties._cast()`` to be able to handle structured arrays
schemas without a specified (in schema) shape. In addition, ``ndim``
can be used to constrain the dimensionality of data in structured array
fields. [3976]

- Fixed an issue with the fix from [3976] that was affecting "casting" to
data types defined by schema of structured arrays when input values are not
native Python types (tuples). [3995]

- Fixed an issue with the fix from [3995] that was affecting "casting" to
data types defined by schema of structured arrays when input values are
already structured arrays. [4030]

- Added "MIR_TACONFIRM" to the list of allowed EXP_TYPE values in the
keyword schemas. [4039]

- Added new imaging-specific photom reference file data models ``FgsImgPhotomModel``,
``MirImgPhotomModel``, ``NrcImgPhotomModel``, and ``NisImgPhotomModel``. [4052]

- Add EXP_TYPE and P_EXP_TY keywords to new imaging photom reference file
data model schemas. [4068]

- Introduced a flag ``ignore_missing_extensions=True`` to the `DataModel` initializer
which is propagated to the ``asdf.open`` function. It allows control over a warning
asdf issues when opening files written with an extension version older than the
extension version the file was written with. An example message is

``asdf/asdf.py:202: UserWarning: File was created with extension
'astropy.io.misc.asdf.extension.AstropyAsdfExtension' from package astropy-4.0.dev24515,
but older version astropy-3.2.1 is installed``. [4070]

- Added new spectroscopic mode photom reference file data models. [4096]

- Added new imaging mode aperture correction (apcorr) reference file data
models ``FgsImgApcorrModel``, ``MirImgApcorrModel``, ``NrcImgApcorrModel``,
and ``NisImgApcorrModel``. [4168]

- Removed old photom reference file data models. [4173]

- Add support for streaming reference files directly from S3. [4170]


- Updated the documentation and added some logging to the step. [3803]

- Close input files after creating the new outputs. [3828]


- Parameters were added to ``ExtractBase.__init__``, and most of the initialization
is done there rather than in the subclasses. [3714]

- This step uses keyword DISPAXIS. [3799]

- Fixed a bug in ``pixel_area`` when the input is a ``CubeModel``. [3827]

- Computing the solid angle of a pixel is only done for the first integration
of a multi-integration exposure, and it's not done at all for WFSS data


- For grism data, this step copies keyword DISPAXIS from input to output. [3799]

- For NIRCam TSO data, wavelengths are computed and assigned to the
wavelength attribute. [3863]

- Improved the computation of ``S_REGION`` of a slit. [4111]


- For NIRSpec spectroscopic data, the flat_field step needs the dispersion
direction. The step now gets that information from keyword DISPAXIS.
[3799, 3807]

- The test_flatfield_step_interface unit test in test_flatfield.py has been
temporarily disabled. [3997]


- Updated to apply gain factor to variance arrays. [3794]


- Updates to documentation and log messages. [3738]


Function is_irs2 has been removed from x_irs2.py. The version of this function
that is now in lib/pipe_utils.py is used instead. [4054]


- A function to determine the dispersion direction has been added. [3756]

- Function is_irs2 has been added to pipe_utils.py, and unit tests were
added to tests/test_pipe_utils.py. [4054]


- Updated the documentation to include more details. [3776]


- Add unit tests [4022]

- The code was modified to work with the new photom reference files. [4118]

- Two bugs were fixed. For NIRSpec IFU data the code was trying to access
an attribute of a "slit", but there were no slits for this type of data.
For NIRISS extended-source data, the code tried to divide by the pixel
area, but the pixel area was undefined. [4174]

- NRS_BRIGHTOBJ data were incorrectly treated the same as fixed-slit, but
the data models are actually not the same. Also, the logic for pixel area
for fixed-slit data was incorrect. [4179]


- Call is_irs2 from lib/pipe_utils.py instead of using PATTTYPE keyword to
check for IRS2 readout mode. [4054]


- This step uses keyword DISPAXIS and also copies it to output. [3799]


Function is_irs2 has been removed from x_irs2.py. The version of this function
that is now in lib/pipe_utils.py is used instead. [4054]


- Fix ``Step.print_configspec()`` method. Add test. [3768]

- Integrate retrieval of Step parameters from CRDS. [4090]

- Change properties ``Step.pars`` and ``Step.pars_model`` to methods. [4117]

- Fix bug in ``Step.call()`` where a config file referencing another config
file was not merged into the final spec properly. [4161]

- Set ``Step.skip = True`` in ``Step.record_step_status()`` if
``success == False``. [4165]


- Some tests in general/nirspec/ were marked as "expected to fail" because
the new reference files are not being selected. [4180]


- Unit tests were added to tso_photometry. [3909]


- Fixed a bug in a ``try-except`` block in the ``tweakreg`` step. [4133]

- removed original ``jwst.tweakreg`` alignment code and changed step's code
to call similar functionality from ``tweakwcs`` package. [3689]

- Fix deprecated call to photutils.detect_threshold [3982]




- Reverted 3680 and 3709. [3717, 3718]


- Three new unit tests were added. Two existing files were modified to
split the tests into separate functions. [3704]

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