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- Create copy of input datamodel to avoid overwriting input. [5828]

- Convert the ra values to array in util.wrap_ra, but if input is a list return
a list [6031]

- Moved the routine wrap_ra from cube_build to assign_wcs.util. The s_region is
now correct for data that cross ra boundary. [6026]

- Changed evaluation of grism bounding box center from averaged extrema of
transformed bounding box to transformed centroid of source_cat object [5809]

- Added pixel shift to MSA slits due to 0-indexing in NIRSpec slit validation
code, fixing difference between bounding box locations during the separate
halves of assign_wcs runs [5927]

- Added logic to prevent the sending of an empty list of slits to the
validate_open_slits function, so a proper error message is provided to
the user [5939]

- Added computed ``spectral_region`` to ``model.meta.wcsinfo``. [5969]


- Add rule Asn_MIRMRSBackground to treat background as science. [6046]

- Updated level2b WFSS rules to only consider exposures from the same
instrument channel when matching direct images with grism images in
NIRCam WFSS observations. [5786]

- Removed PATTTYPE='None' constraint from Lv3MIRMRS association rule to
generate spec3 associations for undithered MRS observations. [5804]

- Updated level2b WFSS rules to only consider exposures using the same
PUPIL value (cross filter) when matching direct images with grism images
in NIRISS WFSS observations. [5896]

- Updated level2b and level3 TSO rules to exclude exposures with
EXP_TYPE=NRC_TSGRISM and PUPIL=CLEAR, which can result from NIRCam
engineering template observations. [5946]

- Updated level2b NIRSpec FS rules to exclude exposures sharing a primary
dither location from the list of background exposures [5994]


- Remove unused ``SubtractImagesStep`` [5919]

- Added new step parameter to optionally save the combined, average
background image: ``save_combined_background``. [5954]


- Updated documentation to indicate that master_background is applied to
NIRSpec MOS exposures in the calwebb_spec2 pipeline [5913]


- Updated documentation to indicate that master_background is applied to
NIRSpec MOS exposures in the calwebb_spec2 pipeline [5913]


- The ``csv_tools`` subpackage was removed [6006]


- Fixed typo in ``CubeBuildStep`` spec for grating [5839]

- Update code to read in spectral and spatial size of exposure on the sky [5991]

- For calspec2 pipeline skip determining the dq plane in ``cube_build`` [5991]

- Remove certain WCS keywords that are irrelevant after ``cube_build``. [6032]


- Added ``is_star`` to ``slitmeta`` [5788]

- Update keyword comments for NIRSpec grating wheel (GWA) keywords [5844]

- Moved functions in ``dqflags`` and ``dynamic_mask`` to ``stcal`` [5898]

- API change - ``stcal.dqflags.interpret_bit_flags`` and ``stcal.dynamicdq.dynamic_mask``
now require the ``mnemonic_map`` as input. [5898, 5914]

- Implemented new data models ``SpecKernelModel``, ``SpecProfileModel``,
``SpecTraceModel``, and ``WaveMapModel`` for use by new NIRISS SOSS
reference files in optimized 1D extraction [5925]

- Added ``FULLP`` to SUBARRAY enum list in core, subarray,
and keyword_psubarray schemas [5947]

- Moved JWST_[XYZ] and JWST_[DXDYDZ] keywords from primary to SCI extension
header and updated their comment fields to indicate they'll now be in the
barycentric frame. Also added the new OBSGEO[XYZ] keywords to the SCI
extension header, which are in the geocentric frame. [6050]

- Added a new datamodel, ``SegmentationMapModel`` that has an uint32 data array
for storing the segmentation map output from ``source_catalog``. [6051]


- Update documentation, deprecating primary use of CFG files [5901]

- Update pipeline introduction document to include segmentation map (``segm``)
in list of data products [5956]

- Update ``assign_mtwcs`` step docs and reference the ``assign_mtwcs`` step in the
``calwebb_image3`` and ``calwebb_spec3`` pipeline docs [6024]


