<td align="center">Windows x64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.3.9.258/MeshLibDist_v2.3.9.258.zip">zip</a>
<td align="center">Ubuntu 20 LTS x64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.3.9.258/meshlib_v2.3.9.258_ubuntu20-dev.deb">deb</a>
<td align="center">Ubuntu 20 LTS arm64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.3.9.258/meshlib_v2.3.9.258_ubuntu20-arm64-dev.deb">deb</a>
<td align="center">Ubuntu 22 LTS x64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.3.9.258/meshlib_v2.3.9.258_ubuntu22-dev.deb">deb</a>
<td align="center">Ubuntu 22 LTS arm64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.3.9.258/meshlib_v2.3.9.258_ubuntu22-arm64-dev.deb">deb</a>
<td align="center">Fedora 37 x64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.3.9.258/meshlib_v2.3.9.258-dev.rpm">rpm</a>
<td align="center">MacOS x64 (Intel)</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.3.9.258/meshlib_v2.3.9.258_x64.pkg">x64 pkg</a>
<td align="center">MacOS arm (Apple Silicon)</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.3.9.258/meshlib_v2.3.9.258_arm.pkg">arm pkg</a>
What's Changed
* Allow changing default measurement visibility. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2206
* Add a boolean to lock the object's parent. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2213
* optionally return left mesh from trimWithPlane by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2211
* SurfacePointWidget :: add custom modifyers and point size in pixels by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2212
* Local Triangulations: compute oppositely oriented; fix orientLocalTriangulations by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2217
* Find common ancestor by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2214
* Exposed BuildSettings for building a mesh from numpy by emil-peters in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2218
* Open document function by rodion-orlov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2216
* Plane widget default shift by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2220
* Introduce SceneRootObject MIC2880 MIC3276 MIC3277 by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2215
* Fix main window focus after file dialog on macOS (MIC3338) by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2219
* add pointsSelectionChangedSignal signal by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2221
* added functions to find point cloud components by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2203
* Functional version of orientLocalTriangulations by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2222
* Fix null pointer dereference on Wasm by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2224
* Fix incorrect zlib usage by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2223
* Allocate buffers for zlib in heap by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2225
* Add decimate autotests by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2190
* Minor fixes for features (MeshInspector/MeshInspectorCode3361). by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2227
* Subdivide test by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2228
* Auto orient local triangulations without point normals by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2229
* Suppress warning C4686 by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2230
* Implement makeOrientedNormals via autoOrientLocalTriangulations by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2231
* Tweak colors for measurements in light theme. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2235
* MIC3362 add points and lines in dense box by egrebenchenko in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2233
* fix emplace_back by egrebenchenko in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2236
* Use std::hash specializations for more convenience by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2237
* Update readme.md for linux build by rodion-orlov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2240
* Add Polyline::edgePoint(EdgePoint) and expose all edgePoints to python by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2241
* Polyline<V>::toEdgePoint by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2242
* Write trimWithPlane for point clouds by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2243
* Delone fix for degenerate triangles by rodion-orlov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2245
* autoOrientLocalTriangulations: return repeated triangles by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2238
* 3393 Support picker in point cloud mode / Add ObjectPoints and ObjectLines support in SurfacePointWidget and SurfaceContoursWidget by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2244
* 3393 Support picker in point cloud mode / add include <optional> for fix ubuntu 22 builds by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2248
* Bump tj-actions/branch-names from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2210
* bump actions *-artifact from v3 to v4 by MaxRayskiy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2159
* Bump vcpkg to 2024.02.14 by meshinspector-bot in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2249
* bit set parallel for all ranged by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2247
* Clip plane affects labels (fully show/hide by pivot point) by rodion-orlov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2250
* findAvgPointsRadius now computes actually average radius by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2252
* Export color map in OBJ format (MIC3405) by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2253
* Make public addPoint, removePoint and closeContour methods for Contours Widget by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2254
* Point Cloud improvements by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2256
* Triangulation: use given number of nearest neighbors instead of fixed radius by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2255
* Add unreachable macro variant w/o return statement by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2257
* detectFlatShading: decide by area near sharp edges by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2258
* Test artifacts upload by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2234
* Clickable object names. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2251
* findBoundaryPoints: moved in TriangulationHelpers and implemented via local triangulation by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2259
* Need pick in front points in Point Clouds only in features. Skip point with backfaces. fix MeshInspector/MeshInspectorCode3428 by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2260
* Expose mesh normals to python and to numpy by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2261
* update plane size ; fix 3407 by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2262
* Adjust name visuals. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2265
* Serialize point size and line width. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2263
* `renderUi()` objects now block `onMouseDown` events. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2264
* Find available custom themes by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2266
* Adjust default point and line sizes. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2268
* python/test/cutMeshWithPlane by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2271
* ImGuiMenu.h does not include MRViewer.h by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2272
