🐛 Fixes
- Fix for python 3.12 when using `CAP.caps2surf`.
- Changes in pathlib.py in Python 3.12 results in an error message format change. The error message now includes
quotes (e.g., "not 'Nifti1Image'") instead of the previous format without quotes ("not Nifti1Image"). This issue
arises when using ``neuromaps.transforms.mni_to_fslr`` within CAP.caps2surf() as neuromaps captures the error as a
string and checks if "not Nifti1Image" is in the string to determine if the input is a NifTI image. As a patch,
if the error occurs, a temporary .nii.gz file is created, the statistical image is saved to this file, and it is
used as input for neuromaps.transforms.mni_to_fslr. The temporary file is deleted after use. Below is the code
implementing this fix.
Fix for python 3.12, saving stat map so that it is path instead of a NifTi
gii_lh, gii_rh = mni152_to_fslr(stat_map, method=method, fslr_density=fslr_density)
except TypeError:
Create temp
temp_nifti = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".nii.gz")
Potential error due to changes in pathlib.py in Python 3.12 causing the error
message to output as "not 'Nifti1Image'" instead of "not Nifti1Image", which
neuromaps uses to determine if the input is a Nifti1Image object.
Converting stat_map into a temporary nii.gz file (which will be automatically
deleted afterwards) at {temp_nifti.name}
Ensure file is closed
Save temporary nifti to temp file
nib.save(stat_map, temp_nifti.name)
gii_lh, gii_rh = mni152_to_fslr(temp_nifti.name, method=method, fslr_density=fslr_density)
- Final patch is for strings in triple quotes. The standard textwrap module is used to remove the indentations at each
new line.