- Implemented error and variance propagation for all modes but those
utilizing IFU cubes [6014]


- For WFSS removed setting srctype to UNKNOWN; added setting ``is_star`` in slitmeta [5788]

- In NRC_TSGRISM mode replaced FITS WCS keywords with JWST specific ones. [6005]

- Added ``specsys`` to slits. [6005]

- Added the step parameter ``wfss_nbright`` to allow for only the N brightest
objects to be extracted from WFSS exposures. Also changed the name of the
``mmag_extract`` param to ``wfss_mmag_extract``, for consistency with other
WFSS-specific params. [6788]


- Update file naming conventions documentation to clarify when optional components
will be used. [5796]

- Update DQFLAGS table in RTD docs with new definitions for persistence and
ad_floor in bits five and six [5815]

- Update data products, ``calwebb_image3``, and ``source_catalog`` docs to include
information about the segmentation map product [5949]

- Replace documentation references to ambiguous class names with full
paths. [6017]


- Update the step to detect jumps in three and four group integrations [5915].

- Change the default S/N ratio for not flagging neighbors to be a higher value to
better reflect the correct IPC.


- Update ``update_mt_kwds`` function in ``set_telescope_pointing.py`` to populate the TARG_RA/TARG_DEC [5808]

- moved ``basic_utils.multiple_replace`` to stcal. [5898]

- Implemented window clipping algorithm for WFSS contamination corrections. [5978]

- Updated ``set_velocity_aberration`` and ``utc_to_tdb`` to access the JWST
position and velocity keywords from the SCI extension header, rather than the
primary header. [6050]


- Updated documentation to more fully describe the various ways in which the
step is applied [5913]


- Outlier detection on non-dithered images is implemented with a simple sigma
clipping, dithered outlier detection cleaned up and HST specific steps removed
and additional tests added. [5822]


- Refactoring OLS code for ramp fitting to improve readability and maintenance.
Also, reference to ``nreads`` is being removed and replaced with ``ngroups``
to remove and confusion on functionality. [5872]

- Refactoring ramp fit code separating OLS and GLS code into their own file. [5951]

- Refactoring ramp fit code in preparation for moving code to STCAL. [6010]

- Moved ramp fit code to STCAL. [6023]

- Now that ramp fitting has been moved to STCAL, for the JWST unit tests to
pass need to use STCAL 0.2.1 or greater. The bug fix for JP-1920 were made
in STCAL, which affected JWST unit tests for ramp fitting. [6038]


- Added code to handle NIR subarrays that use 4 readout amplifiers. Uses and
applies reference pixel signal from available amplifiers and side reference
pixel regions, including odd-even column separation if requested [5926]

- Fixed a bug introduced in 5926 that affected refpix calibration of 1-amp NIR
subarrays [5937]

- Added regression test and unit test for NIR 4-amp subarray correction [5967]


- Fix ``resample_spec`` output size from input images crossing RA=0 [5929]

- Propagate variance arrays into ``SlitModel`` used as input for ``ResampleSpecStep`` [5941]

- Remove certain WCS keywords that are irrelevant after resampling. [5971]

- Propagate error and variance arrays in ``ResampleStep`` for imaging data. [6036]

- Propagate error and variance arrays in ``ResampleSpecStep`` for 2D spectral data [6041]

- Record ``pixel_scale_ratio`` and ``pixfrac`` from ``ResampleStep`` in header
keywords PXSCLRT and PIXFRAC, respectively, or ``meta.resample.pixel_scale_ratio``
and ``meta.resample.pixfrac``. [6044]


- Updated the concentration indices to be calculated as flux ratios
instead of magnitude differences. The CI column names have also been
renamed to list the larger EE first, e.g. ``CI_50_30``. [5810]

- Aperture-corrected total fluxes and magnitudes are now computed for
all sources. [5996]

- Photometric errors are now computed using the new resampled total
error array. [5997]