* filterNeighbors: avoid hang due to very large maxRadius by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2273
* extract FrameCounter from Viewer by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2275
* TriangulatedFanData: queue member to avoid allocations for each point by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2274
* Object::hasVisualRepresentation() by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2276
* added method getLargestComponents for search largest components of point cloud by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2277
* Change default splash screen minimum time by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2278
* Doc fix for Offset SigneDetectionMode by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2279
* A saner `VisualizeMaskType`. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2280
* FanOptimizer: put in queue only unstable elements by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2283
* Expose movement body to python 2281 by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2284
* Improve points sampling by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2285
* Fix showname deser by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2287
* Adjust object name rendering. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2289
* Color theme fixes by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2290
* improveSampling: more output options by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2288
* Better angle visualization. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2291
* Add degenerate faces check to decimate and subdivide test by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2292
* Add offset autotest 2 by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2269
* Section polylines by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2282
* Load point colors from .asc format by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2293
* fix conversion Vector4 from Color by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2294
* optional return of new vertices by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2295
* Fix light theme colors for measurements and object names. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2299
* Fix `typeid` comparisons on Mac. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2300
* pointsToDistanceVolume by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2298
* Stich holes test by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2301
* fix 2303 : Refine problem in cylinder by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2304
* Remove hack in Logger::getLogFileName() for Apple by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2302
* add setRenderDiscretizationSignal by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2305
* Add toolbar upgrade mechanism by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2297
* Add fill hole test by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2306
* Comment and improve assert in marching cubes by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2308
* Transition feature rendering to custom renderobjects. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2307
* fix 3506 fix 2309 orientate planes using global coordinate system x y ze by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2310
* Expose straighten boundary to python by emil-peters in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2232
* Make `RenderDefaultUiObject` non-template. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2314
* Use native file dialogs on macOS (MIC3511) by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2311
* Section polylines iii by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2316
* pointsFusion: adjust points' weights by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2315
* added safe method for getting all point cloud components by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2313
* Move uncillary objects to mrmesh by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2319
* pointsToMeshFusion: support colors by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2321
* volumeToMesh: fix out-of-range error by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2323
* Object::hasModel() method by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2324
* Add test for correct type cast on macOS (MIC2431) by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2312
* MRSceneStateCheck.h: reduce the number of includes by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2325
* MRObjectPointsHolder.h does not include MRPointCloud.h by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2326
* MRObjectLinesHolder.h does not include MRPolyline.h by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2327
* MRDistanceMapParams.h does not include MRMesh.h by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2328
* MRSerializer.h and MRSceneSelectionChange.h do not include MRObject.h by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2329
* Force X11 usage on Linux by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2322
* Improve custom OpenCASCADE build support by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2286
* fix 3371 boundary widget by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2331
* Fix 2335 setup z scale as ( scale x + scale y ) / 2 for plane feature by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2336
* Bake subfeatures in feature render objects. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2318
* fix raytracing on GPU by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2337
* Speed up reading ASC files (MIC3503) by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2317
* Fix triangulation optimizer normalization weights by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2338
* fix mesh and lines getAllComponents by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2330
* add emit signal on change parent by egrebenchenko in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2333
* Remove obsolete dependencies on macOS by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2339
* Add cooldown period for the CPR unit tests by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2340
* highlight selected primitives count in menu by red color by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2342
* Optimize local triangulation building by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2341
* Add make bridge func to Python by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2332
* display volume on information tab by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2343
* Settings window enhancements by rodion-orlov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2344
* Add makeBridge autotest by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2345
* Fix progress callback for ASC file reading by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2348
* MIC3540 color BoundingBox depends on the color theme by egrebenchenko in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2346
* Rework Ubuntu build process by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2185
* FanOptimizer: comments and minor optimizations by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2349
* Enable deleting groups in side menu by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2347
* No python with MeshViewer app by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2350
* Numeric labels next to feature names. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2351
