<td align="center">Windows x64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.2.0/MeshLibDist_v2.2.0.zip">zip</a>
<td align="center">Ubuntu 20 LTS x64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.2.0/meshlib_v2.2.0_ubuntu20-dev.deb">deb</a>
<td align="center">Ubuntu 20 LTS arm64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.2.0/meshlib_v2.2.0_ubuntu20-arm64-dev.deb">deb</a>
<td align="center">Ubuntu 22 LTS x64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.2.0/meshlib_v2.2.0_ubuntu22-dev.deb">deb</a>
<td align="center">Ubuntu 22 LTS arm64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.2.0/meshlib_v2.2.0_ubuntu22-arm64-dev.deb">deb</a>
<td align="center">Fedora 37 x64</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.2.0/meshlib_v2.2.0-dev.rpm">rpm</a>
<td align="center">MacOS x64 (Intel)</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.2.0/meshlib_v2.2.0_x64.pkg">x64 pkg</a>
<td align="center">MacOS arm (Apple Silicon)</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/MeshInspector/Meshlib/releases/download/v2.2.0/meshlib_v2.2.0_arm.pkg">arm pkg</a>
What's Changed
* Fix simbol contours with offset by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1388
* relaxKeepVolume: reduce memory consumption by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1389
* Toolpath selective by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1390
* GcodeVisualizer: added support specific 5 axis machine by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1385
* added rotation tool visual direction by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1393
* Generate mesh with voxel value getter by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1394
* Use vcpkg binary cache from aws s3 by MaxRayskiy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1391
* thickenMesh: precise boundaries of open mesh by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1392
* Add movementbody mesh creation by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1395
* Convert voxel volumes to mesh by parts by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1396
* add scaling on corners for makeMovementBuildBody function by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1398
* thickenMesh: ignore degenerate boundary faces by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1397
* CudaFastWindingNumber: move cudaSetDevice in prepareData_ by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1399
* checks the error code after CUDA function execution by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1400
* fastWindingNumberFromGridKernel: execute by slices by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1401
* Vector3d calcOrientedArea( const EdgeLoop & loop, const Mesh & mesh ); by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1404
* implement all ParallelFor functions via one by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1405
* Use body to trajectory transform instead of inverse one in movementbody by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1406
* Report progress from FastWindingNumber::calcFromGrid by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1407
* find mesh edges in ball by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1408
* Cuda::FastWindingNumber::calcFromGridWithDistances: execute by z-slices, and report the progress by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1409
* Edge selection fixes by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1411
* Fix triangle intersection with no edge-tri pairs by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1410
* Gcode: support 6 axis machine (work line ncviewer.com) by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1403
* Cuda::DynamicArray methods to return error codes by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1412
* CudaFastWindingNumber: return any Cuda error to the caller by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1414
* Toolpath selective ii by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1413
* Support new podofo by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1415
* Fix PDF test on mac by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1418
* CudaAccessor introduced; CUDA memory in GetSystemInfoJson() by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1419
* Toolpath selective iii by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1420
* Wasm unavailable plugins by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1422
* Move ProgressInterrupter in a separate header to reduce openvdb inclusions in popular headers by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1423
* Split MRFloatGrid.h on heavy and light headers by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1424
* Reduce MRPch.pch size by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1425
* Suppress deprecates string convert on mac clang by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1427
* MacOs default mouse controls change by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1426
* Cuda WindingNumber: select optimal number of threads per block by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1428
* Update using CNC settings by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1417
* use special place for release table by MaxRayskiy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1431
* Warn user about signed zero behavior by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1430
* CUDA: activate read-only cache by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1432
* Projection with CUDA: use maxThreadsPerBlock=640 by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1433
* use CUDA_EXEC( func ) in place of logError( func, __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1435
* fix GcodeProcessor with disabled A, B, C and fix save and load default CNC settings by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1434
* CUDA: check error after each kernel run by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1436
* add option for bypass direction in toolpaths by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1437
* Renaming of marching cubes related stuff by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1439
* MRSerializer.h: add support for Matrix2f and AffineXf2f by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1440
* Detailed error for 403 error on requests by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1438
* Improve meshlib numpy usage by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1441
* Optimize extract isolines by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1445
* Better retina support by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1446
* extractIsolines( VertToFloatFunc ) by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1448
* Win workflow: run on 2019 and 2022, use only vcpkg cache by MaxRayskiy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1443
* Add load mesh from regular XYZ format by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1450
* use libharu instead of podofo by MaxRayskiy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1444
* added feedrate idle by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1449
* added auto size for default tool in GcodeVisualizer by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1451
* Load text formats as points by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1452
* introduce VertScalars typedef by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1453
* computeSteepestDescentPath by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1455
* Read Tif files update by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1456
* Better support degenerated edges in polyline boolean by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1459
* Suppress more warnings from Eigen and Boost by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1457
* Update distr test workflow by MaxRayskiy in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1458
* extractXYPlaneSections(...) by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1460
* fix applying transforms to the toolpaths by astrowander in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1461
* Fix triangle order from OBJ meshes by oitel in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1462
* TriPoint/EdgePoint: operator == and function same by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1463
* fix some bugs in GcodeProcessor by ABSitf in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1466
* MeshEdgePoint/MeshTriPoint have valid indication, no need in optional wrapper by Fedr in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1465
* Read model transform from geotiff by Grantim in https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/pull/1464
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MeshInspector/MeshLib/compare/v2.1.9...v2.2.0