- The ``nn_dist`` column was replaced by a ``nn_label`` column
indicating the label number of the nearest neighbor. [5998]

- The ``is_star`` column was replaced by a ``is_extended`` column with
inverted boolean values. [6018]

- Circular aperture sizes now scale in the case of non-native pixel
scales in the resampled image. [6045]

- Segmentation map output dtype is now ``uint32`` [6051]


- Added section for WFSS mode data to set srctype based on ``is_star`` value [5788]


- Added ``is_star`` to GrismObject [5788]


- Fix a bug due to ``models_grouped`` now returning ``odict_values`` instead
of lists. [6022]

- Updated documentation to include the new "rshift" option for fit geometry [5899]


- Implemented basic step structure to apply WFSS contamination corrections, along with
the necessary grism library modules [5508]




- Added spectral frames to the output WCS frame of TSO and WFSS observations. [5771]


- Ignore duplicate product names while handling Level 2 associations [5780]

- Constraint added to Asn_Lv3Coron to remove background exposures [5781]


- Determine the background using sigma clipping of entire extended region for
extended source IFU data [5743]


- Make inverse variance ``weight_type="ivm"`` the default weighting scheme for
multiple exposures resampled into a single output. [5738]




- Fixed a bug which caused the step to fail with ``MultiSlitModel`` input. [5758]


- Added velocity aberration-corrected frame ``'v2v3vacorr'`` to the WCS
pipeline which takes into account DVA effects. [5602]

- Renamed MIRI frame ``'V2_V3_spatial'`` to ``'v2v3_spatial'`` and
``'V2_V3_vacorr_spatial'`` to ``'v2v3vacorr_spatial'``. Added axes names
to the ``'v2v3'`` frame for ``nircam``, ``niriss``, ``miri``, and ``fgs``.
Renamed axes for ``nirspec`` from ``V2`` and ``V3`` to
``v2`` and ``v3``. [5765]

- Changed units of the ``'v2v3'`` frame for ``nircam`` from ``u.deg`` to
``u.arcsec`` [5765]


- Warn about duplicate product names and do not write duplicate associations [5721]

- Added new Lvl2 rule, Asn_Lv2NRSLAMPImage, to run Image2 pipeline for NRSLAMP
exposures with OPMODE=image [5740]


- Pull source_id from input x1d headers (from source_catalog) to populate
c1d output headers [5759]


- Added support for cross-dichroic configurations [5722]

- Added infrastructure to support NIRSpec opaque + grating options to build lamp mode data [5757]

- When building MIRI internal_cal type cubes removed the requirement that cdelt1=cdelt2 [5757]


- Updated keyword_readpatt, core, preadpatt schemas for new MIRI detector
readout patterns 'FASTR1', 'FASTR100' and 'SLOWR1' [5670]

- Added extr_x and extr_y to multispec datamodel. These values are center
of extraction region for IFU data [5685]

- Added segmentation map output file name to core schema keywords, under
keyword 'SEGMFILE' [5730]

- Added '1LOS' to PATTTYPE enum list in core.schema datamodel [5728]

- Added 'IMAGE' to OPMODE enum list [5745]

- Added source_id to combinedspec and multicombinedspec schemas to populate
combine1d output headers [5759]


- Adding writing SRCTYPE, EXTR_X, and EXTR_Y to extracted spec for IFU data [5685]

- Only update the output x1d data using the PRIMARY input data. Prevents SCI data in x1d data [5694]

- Fixed bug in background region fitting for image columns/rows that have zero weight
for all pixels [5696]


- Fix premature model closing in group_scale_step [5692]


- Make EngDB_Value public for JSDP use [5669]

- Update code in ``set_velocity_aberration.py`` functions based on Colin Cox
suggestions: simplify DVA scale computation and improve apparent ``RA`` and
``DEC`` aberrated position computation. Also, attributes ``ra_offset`` and
``dec_offset`` of ``datamodel.meta.velocity_aberration`` have been renamed to
``va_ra_ref`` and ``va_dec_ref`` and their corresponding FITS keywords
have been renamed from ``DVA_RA`` and ``DVA_DEC`` to
``VA_RA`` and ``VA_DEC``. [5666]