* Update command lines args parsing by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2353
* Add registration test by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2354
* Configure Partial builds by meshinspector-bot in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2355
* subdivideMesh: target mesh by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2359
* Add projectionMethods to features by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2356
* MIC3572 correcting the model global basis by egrebenchenko in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2357
* SubdivideSettings::projectOnOriginalMesh by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2362
* Show details on feature name tags on the same line. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2363
* Ray mesh intersect with point by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2365
* Show line direction instead of delta. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2367
* Switching to new test set with rediced size by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2368
* allow to skip some build configs by MaxRayskiy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2360
* Fix embedded python reimport by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2369
* use github cache for s3 datatests by MaxRayskiy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2370
* MRISceneStateCheck.h introduced by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2372
* Move HistoryStore to MRViewer by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2373
* MRAppendHistory.h does not include "MRViewer.h" by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2374
* Small Settings fixes by rodion-orlov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2366
* Mesh components of undirected edges by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2376
* Reformat CMake files by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2377
* Visually shorter cylinder and cone feature axis. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2379
* MeshTopology::flipOrientation( const UndirectedEdgeBitSet * fullComponents ) by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2380
* MIC3612 Convert color to gray scale after load by egrebenchenko in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2378
* Plane normal as a 3D arrow. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2381
* Unify reading from plain text point formats (MIC3596) by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2382
* Add new2old faces map to embedStructureInTerrain by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2384
* Add transparent checkbox in screenshot tool MIC3618 by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2386
* Cone :: Fitting is buggy. Both points and best fit. fix 3616 by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2383
* Load quadrangles from .off files by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2387
* Better triangulation of regular grids by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2389
* Better feature visualization by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2388
* fix 3407 Lines :: features after create must exact fit picket points or sele by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2394
* Bugfix return actions according to history until the holes disappear immediatly create feature in boundary mode. fix 3544 by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2390
* Neighborhood triangulation: check aspect ratio for boundary triangles as well as for inner ones by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2393
* Add xyz conversion test by Chernobrovkin-AD in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2391
* Load MISON format MIC3593 by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2392
* Display shortcuts with 'Super' modifier, fix Mac shortcut by rodion-orlov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2385
* Mesh::fromFaceSoup by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2395
* Fix excluding backfaces in screen selection by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2397
* Add duplicate non-manifold vertices param in numpy meshbuild MIC3604 by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2398
* Measurement renderobjects by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2364
* Fix plane normal rendering on non-identity parent xfs. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2399
* Cuda version of PointsToDistanceVolume by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2396
* Refactor reading STEP model files by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2358
* Don't show sphere radius in point picker. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2403
* Fix missing OpenCASCADE library dependencies by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2400
* Fix Python module build by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2401
* add pointsToDistanceVolumeCallback to CudaAccessor by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2404
* Fix embed structure to terrain same plane structure by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2402
* Feature render settings. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2405
* Render measurments using new renderobjects. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2407
* Restore missing object names. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2408
* Remove excess checks by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2410
* Fix moving object with parent transformation by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2412
* ML update for fix 3632 :: getLocalBasis for Planes by egorbovskoy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2411
* Return invalid box from `getWorldBox()` for features, instead of an i… by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2409
* Add customization for feature decorations. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2414
* Add mappings in plane division functions by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2415
* Fix local triangulation infinite loops by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2417
* Temporarily disable color support for STEP files by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2416
* Use precompiled header for Emscripten builds by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2406
* De-inline palette's default colors by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2420
* Use PCH for Clang>=15 builds by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2419
* Do not alarm in case of empty tree usage by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2426
* Render pass mask. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2421
* Fix subfeature visibility setting. by adalisk-emikhaylov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2427
* Introduce iteration for bitsets in python MIC3458 by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2428
* MIC3663 Change links for documentation by vshlobin-mi in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2429
* MIC3603 CTRL+A in Select Primitives should select all primitives by egrebenchenko in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2424
* Temporarily disable STEP document structure support by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2430
* Add Reset Settings function by rodion-orlov in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2432
* Expose findUndercuts to python by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/2434
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/compare/v2.3.8.148...v2.3.9.258