- Make get_wcs_values_from_siaf public for JSDP use [5669]


- Remove hard-coded MRS outlier detection values now that a parameter reference
file exists. [5753]


- Fixed handling of NIRSpec IFU extended source data, so that the flux
calibration gets converted to surface brightness [5761]


- Empty remaining cfg files of any content [5766]

- Remove references to Numpy globals ``np.int``, ``np.float``, ``np.bool`` and
``np.str`` in the package. [5769]


- Fixed bug in handling NGROUPS=2 exposures for pixels that saturate in group 2.
Proper slope, err, and other quantities are now computed from the good data
in group 1. [5700]

- Update documentation to define optimal weighting algorithm [5682]


- Added the segmentation map as an output data file, with
suffix "segm". [5730]


- Changed default SRCTYPE for non-primary NIRSpec slits in a FIXEDSLIT
exposure to 'EXTENDED' rather than 'POINT' [5671]

- Changed logic for handling NIRSpec MOS exposures to blank out the "global"
value of SRCTYPE, to ensure that only the individual slit-specific values
of SRCTYPE get used downstream. [5754]


- Make jwst.stpipe independent of the rest of the jwst package and move
core code to spacetelescope/stpipe. [5695, 5720, 5752]



- Update documentation introduction to include installation and CRDS setup
instructions. [5659]


- Fixed code error in combine1d, creating extensions per spectral order
with the same input data [5644]


- Fix a bug in estimating the max number of segments that will be needed
to fit any pixel [5653]


- Update the check in set_telescope_pointing that determines whether an
exposure is TSO mode to always consider hardwired TSO EXP_TYPEs as TSO,
regardless of TSOVISIT and NINTS settings. [5657]


- Fixed error causing multi-segment data to reject int_times
for MJDs [5566]




- JWSTDMS-410 Asn_Lv2NRSLAMPSpectral: Break out the negative cases [5635]

- Update MIRI LRS-Fixedslit ALONG-SLIT-NOD backgrounds strategies [5620]


- Do not allow variables defined in spec (part of the cube_build_step class) to
be changed, to allow calspec2 to loop over a list of files and run the
pipeline. [5603]


- Updated schemas for new keywords CROWDFLD, PRIDTYPE, PRIDTPTS, PATTNPTS, SMGRDPAT,
changed name of SUBPXPNS to SUBPXPTS, and new allowed values for PATTTYPE. [5618]


- Added DO_NOT_USE to pixels flagged as NON_SCIENCE for non-NIRSpec data [5601]


- Account for the background subtracted data in the blot image for determining
the noise image used in flagging outliers [5601]


- Updated to populate XREF_SCI, YREF_SCI keywords for all exposures with
TSOVISIT=True, not just NRC_TSGRISM mode. [5616]




- Output FITS now contains separate combine1d extensions for each spectral
order present in the data [5204]


- Tweaked pixel wavelength preselection range to avoid truncation at the ends
of the cubes. [5598]


- Fix missing CHANNEL entry in distortion reffile schema. [5553]


- For IFU data (NIRSpec and MIRI) the extraction radius is now a varying size
based on wavelength. The apcorr correction is a function of wavelength and
radius size. Fixes a bug in units conversion for applying the apcorr correction.
The units are now correctly converted from arcseconds to pixels. Added an
new method to apply the apcorr correction for IFU data. [5506]


- Removed all unnecessary parameter settings from cfg files for all steps
and pipelines, and removed references to step config files from most
pipeline modules (only kept those that are necessary for intended
functionality). [5574]


- Fixed a bug due to which sky matching may fail under certain circumstances
such as using 'mode' statistics on a single pixel (after sigma-clipping). [5567]


- Removed unused LinearPipeline class. [5590]

- Fixed bugs in wavecorr. [5570]

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